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The view described below may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.:

Panoramic view of Yellowstone National Park; 18 by 21 inches; scale, 3 miles to the inch. Price, 25 cents.1

This view is based on accurate surveys and gives an excellent idea of the configuration of the surface as it would appear to a person flying over it. The meadows and valleys are printed in light green, the streams and lakes in light blue, the cliffs and ridges in brown tints, and the roads in light brown. The lettering is printed in light brown and is easily read on close inspection, but merges into the other colors when the sheet is held at some distance.

1May be purchased by personal application to the office of the superintendent of the park at Mammoth Hot Springs, but that office can not fill mail orders.


Topographic maps of the park and adjacent areas may be purchased from the Director of the Geological Survey, Washington, D. C., at the prices indicated below, postage prepaid. Remittances should be made by cash or money order.

Map of Yellowstone National Park, size 28-1/2 by 32 inches; scale, 2 miles to the inch. Price, 25 cents.1

The roads, trails, and names are put in black, the streams and lakes in blue, and the relief is indicated by brown contour lines.

1May be purchased by personal application to the office of the superintendent of the park at Mammoth Hot Springs, but that office can not fill mail orders.

The areas north, east, and south of the park are mapped on the atlas sheets of the Geological Survey listed below. These maps should be ordered by the names of the atlas sheets. They are printed in the same colors as the large map of the park described above.

Area north of park: Livingston sheet, scale 4 miles to the inch. Price, 10 cents.

Area east of park: Crandall and Ishawooa sheets, scale, 2 miles to the inch. Price, 10 cents each.

Area south of park: Mount Leidy and Grand Teton sheets; scale, 2 miles to the inch. Price, 10 cents each.



Government publications on Yellowstone National Park may be obtained as indicated below. Separate communications should be addressed to the officers mentioned.


The following publications may be obtained free on written application to the Director of the National Park Service or by personal application to the office of the superintendent of the park:

Glimpses of Our National Parks. 48 pages.

Contains descriptions of the most important features of the principal national parks.

Automobile road map of Yellowstone National Park.

Shows the park road system, hotels, camps, free public auto camp grounds, garages, superintendent's office, routes to the park, etc. Also contains the automobile regulations.

Map of National Parks and Monuments.

Shows location of all the national parks and monuments administered by the National Park Service and all railroad routes to the reservations.


The following publications may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at the prices given, postage prepaid. Remittances should be made by money order or in cash:

National Parks Portfolio, by Robert Sterling Yard. 260 pages, including 270 illustrations. Pamphlet edition, loose in flexible cover, 35 cents; book edition, containing same material securely bound in cloth, 55 cents.

Contains nine sections, each descriptive of a national park and one larger section devoted to other national parks and monuments.

Geological History of Yellowstone National Park, by Arnold Hague, 24 pages, including 10 illustrations, 10 cents.1

This pamphlet coatains a general resume of the geologic forces that have been active in the Yellowstone National Park.

Geysers, by Walter Harvey Weed, 32 pages, Including 23 Illustrations, 10 cents,1

In this pamphlet is a description of the forces which have produced the geysers, and the geysers of the Yellowstone are compared with those in Iceland and New Zealand.

Fossil Forests of the Yellowstone National Park, by F. H. Knowlton, 32 pages, including 15 illustrations, 10 cents.1

This pamphlet contains descriptions of the fossil forests of the Yellowstone National Park and an account of their origin.

1May be purchased by personal application to the office of the superintendent of the park at Mammoth Hot Springs, but that office can not fill mail orders.

Fishes of the Yellowstone National Park, by W. C. Kendall (Bureau of Fisheries Document 818). 28 pages, including 17 illustrations, 5 cents.

Contains descriptions of the species and lists of streams where found.


ALLEN, E. F. A Guide to the National Parks of America, 1915, 286 pages.

BARNES, O. P. Fly fishing in wonderland, by Klahowya, 1910, 56 pp., illustrated.

BARTH, THEODOR. Amerikanisch Eindruck, 1907, 117 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 62-67.

BRYCE, JAMES. University and historical addresses, 1913. 433 pp.

National parks—The need of the future on pp. 389-406.

CAMPBELL, REAU. Complete guide and descriptive book of the Yellowstone Park, 1909. 173 pp., illustrated,

CHITTTENDEN H. M. The Yellowstone National Park, historical and descriptive, 1915. 350 pp., illustrated.

CRONAU, RUDOLF. Im wilden Westen. 1890. 383 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 163-185; Yosemite on pp. 259-275.

DUMBELL, K. E. M. California and the Far West, 1914, 198 pages.

Yellowstone on pp. 83-90.

DUNRAVEN, EARL OF. The Great Divide: Travels in the Upper Yellowstone in summer of 1874, 1876. 377 pp., illustrated. Reprinted in 1917 under title of Hunting in the Yellowstone, edited by Horace Kephart, 333 pp.

A good description of the park in its early days.

FINCK, H. T. Pacific coast scenic tour. 1890. 309 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 279-293.

FOUNTAIN, PAUL. The eleven eaglets of the West, London, 1906. 362 pp.

An account of travels in 11 Western States and Territories Yellowstone Park on pp. 173-195.

GUNNISON, ALMON. Rambles Overland. 1884. 245 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 27-82.

HALLAHAN, D. F. Tourists in the Northwest, 1914, 151 pages.

Yellowstone on pp. 42-86.

HARRISON, CARTER H. A summer's outing and the old man's story. 1891. 297 pp., illustrated

Yellowstone on pp. 15-81.

HAYNES, JACK E. Guide to the Yellowstone National Park. Published annually, 200 pp., illustrated.

HERBERTSON F. D. and A. J. Descriptive geography from original sources: North America, 1901, 252 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 171-180.

HESSE-WARTEGG ERNEST VON. Nord-Amerika: Seine Städte und Naturwunder. 3 vols. 1880.

Yellowstone in vol. 2, pp. 228-242.

HIRSCHBERG, JULIUS. Von New York nach San Francisco: Tagebuchblätter 1888. 276 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 77-111.

HOLMES, BURTON. Travelogues, vol. 6: The Yellowstone National Park; the Grand Canyon of the Arizona; Moki Land. 1908, 336 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 5-112.

JOHNSON, CLIFTON. Highways and byways of the Rocky Mountains. 1920, 279 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 215-232.

KIPLING, RUDYARD. American notes.

Issued in several editions. One chapter contains an account of a trip through the Yellowstone Park in 1889.

KÜNTZEMULLER, A. Das Wunderland am Yellowstone. 1908. 40 pp.

LANGFORD, N. P. Diary of the Washburn expedition to the Yellowstone and Firehole Rivers in the year 1870. [1905.] 122 pp., illustrated.

A good account of one of the early expeditions to the park.

LECLERCQ, JULES. La Terre des marveilles: Promenade au parc national de l'Amérique du Nord, 1886. 384 pp., illustrated.

MILLS, ENOS A. Your National Parks. 532 pp., illustrated. Price, $2.50. Houghton-Mifflin Co. 1917.

Yellowstone on pp. 3-64, 433-443.

MORRIS, Mrs. JAMES EDWIN. A Pacific coast vacation. 1901. 255 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 236-255.

MUIR, JOHN. Our national parks. 1909. 382 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 37-75.

MURPHY, JOHN. Rambles in northwestern America, 1879. 359 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 209-222.

MURPHY, THOMAS D. Three wonderlands of the American West. 1912. 180 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 1-58.

OLAFSON, O. Yellowstone Nationalparken. 1916. 134 pp.

PECK, J. K. The seven wonders of the new world. 1885. 320 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 71-114.

PIREREPONT, EDWARD. Fifth Avenue to Alaska. 1884. 329 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 237-311.

PORTER, T. C. Impressions of America, 1899. 241 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 24-93.

PRICE, ROSE LAMBERT. A summer on the Rockies. 1898. 280 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 166-217.

QUICK, HERBERT. Yellowstone Nights. 1911. 345 pp.

RICHARDSON, JAMES. Wonders of the Yellowstone. 1873. 256 pp., illustrated.

ROBERTS, EDWARD. Shoshone and other Western wonders. 1888. 275 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 202-245.

RYDBERG, PER AXEL. Catalogue of the flora of Montana and the Yellowstone National Park, Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, vol. 1. 1900. 492 pp., map.

SANDERS, H. F. History of Montana, vol. 1. 1913. 847 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 650-684.

SCHAUFFLER, R. H. Romantic America. 1913. 339 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 134-160.

SENN, NICHOLAS. Our national recreation parks. 1904. 147 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 17-92. Notes on fauna in addition to descriptive matter.

SESSIONS, FRANCIS C. From Yellowstone Park to Alaska, 1890. 186 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 9-39.

SMITH, F. DUMONT. Book of a hundred bears. 1909. 233 pp., illustrated.

STANLEY, EDWIN J. Rambles in wonderland or up the Yellowstone and among the geysers and other curiosities of the National Park. 1878. 179 pp., illustrated.

STEELE, DAVID M. Going Abroad Overland. 1917. Illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 102-124.

STODDARD, JOHN L. Lectures, vol. 10. Southern California, Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Yellowstone National Park, 1911. 304 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 207-304.

STRAHORN, C. A. Fifteen thousand miles by stage. 1911. 693 pp., illustrated.

Early days in Yellowstone, pp. 254-286.

SYNGE, GEORGIANA M. A ride through Wonderland. 1892. 166 pp., illustrated.

TAYLOR, CHARLES MAUS, JR. Touring Alaska and the Yellowstone, (1901.) 388 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 283-388.

TISSANDIER, ALBERT. Six mois aux Etats Unis [1886], 298 pp.

Yellowstone on pp. 179-188.

TOMLINSON, EVERETT TITSWORTH. Four boys in the Yellowstone, [1906.] 399 pp., illustrated.

U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Monograph 32, part 2, Descriptive geology, petrography, and paleontology of the Yellowstone National Park.

U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Geologic Folio No. 30, containing topographic and geologic maps of the park and a description of the geology.

WILEY, WILLIAM H. and SARAH K. The Yosemite, Alaska, and the Yellowstone, [1893] 230 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 205-230.

WINGATE, GEORGE W. Through the Yellowstone Park on horseback, 1886. 250 pp., illustrated.

Contains notes on the fauna and flora.

YARD, ROBERT STERLING. The top of the Continent, 1917, 244 pp., illustrated.

Yellowstone on pp. 63-86.

______ The Book of National Parks, Scribners, 1919. 420 pp., 76 illustrations, 16 maps and diagrams. Price, $3 net.

Yellowstone on pp. 202-228.


Rules and Regulations similar to this containing information regarding the national parks listed below may be obtained free of charge by writing to the Director of the National Park Service, Washington, D. C.:

Yosemite National Park.
Mount Rainier National Park.
Crater Lake National Park.
Mesa Verde National Park.
Sequoia and General Grant National Parks.
The Hot Springs of Arkansas.
Glacier National Park.
Rocky Mountain National Park.
Wind Cave National Park.
Grand Canyon National Park.


The following publication relating to the national monuments may be obtained free of charge by writing to the Director of the National Park Service, Washington, D. C.:

Casa Grande National Monument.

Photograph by G. Swanson.

Copyright by J. E. Haynes, St. Paul

Photograph by J. E. Haynes, St. Paul.

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Last Updated: 16-Feb-2010