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Resource Description

Resource Analysis

Alternatives and Impacts




Man in Space
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STUDY CONCERNS (continued)


The House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs requested that the Park Service work closely with the Air Force to establish alternatives to dismantling the launch complex 26 service structure at Cape Canaveral. It is part of a larger national historic landmark district that includes launch complexes 5/6, 26, 13, 14, 19, and 34 and the original mission control center. The significance of the service structure has been documented--it launched the first American satellite into space and is the last of its type remaining. However, there are several concerns that merit special attention: (1) Because of its deteriorated condition, the service structure has become a safety hazard; (2) it was estimated in 1985 that it would cost $1 .25 million to restore the service structure to a maintainable condition and $77,000 for annual maintenance (these were only preliminary estimates; it is possible that further study might indicate even higher costs); (3) the service structure may be so deteriorated that most of its structure would have to be replaced, diminishing its historical integrity (further study could confirm or deny this suspicion); and (4) based on the results of an environmental assessment prepared in 1986, the Air Force submitted a preliminary case report to the Advisory Council for the removal of the complex 26 service structure. Before any decision is made to preserve the structure in place, an in-depth engineering study needs to be performed to determine whether long-term preservation is feasible. The Air Force has agreed not to dismantle the service structure until Congress has had an opportunity to review this Study of Alternatives.

Mercury/Redstone 2
Preparation for Mercury/Redstone 2 launch of chimpanzee Ham, 1961
launch complex, 1986
Fence and protective wires to protect visitors, 1986
Typical corrosion on service structure

Continued Continued


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