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Resource Description

Resource Analysis

Alternatives and Impacts




Man in Space
Alternatives and Impacts
National Park Service Arrowhead



The major distinction between this alternative and alternative 1 is that NASA, the Air Force, and the Army would have more responsibility for the provision of interpretive and visitor services focused on the Man in Space theme. Congressional action would be required to establish a new funding base that would permit the agencies to hire additional personnel to carry out interpretive activities and resource documentation and recordation at the Man in Space sites.

The emphasis under this alternative would be on interpreting the Man in Space theme through a wide variety of off-site media, including movies, exhibits, displays, and publications. Visitor access to the sites would not be stressed. Each agency would interpret the overall Man in Space theme and then highlight individual site contributions to the first manned moon landing and the events leading up to that achievement. The use of contract, concessioner, and volunteer personnel would be explored wherever possible. If requested, the Park Service could provide general guidance in interpretive efforts to ensure that programs were presented in a comprehensive, coordinated, and consistent manner. The Smithsonian could provide assistance in preserving and displaying space artifacts as well as providing artifacts through their loan program.


NASA, the Air Force, and the Army would more actively manage and interpret the significance of the Man in Space sites and installations. Interpretation of the Man in Space theme would be carried out at installation visitor centers, through visitor programs, and in some cases at the sites. Sites and installations with the highest interpretive/visitor use potential (as identified in the "Resource Analysis" section) would receive priority management consideration in providing interpretive media and visitor services. Sites with the highest preservation potential would be given priority consideration if monies were made available for selected preservation projects, but the provision of interpretive and visitor services would be the most important factor in management decisions about the sites.


A new funding base and authority to hire additional personnel would be established by Congress for NASA, the Air Force, and the Army. This authorization would also include funds to permit technical assistance by the Park Service and Smithsonian and to allow the Smithsonian to devote more time to preserving the space artifacts related to the Man in Space theme. In addition to congressional appropriations, user fees could be established or increased, fund-raising and donations could be encouraged, and income from visitor services could be earmarked primarily for interpretation.

Interpretation/Visitor Use

Interpretation of the 26 sites would be decentralized and the responsibility of each agency. The primary emphasis would be on the early American space program and site contributions to that program. Each agency would prioritize their Man in Space sites according to their interpretive/visitor use potential and would prepare an interpretive plan that would include types of off-site media appropriate to each site and installation, major subthemes and components that would be presented to the public, written and photographic sources, and types of exhibitry/displays and signs to be used.

The managing agency would determine what levels and types of access would be appropriate for each site. Off-site interpretation would be emphasized, but visitor access to the sites would be provided where feasible. If requested, the Park Service and the Smithsonian could provide technical assistance and work jointly with the agencies in developing a comprehensive interpretive plan for all of the sites. Pamphlets, books, film, exhibits, and displays illustrating the Man in Space theme could be distributed to other space museums and facilities.


Each agency would prioritize their sites based on preservation potential and would work closely with the Advisory Council and state historic preservation officers in documenting and recording the sites in compliance with the section 106 and 110(f) implementing procedures. This documentation would be completed before any sites were further altered.

The launch complex 26 service structure would likely be dismantled; however, mitigating measures including proper documentation/recordation and offering the tower to an interested museum would be undertaken. The possibilities for the Apollo launch tower would be the same as those discussed in the introduction to the alternatives.


Management and Funding

The agencies would have more responsibility for interpretation and provision of visitor services at the 26 sites. The new funding base and authorization to hire additional personnel would minimize financial/manpower impacts and avoid the need to compete for existing funds and personnel.

Interpretation/Visitor Use

If the Park Service and/or the Smithsonian provided the interpretive framework, the Man in Space theme would be more comprehensively and consistently interpreted than at present. Current interpretation, which focuses on present and future space programs, would be enhanced because of the introduction of a historical context. Off-site interpretation would be greatly improved; on-site interpretation would remain the same or would decrease. There would be few impacts on current visitor access policies.


Agencies would be required to comply with section 106 and 110(f). However, because the focus would be on off-site interpretation, extensive preservation measures (stabilization, restoration, or reconstruction) would probably not be undertaken. The impacts on the launch complex 26 service structure and Apollo launch tower would be the same as under alternative 1.

Continued Continued


Last Modified: Wed, Nov 29 2000 10:00:00 am PDT

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