Administrative History
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aerial view of Cabrillo NM
Plate XIII. During World War II, Cabrillo National Monument was closed to the public and the land used for military purposes. This aerial photograph, taken about 1942, shows the normally white lighthouse camouflaged with dark paint. Courtesy Naval Oceans Systems Center.

aerial view of Point Loma
Plate XIV. By January 1942, Point Loma had become a key part of the Harbor Defense system. Numerous armament, base-end stations and a huge battery were constructed. In addition, a large subterranean observation post was built on the parking area south of the lighthouse which can be seen in the upper right hand corner of the photograph. Courtesy Naval Oceans Systems Center.

Plate XV. Donald R. Robinson (left), who became superintendent when Cabrillo acquired independent status in 1956, officiated at a dedication ceremony in 1957. Courtesy Cabrillo National Monument.

naval officers dedicating plaque
Plate XVI. The Portuguese Navy, in April 1957, presented a plaque to the monument honoring Cabrillo. Courtesy Cabrillo National Monument.

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Last Updated: 02-Mar-2005