On-line Book
cover to
The CCC and the NPS
Cover Page




    Brief History of the CCC

     NPS Role

    NPS Camps


    Overall Accomplishments



The Civilian Conservation Corps and
the National Park Service, 1933-1942:

An Administrative History
Chapter Two:
The National Park Service Role
National Park Service Arrowhead


Wirth's regionalization of the ECW state parks program in 1933 set a precedent for the eventual regionalization of the National Park Service. In 1934, Wirth was selected by Director Cammerer to discuss the subject of NPS regionalization at a park superintendents conference. The superintendents believed that regionalization would merely place another layer of bureaucracy between them and the NPS director. [22]

In 1936 when the Park Service set about to reorganize the ECW state parks program into four regions, Director Cammerer wanted these offices located so that if the Park Service went to a regionalized basis the ECW regional offices could be merged with the NPS regions. On June 1, 1936, Secretary of the Interior Ickes publicly announced that the Park Service would be regionalized. That fall the National Park Association attacked the proposed regionalization plan on the grounds that ECW personnel would assume key positions in the regions and that the standards of the Park Service would be lowered to those of the state parks program. Secretary Ickes and Director Cammerer dismissed these charges as being unfounded and added that the higher positions would be assigned to regular Park Service employees and not to ECW administrators. In August 1937 when the NPS regionalization was implemented, some of the regional positions were assigned to people with ECW backgrounds. The four National Park Service regional offices corresponded identically with the reorganized ECW offices except that in the newly created region three, the NPS headquarters was located in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the ECW headquarters was in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. [23]

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