The Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942:
A New Deal Case Study

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Chapter 3

1. Advisory Council, Minutes, July 6 and 19, 1933.

2. A. T. Hibbard to Ickes, Aug. 17, 1933, Secretary of Interior, Records; C.R.M., No. 788(4), CCC in Emergencies.

3. Ickes, Diary, I, 78-79; New York Times, Aug. 15, 1933.

4. Green to Roosevelt, Sept. 18, 1933, Roosevelt Papers, O.F. 142; Saalberg, p. 45.

5. New York Times, Aug. 19, 26, and 27, 1933; see also Happy Days, Aug. 26, 1933.

6. Roosevelt to Gen. Douglas MacArthur, No. 22, 1933, C.R.M., No. 790, Training.

7. Persons to Fechner, May 18, 1933, ibid.

8. George B. Zehner, director, Extension Division, University of Virginia, to Persons, May 6, 1933, Spencer Miller, secretary, Workers' Education Bureau of America, to Persons, June 1, 1933, Records of CCC Selection Division (hereinafter abbreviated S.D.), Education, General Correspondence.

9. Persons to J. Prentice Murphy, June 6, 1933, ibid.

10. Persons to R. L. Evans, Aug. 29, 1933, ibid.

11. E.g., Allen Johnstone, state director of relief, S.C., to Fechner, June 3, 1933: "It is of the utmost importance that reading, education and cultural programs for these young men should be provided," ibid.

12. Holland and Hill, p. 96.

13. Major to Howe, Aug. 11, 1933, S.D., Education, Correspondence.

14. Advisory Council, Minutes, Aug. 17, 1933; Holland and Hill, p. 96; State Foresters to Fechner, Oct. 16, 1933, C.R.M., No. 790, Training.

15. E.g., Prof. E. V. Jolter, University of Michigan, to Fechner, Oct. 11, 1933, S.D., Education, Correspondence.

16. Roosevelt to Maj. William A. Welch, Palisades Interstate Park Commission, N.Y., Nov. 8, 1933, in Nixon, I, 212.

17. Secretary of Labor to Persons, Oct. 19, 1933, S.D., Education, Correspondence.

18. Zook to Fechner, Nov. 2, 1933, ibid.

19. MacArthur to Roosevelt, Nov. 22, 1933, C.R.M., No. 790, Training.

20. Ibid.; see also Holland and Hill, p. 96.

21. Frank E. Hill, The School in the Camps: The Educational Program of the Civilian Conservation Corps (New York, 1935), p. 10; Zook to Howe, March 14, 1934, Howe Papers, Box 72. Howe took over much of the responsibility for organizing CCC education, passing judgment on the suitability of candidates for advisers' posts, etc. See Zook to Ickes, May 1, 1934, ibid.

22. Hill, p. 10.

23. Ibid., pp. 17-21, 56-58.

24. Ibid., pp. 14-15.

25. See Literary Digest, CXIX (May 8, 1935), 360. A letter is printed from a former education adviser, bitterly critical of Army control.

26. Gen. Fox Connor to all officers and education advisers, First Corps Area, July 2, 1936, S.D., Education, Correspondence.

27. Hill, p. 55; see also New Republic, LXXVI (Feb. 12, 1936), 6.

28. Holland and Hill, p. 97; New Republic, LXXXIII (June 12, 1935), 127-129. See Selection Division, Minutes of Advisory Committee on Education (hereinafter, Education, Minutes), June 25, 1935.

29. Report of Director of CCC Camp Education to Commissioner of Education, June 30, 1937; Report of the Director, 1936, p. 19; Happy Days, Nov. 21, 1935.

30. Report of the Director, 1935, p. 28.

31. Hill, pp. 46-53.

32. Nixon, I, 246; Advisory Council, Minutes, March 2, 1934.

33. New York Times, April 16, 1934; Report of the Director, 1933-1934, pp. 6-10.

34. Fechner to Adjutant General, Oct. 19, 1933, in Director, Correspondence.

35. Advisory Council, Minutes, April 9, 1934.

36. Ibid., May 21, 1934.

37. Report of the Director, 1936, p. 13.

38. Schlesinger, II, 69-70.

39. Advisory Council, Minutes, June 9, 1934.

40. Department of Labor to State Directors of Selection, June 21, 1934, C.R.M., Appendix II, Document 180. The states affected were Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin. See New York Times, June 28, 1934; Rosenman, ed., Papers, III, 424.

41. New York Times, Aug. 26, Sept. 12, 1934, reprint of editorial from Detroit News.

42. Rosenman, ed., Papers, III, 423.

43. C.R., 74th Cong., 1st Sess., Vol. 79, Pt. 1, pp. 94-97. See also Schlesinger, III, 265-272, for an explanation of the scheme.

44. Chicago Tribune, Jan. 16, 1935; see also San Francisco Examiner, Jan. 3, 1935, Boston Evening Transcript, Jan. 3, 1935, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Jan. 4, 1935. For a less adulatory though still pro-CCC view, see New York Herald Tribune, Jan. 10, 1935.

45. Roosevelt to Fechner, Jan. 17, 1935, Roosevelt Papers, O.F. 268, Box 5.

46. Roosevelt to Fechner, April 12, 1935, ibid.

47. Fechner to Roosevelt, Feb. 25, 1935, ibid.

48. Rep. John H. Hoeppel (Dem., Calif.) made this point forcefully on Jan. 24. See C.R., 74tth Cong., 1st Sess., Vol. 79, Pt. 1, p. 296.

49. New York Times, April 6 and 9, 1935.

50, Advisory Council, Minutes, April 11, 1935.

51. New York Times, April 23 and 25, 1935. In September, in a further attempt to boost enrolment, the minimum age limit was reduced to seventeen (Report of the Director, 1936, p. 23). The remaining 120 camps were under the control of the Department of War.

52. Schlesinger III, 345-346. Walker was a Montana lawyer who was deeply devoted to Roosevelt. He was noted for his evenness of temper and lack of aggression. Consequently, his services were often required as arbiter between warring factions of Roosevelt's advisers. The Executive Council was a body formed in July, 1933, to attempt to bring some measure of co-ordination to the various endeavors of the multifarious government departments and agencies. It was an experiment which lasted only a few months. See Schlesinger, II, 545-546.

53. Advisory Council, Minutes, May 10, 1935.

54. Roosevelt to Stephen Early, May 10, 1935, Roosevelt Papers, O.F. 268, Box 5.

55. Advisory Council, Minutes, May 10, 1935.

56. Roosevelt to Fechner, May 14, 1935, Roosevelt Papers, O.F. 268, Box 5.

57. Major to Fechner, June 6, 1935, ibid.

58. Advisory Council, Minutes, June 18, 1935.

59. Ibid., June 25, 1935.

60. Fechner to Persons, July 2, 1935, Director, Correspondence.

61. Fechner to Persons, July 24, 1935, Records of the CCC Selection Division, Discussions of Selection Policy, 1935.

62. Persons to Hopkins, July 24, 1935, ibid.

63. Hopkins to Persons, July 24, 1935, ibid.

64. Persons to Hopkins, July 26, 1935, ibid.

65. Fechner to Persons, Aug. 6, 1935, ibid.

66. McEntee to Persons, July 29, 1935, ibid.

67. Advisory Council, Minutes, Sept. 9, 1935.

68. Ibid., Sept. 24, 1935; see also New York Times, Sept. 14, 1935.

69. Advisory Council, Minutes, Sept. 24, 1935.

70. Fechner to Roosevelt, Oct. 25, 1935, Roosevelt Papers, O.F. 268, Box 6.

71. Braswell Dean to Fechner, Sept. 17, 1935, Director, Correspondence. See the telegram from the forty-six farmers of the Batesville, Miss., area protesting the closing of a soil erosion camp there. P. Pettit, president, Batesville Chamber of Commerce, to Fechner, Dec. 16, 1935, ibid.

72. Wallace to Roosevelt, Dec. 6, 1935, Files of the Secretary of Agriculture—Conservation.

73. Frank Walker to Roosevelt, Oct. 30, 1935, Roosevelt Papers, O.F. 265, Box 6.

74. New York Times, Dec. 19, 1935.

75. Ibid., March 24, 1936.

76. Rep. T. L. Blanton (Dem., Tex.) to Roosevelt, Jan. 7, 1936, Roosevelt Papers, O.F. 268—Misc., Box 17.

77. Advisory Council, Minutes, Feb. 5, 1936.

78. Fechner to Roosevelt, Feb. 13, 1936, Roosevelt to Fechner, Feb. 17, 1936, Roosevelt Papers, O.F. 268, Box 6.

79. New York Times, March 6, 1936.

80. Ibid., March 15, 1936.

81. Ibid., March 18, 1936.

82. Nichols to Congressman, March 18, 1936, Roosevelt Papers, O.F. 268, Box 7.

. New York Times, March 21, 1936.

84. Ibid., March 23, 1936.

85. Roosevelt to Fechner, March 23, 1936, Roosevelt Papers, O.F. 268, Box 7.

86. New York Times, March 26, 1936.

87. Ibid.

88. Ibid., March 24 and 30, 1936.

89. New York Herald Tribune, March 25, 1936.

90. Des Moines Register, March 26, 1936; Boston Evening Transcript, March 28, 1936.

91. Landon to Roosevelt, Jan. 16, 1934, Roosevelt Papers, O.F. 268, Box 3.

92. New York Times, Oct. 21, 1936.

93. Ibid., May 27, Aug. 9, 1936.

94. Ibid., Jul 18 and 21, 1936.

95. New York Herald Tribune, July 19, 1936.

96. New York Times, Oct. 28, 1936.

97. Advisory Council, Minutes, Sept. 8, 1936.

98. Report of the Director, 1936, p. 6.


The Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942: A New Deal Case Study
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