Historic Resource Study
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The end-notes for each chapter show my indebtedness to authors and archives that assisted this work. Original sources structure this history, and I thank the many archivists who extended themselves to help me—at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., San Bruno, CA and Seattle (Sand Point), WA; the U.S. Geological Survey; the Alaska State Library and State Archives in Juneau; the University of Alaska-Fairbanks Archives; and the Anchorage Museum of History and Art.

Regional Director John Cook made special arrangements so I could complete this narrative after my transfer to Southwest Region.

The privilege of working at Denali National Park and Preserve in 1988 and 1989 allowed me to benefit from the knowledge and kindness of the park's outstanding staff, including Superintendent Cunningham, who views history as a critical management tool.

My research colleagues in Anchorage, at Denali and in the field know my obligation to them. Individuals who offered continuing encouragement and assistance include Leslie Hart and Kate Lidfors, George Wagner, and A.J. Lynch and the Mining Compliance field crews. Zorro Bradley, Ed Bearss, and Professor Steve Haycox of University of Alaska Anchorage reviewed and helped refine this history. Gina Soltis and Patty Ross did the accurate word processing. And Frank Norris wrapped up the multitude of editorial loose-ends to make publication possible.


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Last Updated: 04-Jan-2004