Standing Witness
Devils Tower National Monument: A History
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MUCH HELP AND ENCOURAGEMENT WERE GIVEN TO ME during the course of the research and writing of this book. In the end, the writing was my responsibility—any errors are mine.

To begin with, thank you to the National Park Service for the opportunity of a lifetime. Their selection of my proposal started me on a journey I could never have otherwise made.

A big thank you to my National Park Service liaisons, Christine Czazasty, Chief of Interpretation, and Jeannine McElveen, Administrative Officer, both on staff at Devils Tower National Monument (DTMN). Their patience and assistance were invaluable. Because their time during the centennial celebration year was compromised by many factors, I value all the more their efforts to keep the book moving forward.

I am very appreciative of the assistance given me by Bruce Weisman, curator, and Lucinda Schuft at the Mount Rushmore National Memorial museum, which is the repository for the DTNM archives. Their cheerfulness and willingness to help made a daunting task much easier.

To Candy Hamilton goes much gratitude for opening her home to me, and for answering myriad questions about a variety of subjects. I am especially grateful that she introduced me to Gerald One Feather, Lakota elder, and "discovered" photographer Tom Warner.

Gerald One Feather graciously gave up an afternoon of his time, and over a long lunch, patiently explained to me the significance of Lakota ceremonies.

I remain indebted to Tom Warner, whose cover photo is, well, striking. I am thankful for his generosity and professionalism—his images used for this book added a dimension I didn't have, and needed.

A huge thank you to Roy Collier, who with his wife Gaydell, laboriously compiled a list of important historical dates for possible use as chapter headings.

Our small town library is big on helping people. For their unwavering assistance I thank Jill Mackey, director of Crook County libraries, and her wonderful staff, Violet Smith, Bonnie Stahla, and Tanya Brekke.

Many people with ties to the Crook County area shared their Tower information, or facilitated the stories finding me, and I appreciate each and every one, especially Dean and Tiny Bush.

There were several people who, through their research, made a significant impact on my final work—Daniel Chapin (Theodore Roosevelt and the Antiquities Act); Jean Skaife-Brock (her great-grandmother Esther); John and Kay Tiff (NPS volunteers who catalogued the DTNM library); and Josh Reyes (park ranger at Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, Roosevelt's home).

I could not have survived this book process without the foundation of support and sustenance from my writer's group, the Bearlodge Writers ( Where else could I have moaned and groaned and carried on ad nauseum, and still be welcomed at the next meeting? Special thanks to Gaydell Collier and Andi Hummel for their editorial expertise, Maureen Blake for her thorough critique of the rough draft, and Pat Frolander for helping research the Tower archives.

For their part in helping to organize the research materials and the bibliography, I cannot give enough credit to Andi, Maureen, and Pat. I needed them, and they gave generously of their time.

To my best friend Mardell Olson—thank you for understanding and "getting it" when few others did.

My utmost appreciation goes to my church family for their love, support, and adding my name to our prayer list.

To my dad, Bob Ulrich, a retired carpenter, who worked as my assistant researcher when I desperately needed some help—I hope I've been forgiven.

Thank you to my extended family, my friends, and my small town community—you gave me encouragement in many ways, held me up when I faltered, and shared your appreciation of this place we call home.

And, finally, to my family—husband John and youngest son Mason (who ate leftovers, do-overs, and fend-for-yourself meals on too many occasions); our grown children and spouses (Shelby and Rick, Whitney and Jason, Maft and Katie, and not-quite-single-not-yet-married Chelsea); and our six grandchildren (Logan, Madison, and Lane; Brayden and Taylor Elise; and Halle)—you are my life, and the writing is possible because of you.

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Last Updated: 23-Jan-2009