Historic Resource Study
Slateford Farm
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l3. Distribution of Pennsylvania Germans.
Kollmorgen,"Pennsylvania German," p. 263.

14. 1930s view of Slateford Farm. Charlotte Cyr Jewell Collection.

15. Louis Cyr on Slateford Farm house porch early 1930s. Charlotte Cyr Jewell Collection.

16. Lower Cyr Farm, 1930s. Charlotte Cyr Jewell Collection.

17. Making Hay at Slateford, 1936. Charlotte Cyr Jewell Collection.

18. View Southeast from Slateford Farm, August 1936. Charlotte Chyr Jewell Collection.

19. Haying, Slateford Farm 1940s. Charlotte Cyr Jewell Collection.

20. Haying, Slateford Farm 1940s. Charlotte Cyr Jewell Collection.

21. Louis Cyr Raking Hay, Slateford Farm 1948. Charlotte Cyr Jewell Collection.

22. Woodshed, Slateford Farm circa 1940-1950. Charlotte Cyr Jewell Collection.

23. Cutting Hay, Slateford Farm circa 1940-1950. Charlotte Cyr Jewell Collection.

24. Slateford Farm early 1950s. Charlotte Cyr Jewell Collection.

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Last Updated: 31-Dec-2009