Fort Clatsop
Administrative History
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1973 Resource Management Plan

The first ten years of the memorial's management focused on site development and the restoration of the historic scene around the fort replica. These efforts were guided primarily by the park master plan. It was not until 1973 that the park developed its first resource management plan, which outlined five years of natural resource studies. Studies of animal populations, the status of exotic plants, the historical significance of the native vegetation, and a hazardous tree survey and removal plan are examples of the projects listed. Four objectives in resource management at Fort Clatsop were identified: the re-creation of the native plant communities where ecologically feasible; the re-creation of traditional animal populations where ecologically feasible; measuring the human impact on the memorial environment; and fourth, the monitoring of human impacts on the memorial environment. The major resource management emphasis of the plan was the reforestation program.

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Last Updated: 20-Jan-2004