Fort Laramie
Park History, 1834-1977
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Sutlers Store
Figure 13. Restoration of the Sutlers Store, second only to Old Bedlam in historical importance, required major surgery. Never a thing of architectural beauty, the store reflected the Army's practical accommodation of Indians, emigrants, teamsters, and other frontiersmen who passed through the fort. This photo shows the finished reconstruction.

interior of Sutlers Store
Figure 14. The sutler, who was licensed by the Army, conducted his business in the trade room shown here furnished to the 1876 period.

interior of Sutlers Store
Figure 15. In 1883, the Sutlers Store was enlarged to include separate barrooms for enlisted men and officers. Shown here are the furnishings in the enlisted section.

interior of Sutlers Store
Figure 16. Furnishings in the officer's section were hardly more elaborate as this photo shows.

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Last Updated: 01-Mar-2003