Historic Structures Report
Part II — Historical Data Section
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1. As an illustration, the post quartermaster let contracts to civilian suppliers in 1842 for 500,000 laths, 100,000 bricks, and 300,000 shingles. House Documents, 27th Cong., 3d Sess., No. 68, pp. 38 and 49.

2. National Archives (Hereafter cited as NA), Record Group (Hereafter cited as RG) 92, Quartermaster (Hereafter cited as QM) Consolidated File, Swords to QMG T.S. Jesup, Dec. 16, 1842.

3. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File. Figures compiled from the various reports by the post quartermaster.

4. Kansas State Historical Society (Hereafter cited as KSHS), Microfilm, Post Returns, Fort Scott, 1342-53.

5. Kansas Weekly Herald, Leavenworth, Mar. 9, 1855.

Chapter 1

1. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to QMG Jesup, Dec. 16, 1842. In the initial NPS report on Fort Scott, I stated that this set of quarters was probably the oldest standing building in Kansas. Since then I have learned that Fort Leavenworth has older structures.

2. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to QMG Jesup, Oct. 1, 1843, and Oct. 1, 1844.

3. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Capt. William M. Graham, CO, Fort Scott, to Lt. H.S. Turner, St. Louis, September 7, 1843.

4. Kansas Weekly Herald, Leavenworth, Mar. 9, 1855.

5. James H. Brown, "Centennial History," Fort Scott Weekly Monitor, July 6, 1876.

6. Fort Scott Democrat, Dec. 23, 1858. Campbell acquired the hotel in the fall of 1857. Brown, "Centennial History."

7. Charles W. Goodlander, Memoirs and Recollections of C. W. Goodlander of the Early Days of Fort Scott (Fort Scott, 1900), p. 6.

8. Although the present flagstones along the front of the house under the porch appear to have been placed there recently, it is thought there was a similar development in army days.

9. Goodlander, pp. 8 and 19.

10. Fort Scott Democrat, June 14, 1859.

11. Ibid., Aug. 18, 1859.

12. William P. Tomlinson, Kansas in Eighteen Ninety-Eight (New York, 1359), p. 144.

13. Walker placed Clarke in Captain Lyon's custody. However Lyon was soon forced to release his prisoner on a writ of habeas corpus. D. W. Wilder, The Annals of Kansas (Topeka, 1886), p. 236.

14. Edgar Langsdorf, ed., "The Letters of Joseph H. Trego, 1857-1864, Linn County Pioneer," Kansas Historical Quarterly (Hereafter cited as KHQ), 19 (1951), 132.

15. The city fathers had not yet acquired the fort's guard house as a city jail.

16. Wilder, pp. 243 and 245; Fort Scott Democrat, Dec. 23, 1856.

17. Fort Scott Democrat, July 14, 1859.

18. The dinner occurred in the evening of October 5, Fort Scott Democrat, Oct. 13, 1859.

19. Ibid., July 28, 1860.

20. Ibid., May 25, 1861. George Dimon may have had as partners at this time George A. Crawford and W. R. Judson. See Brown, "Centennial History."

21. The Wilder House, now occupied by several businesses including the office of the executive secretary of the local urban renewal project, still stands.

22. Western Volunteer, Fort Scott, March 31, 1862.

23. Fort Scott Bulletin, May 17, 1862.

24. Ibid., Oct. 4, 1862.

25. Ibid., Feb. 27, 1863.

26. Fort Scott Monitor, May 7, 1870.

27. Goodlander, p. 6.

28. Federal Writers Project, Work Projects Administration, Kansas, A Guide to the Sunflower State, American Guide Series (New York, 1939), p. 196.

29. NA, RG92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to Col. Henry Stanton, Oct. 1, 1845.

30. Ibid., Swords to Jesup, Mar. 1, 1846.

31. Ibid., Wallace to Jesup, July 24, 1847; and "Muster Rolls of Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates . . . on Extra Duty . . . July 1848."

32. Ibid., Wallace to [Jesup?], Mar. 16, 1848, with plan of Fort Scott.

33. Ibid., Wallace last mentioned it in a report to Jesup, Sep. 9, 1848, when its status was apparently the same as in March.

34. Fort Scott Democrat, Dec. 23, 1858.

35. Ibid., Sep. 21, 1861.

36. Edgar Langsdorf, "The Letters of Joseph H. Trego, 1857-1864, Linn County Pioneer," KHQ, 19 (1951), Trego to his wife, Sep. 5, 1861.

37. Fort Scott Daily Bulletin, May 18, 1873.

38. Fort Scott Tribune, Sep. 4, 1959. Previously, I reported that Wilson died in 1898; but a check of his tombstone shows the dates 1806-1892.

39. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to Jesup, Oct. 1, 1843.

40. Ibid., Graham to Turner, Sep. 7, and Swords to Jesup, Oct. 1, 1844.

41. Selwyn B. Walker, "Peaceful Cherokees Played Part in Establishment of Fort Scott," Fort Scott Tribune, Sep. 4, 1959.

42. Their completion is confirmed by NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Wallace to Jesup, Sep. 9, 1848.

43. Goodlander, illustration between pp. 6 and 7; Fort Scott Democrat, Nov. 17, 1859.

44. Fort Scott Democrat, Aug. 11, 1860.

46. Goodlander, illustration between pp. 6 and 7.

47. Wilder, p. 236.

48. Goodlander, pp. 72-73.

49. Other possibilities for Short were the east half of HS 3 or the half of HS 2 not occupied by Wilson.

Chapter 2

1. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to the QMG, Dec. 16, 1842; Kansas Weekly Herald, Leavenworth, Mar. 9, 1855.

2. Ibid., Swords to Jesup, Oct. 1, 1843; Graham to Lt. H. S. Turner, Sep. 7, 1844.

3. NA, RG 108, Document File: Inspections, Headquarters of the Army, Entry 37, Croghan, inspection report, Fort Scott, July 8, 1844.

4. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to Stanton, Oct. 1, 1845. The temporary floors consisted of loose boards. Permanent flooring was waiting on seasoned lumber.

5. Ibid., Wallace to [Jesup?], Mar. 16, 1848.

6. Ibid., Wallace to Jesup, Sep. 9, 1848; Burbank to Jesup, Sep. 14, 1852. "The company quarters were built to accomodate fifty men, but I suppose room might be found in each set of quarters for sixty or seventy men."

7. Goodlander, pp. 9 and 42.

8. Ralph Richards, "Bourbon County, Kans.," ms; Fort Scott Democrat, Oct. 20, 1859.

9. Fort Scott Democrat, Dec. 16 and 23, 1858.

10. Fort Scott Democrat, Dec. 15, 1859; Aug. 18, 1860; and Feb. 9, 1861.

11. Ibid., Sep. 22, 1859.

12. Fort Scott Weekly Monitor, May 15, 1873, reminiscenses by O. Dieffenbach.

13. NA, Cartographic Division, "Map of Fort Scott and Vicinity," Jan. 28, 1863.

14. Goodlander, p. 42.

15. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to Jesup, Oct. 1, 1843.

16. NA, RG 108, Document File: Inspections, Headquarters of the Army, Entry 37, Croghan, inspection report, Fort Scott, July 8, 1844.

17. NA, Cartographic Division, "Map of Fort Scott and Vicinity," Jan. 28, 1863.

18. Fort Scott Monitor, Mar. 8, 1871.

19. NA, RG 108, Document File: Inspections, Headquarters of the Army, Entry 37, Croghan, inspection report, Fort Scott, July 8, 1844.

20. Fort Scott Democrat, Dec. 23, 1858.

21. Tomlinson, p. 144.

22. Goodlander, p. 24; Wilder, p. 236.

23. Fort Scott Democrat, July 21 and 28, Sep. 8, and Dec. 15, 1859.

24. The following is a list of some of the owners: 1860 - Mr. Hunt, 1860 - Mr. Copes, 1867 - J. A. Hull, 1867 - Mr. Hansborough, 1869 - Mr. Carter, 1869 - J. M. Morris and C. F. Powers, 1870 - J. Cheek, 1871 - A. Graff, and 1873 - J. T. Parker. Compiled from Fort Scott Democrat and Fort Scott Monitor.

25. Fort Scott Monitor, April 21, 1869, and April 25, 1873.

26. Ibid., Feb. 19, 1867; Aug. 3 and Sep. 18, 1870.

27. Ibid., Dec. 20, 1870.

Chapter 3

1. The 1855 advertisement gave the dimensions as 52 by 48 feet, but this seems to be a little too large when the 1848 plan is studied.

2. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to Jesup, Dec. 16, 1842; Kansas Weekly Herald, Mar. 9, 1855.

3. Ibid., Swords to Jesup, Oct. 1, 1843.

4. NA, RG 108, Document File: Inspections, Headquarters of the Army, Entry 37, Croghan; inspection report, Fort Scott, July 8, 1844.

5. Elmer Coe, Fort Scott As I Know It (Fort Scott, 1940), p. 13; Richards, "Bourbon County."

6. Goodlander, pp. 28-29; Fort Scott Democrat, Oct. 20 and Dec. 15, 1859.

7. Goodlander, pp. 32-33; Fort Scott Democrat, July 21, 1859.

8. Goodlander, pp. 39-40.

9. Fort Scott Bulletin, June 7, 1862; Coe, p. 13.

10. Fort Scott Monitor, Dec. 14, 15, and 21, 1870.

11. Fort Scott Weekly Monitor, July 6, 1876.

Chapter 4

1. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to Stanton, Oct. 1, 1845.

2. Ibid., Wallace to [Jesup?], Mar. 16, 1848.

3. Kansas Weekly Herald, Mar. 9, 1855.

4. Fort Scott Monitor, Jan. 18, 1870, "The City are about to purchase the old stone house on the corner of the Plaza, for a lock-up."

5. Ibid., Feb [?], 1870.

6. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to Jesup, Oct. 1, 1843.

7. Langsdorf, KHQ, 19, 132; Fort Scott Democrat, Dec. 15, 1859.

8. Fort Scott Bulletin, June 22, 1870.

9. Fort Scott Democrat, May 4, 1861.

10. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to Jesup, Oct. 1, 1843, and Oct. 1, 1844.

11. Ibid., Graham to Turner, Sep. 7, 1844.

12. Ibid., Jones to Kearny, Sep. 24, 1844.

13. Ibid., Swords to Stanton, Oct. 1, 1845.

14. Fort Scott Weekly Monitor, Aug. 19, 1868.

15. Fort Scott Monitor, July 10, 1870, interview with Ex. Ord. Sgt. Phillip Zeal.

16. Langsdorf, Q, 19, 132.

17. Fort Scott Democrat, Aug. 25, 1859.

18. Ibid., Apr. 5, 1860, and Mar. 16, 1861.

19. Western Volunteer, Apr. 5, 1862.

20. Fort Scott Monitor, July 22, 1868, and Oct. 8, 1870.

21. George C. Anderson, "Touring Kansas and Colorado in 1871, The Journal of George C. Anderson," Q, 22 (1956), 378.

Chapter 5

1. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Burbank to Jesup, Sep. 14, 1852.

2. Ibid., Morrow to Jesup, Feb. 9, 1849.

3. Ibid., Swords to Jesup, Oct. 1, 1843.

4. NA, RG 108, Document File, Inspections, Headquarters of the Army, Croghan, inspection report, Fort Scott, July 8, 1844. A steep cliff behind the dragoon barracks on the west side of the parade would have made Croghan's idea impracticable.

5. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to Stanton, Oct. 1, 1845.

6. Fort Scott Democrat, Dec. 16, 1858.

7. Western Volunteer, April 5, 1862.

8. Fort Scott Bulletin, June 21 and July 12, 1862.

9. Fort Scott Monitor, Sep. 7, 1870.

10. Ibid., Feb. 15, 1871.

ll. Kansas Weekly Herald, Mar. 9, 1855. The ad refers to the building as the Adjutant's Office.

12. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Swords to Stanton, Oct. 1, 1845.

13. Fort Scott Monitor, July 10, 1870, interview with Phillip Zeal.

14. Ibid., July 10, 1870.

15. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Graham to Turner, Sep. 7, 1844.

16. Kansas Weekly Herald, Mar. 9, 1855.

17. NA, RG 108, Document File, Inspections, Headquarters of the Army, Croghan, inspection report, Fort Scott, July 8, 1844.

18. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Burbank to Jesup, Sep. 14, 1852.

19. Ibid., Morrow to Jesup, Feb. 9, 1849.

20. Ibid.

21. Kansas Weekly Herald, Mar. 9, 1855.

22. NA, Cartographic Division, Map of Fort Scott and Vicinity, Jan. 28, 1863.

Future archeological and architectural investigations may add support to any or none of these theories.

Chapter 6

1. Kansas Weekly Herald, Mar. 9, 1855.

2. The two stone buildings that did exist at that time were essential, authorized structures. Also, their simple design and relatively small size allowed them to be built at reasonable costs. The bake shop was stone because of the danger of fires. The guardhouse was stone for security of prisoners.

3. This map does show a structure behind officers quarters no. 1, then the Fort Scott Hotel. This may have been stables for the hotel, which advertised in 1858 that it had ample stable accommodations. Fort Scott Democrat, Dec. 23, 1858.

4. Goodlander, p. 7.

5. NA, RG 92, QM Consolidated File, Plan of Fort Scott, 1848.

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Last Updated: 30-Nov-2009