Fort Vancouver
Cultural Landscape Report
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INTRODUCTION (continued)

1 After the turn of the century, Mackenzie, knighted, returned to Montreal from London, where he had published an account of his travels. He established his own company, in competition with the North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company; after the North West Company's chief agent, Simon McTavish died in 1804, the two firms based in Montreal merged.

2 The story of the union and reorganization is complex. For more information see: E.E. Rich, ed., The Letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the Governor and Committee, First Series, 1825-1838, Hudson's Bay Companies Series, Vol. IV (Toronto: Publications of the Champlain Society, 1941), pp. xli-xlivii (Hereafter referred to as HBRS IV). Also, Frederick Merk, Fur Trade and Empire; George Simpson's Journal; Remarks connected with the Fur Trade in the Course of a Voyage from York Factory to Fort George and Back to York Factory, 1825-25; together with Accompanying Documents (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1931), pp. xi-xii, and the excellent summary by John Hussey, History of Fort Vancouver and Its Physical Structure (Olympia: Washington State Historical Society and U.S . Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1957), pp. 9-15.

3 Frederick Merk, Fur Trade and Empire, pp. 257-260.

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Last Updated: 27-Oct-2003