Fort Vancouver
Cultural Landscape Report
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II. FORT VANCOUVER: TRANSITION, 1829-1846 (continued)
map of Fort Vancouver
Map 2. Fort Vancouver Stockade 1829-34/36. Structures within second Fort Vacounver stockade. By Terri Taylor, National Park Service, Northwest Region.

map of Fort Vancouver
Map 3. Fort Vancouver Stockade, 1844-46. Structures within second Fort Vancouver stockade. By Terri Taylor, National Park Service, Northwest Region.

map of Fort Vancouver
Map 4. 1844 Stockade Area Map by Henry Peers: Sketch of Fort Vancouver and Plain, Representing the Line of Fire in September 1844... The detailed map identifies the crops grown in the fields around the stockade, and contains the only known detailed delineation of Fort Vancouver's garden site. Courtesy Hudson's Bay Company Archives.

map of Fort Vancouver
Map 5. Sketch of Fort Vancouver and adjacent Plains (with plan of Fort Vancouver stockade) by Lt. Mervyn Vavasour, 1845. This map shows road systems, including path or road from "Old Fort" site to Columbia River, and details structures in the Kanaka Village and river front complex.

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Last Updated: 27-Oct-2003