Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
NPS Logo
Volume I

SALE SHOP (continued)


The "furnishings" of a retail general store would, of course, consist primarily of the counters, shelves, and drawers, which have already been discussed, and of the actual goods displayed for sale or held in reserve for replenishing shelves as needed. But there undoubtedly were also at hand various items of "furniture" of a different type, articles such as scales, funnels, and ledgers used to facilitate the conduct of business.

Unfortunately, the inventories of "articles in use" at Fort Vancouver for 1844 and 1845 contain no separate listing for the sale shop. It can only be assumed that the lists of articles in use "in Stores" included the items employed in the "Shop and Store" building as well as in the other warehouses. Articles inventoried as being in the Stores which might have been found in the sale shop include the following:

Small iron Beams & Copper Scales
Tin funnels
Sets tin Measures
Sets, brass weights
Sets iron weights, of sizes. [79]

No inventory of articles in use at Fort Vancouver for 1846 has yet been found, but the inventory taken in the spring of 1848 makes amends for earlier deficiencies. It not only includes a separate listing for the sale shop, but it itemizes even such pieces of furniture as a desk and a stool. Undoubtedly the changes in shop equipment between 1845 and 1848 were few. The 1848 inventory of articles in use in the sale shop is as follows:

2 counter Beams, with copper Scales
1 small counter Beam, with copper Scales
1 small brass Scales & weights, for Specie
6 assorted tin Pans
3 assorted tin Kettles
1 set Weights, 1/4 lb. @ [to] 14 lbs.

1 desk
1 Stool
1 Table

1 ivory Folder
2 glass cone Inkstands
2 Rulers

1 old Rifle [80]

Also in evidence undoubtedly were several account books (which will be described in chapter XIX) together with the necessary pencils, quill pens, and other writing materials of the period.

There was one item of furniture, however, that was conspicuous by its absence. Due to the fear of fire, no stoves or other means of heating were permitted in the shop or in the stores at Company posts. [81]

By far the most colorful part of the "furnishings" consisted of the goods offered for sale. Enough has been said about the manner in which they were displayed to serve as a guide for refurnishing, but it now remains to examine the stock itself in some detail.

For this purpose it seems desirable to reproduce the inventory of the Fort Vancouver sale shop for one of the years during the period in which we are particularly interested. That for 1844 has been chosen simply because it was encountered first in the Company's archives. Additional scattered items from the inventories of 1845 and 1846 have been listed also in order to give a more extended view of the items carried in stock.

It should be remembered that the inventories show only the goods on hand in the spring of each year and not the entire range of products offered at the start of the Outfit. [82] But they will certainly provide adequate guidance for all practical refurnishing purposes.

More complete lists of goods which might have been found in the sale shop when stocks were full will be found in the depot inventories appended to chapter XII. Perhaps still more complete lists could be garnered from the annual indents or invoices (lists of goods ordered from London) of the Columbia Department, but there seems to be no way of knowing which of these items were to be offered at the Fort Vancouver sale shop.

The inventory for 1844 is as follows:

Inventory of Sundry Goods, Property of the Honble. Hudsons Bay Company remaining on hand in Fort Vancouver Sale Shop Spring 1844. [83]
135/144Gross Indian Awls
2Yards blue Baize
2Yards green Baize
32Yards scarlet Baize
6Col[ore]d Earthen ware wash hand Basins
70Tin deep Basins
1Bunche l[igh]t blue Cut Glass Beads No. 4
1Lb. common ro[un]d dark blue Beads No. 4
2Lb. common ro[un]d dark green Beads No. 4
15Lb. common ro[un]d dark white Beads No. 4
13broad Scarlet Worsted Belts
11/12dozen D&M liquid blacking
9Green Blankets 4 p[oin]ts
32Green Blankets 3 p[oin]ts
1Inferior Blankets 4 pts. B. B. [blue bars]
9plain Blankets 3-1/2 pts B. B.
60plain Blankets 3 pts B. B.
137plain Blankets 2-1/2 pts B. B.
6plain Blankets 1-1/2 pts B. B.
65plain Blankets 1 pts B. B.
5rosed Blankets 10/4 B. B.
14yards black Bombazette 1/2 piece
1-1/4dark green Bombazette
10piece of colors Bombazette superior
1p[ai]r large Cast Iron pipe Boxes pr. [for] Cart Wheels
1/2doz. Japand. tin Tobacco Boxes w[it]h glasses
1-5/6doz. wood shaving large Boxes w[it]h glasses
1/2doz. Snuff Boxes
7/12doz. Gentlemens leather Braces
1/12doz. hand dusting Brushes
2-1/12doz. Nail Brushes
1/6doz. large paint Brushes
6-75/144Gross white & y[ellow] metal coat Buttons
1-1/2Gross Plated Jacket Buttons
1G[rea]t Gross Jacket bone mountd [?] Buttons
1/3Gross Mother pearl Jacket Buttons
1-11/12Gross Maltese Buttons
6-7/12Gross Mother pearl Shirt Buttons
4-2/3Gross round gilt Vest Buttons
5-134/144Gross Wh. & Y. metal Vest Buttons
2Gross plated ball Vest Buttons
4-26/144Gross Covered Cloth Vest Buttons
1Gross flexible silk convex Vest Buttons
1piece blue Camlet
6M Percussion Caps
1/4doz. white Cotton Caps
3-1/6doz. grey milled worsted Caps
2second Cloth Capots 4 Ells
1second Cloth Capots 3-1/2 Ells
2common Cloth Capots 4-1/2 Ells hoods
13common Cloth Capots 4 Ells hoods
1common Cloth Capots 2-1/2 Ells hoods
1common Indian Cloth Capots 1 Ells Capes
5yards Superfine blue Cassimere
20yards Superfine mixed Cassimere
109yards Iron trace Chain No. 4
11yards Iron trace Chain & pipes
2-1/3doz. Socket Chisels of sizes
4yards second dark blue Cloth
18yards second light blue Cloth
3-1/2yards second claret brown Cloth
40-1/2yards second dark green Cloth
22yards second grass green Cloth
14yards second Scarlet Cloth
1-1/2yards Superfine green Cloth
6-1/2yards Superfine dk. grey Cloth
14yards Superfine Scarlet Cloth
99-2/3yards brown lest [?] Cloth
3yards green lest Cloth
25-1/2yards white bath Coating
1/16lb. Cochinea1
12-7/12doz. large Cramber horn Combs
2-11/12doz. horn dressing Combs
2-1/2doz. small Ivory dandriff Combs
5-3/4doz. Shell braid Combs No. 2
43Worsted Comforters
1-1/2yard dark olive Corduroy
10-1/2pieces fine printed Cotton
1pieces Navy blue Cotton
135-1/4yards fine Striped Cotton
109-2/3pics Striped Regatta Cotton
67yards grey Shirting Cotton 30 ins.
12yards grey Shirting Cotton 26 ins.
2pieces White British Cotton
22-1/2yards White Estopellas Cotton
1piece white 5/4 Salamphore Cotton
26yards white 9/8 Shirting Cotton
3-3/8lb. Cotton Wick
3/4doz. Assd. earthenware Dishes
3pairs white Serge Drawers
28yds. plain Druggets
23yards Striped Druggets
2pieces dark blue Duffle
3/4Gross cold. 4dy. silk Italian Ferrets
2-1/2dozen flat bastard Files 8 ins.
1/3dozen h'lf. round smooth Files 8 ins.
1-1/2dozen h'lf round smooth Files 10 ins.
1/12dozen flat rasp Files 12 ins.
1/6dozen rattai1 Files 8 ins.
4-2/3dozen cross cut saw Files 6-1/2 ins.
1/6dozen hand saw Files 5 ins.
2-2/3dozen pit saw Files 5-1/2 ins.
12yards com blue Flannel
3yards com green Flannel
173yards com white Flannel
170yards Superfine white Flannel
78Duck Sheeting Frocks
1-1/4Gross highland worsted Garters
22yards green silk Gauze
5-1/2doz. small assorted Gimlets
7/12doz. "Spike" assorted Gimlets
455yards fancy Earlston Ginghams
4-5/12doz. P[aper] C[ased] Looking Glasses
7-7/12doz. M[etal] Frame Glasses
2-5/6doz. 1'ge Maho[gan]y Frame Glasses
41panes Window Glass 7-1/2 x 8-1/2 in.
1-1/4doz. Gentlemens dark Kid Gloves
1/2doz. Ladies short Kid Gloves
1com[mon] Indian gun 3-1/2 feet
9/10M best black Gunflints
4/10M Musket Gunflints
2-5/144Gro. wire Gunworms
6pair Hames
4Carpenters large Kent Hammers
1Carpenters small Kent Hammers
2-1/2doz. Turkey Band[an]a Cotton Handkfs.
1/6doz. tamboured White Muslin Hndkfs.
5-1/2doz. red & White flowd. lappet Hndkfs.
1/3doz. Midg. black silk Hndkfs. 36 ins.
1/12doz. Paris silk Handkfs.
37boys plated wool Hats
43mens plated Beaver Hats
20mens plated Beaver Hats
13mens plated Spanish Beaver Hats
89mens plated com. wool Beaver Hats
74mens fine plated Beaver Hats
4-5/12dozen Oiled silk Hatcovers
5/6dozen waxed silk Hatcovers
5/6dozen dovetail Cassette Hinges 2 in.
7-1/2Gross metal hooks & Eyes
73/1000M Kirby bent trout Hooks
15Powder Horns
1-1/2doz. mens col[ore]d cotton half Hose
45boys common Cloth Jackets
23mens common Cloth Jackets
1/3doz. hand plane Irons
1/6doz. Coopers jointer plane Irons
1pair sad Irons
3Earthen ware Jugs 1 quart
1-5/6dozen Rowlands Kalydor
25Lbs. open brass Kettles
17Lbs. Covd. Copper Kettles
150Lbs. open Copper Kettles
1wrought Iron tea Kettles 6 quarts
42nests Covd. tin Kettles<
5nests Covd. tin Kettles #1
23nests Covd. tin Kettles #2
15nests Covd. tin Kettles #3
39nests Covd. tin Kettles #4
98nests Covd. tin Kettles [#]5
110nests Covd. tin Kettles [#]6
60nests Covd. tin Kettles [#]7
3-2/3doz. Butchers Cast Steel Knives
7-1/6doz. com. pocket Knives
24-5/12doz. Scalping Knives
2doz. 1'ge fancy forebuck table Knives & forks
22-1/2lbs. English sole Leather
2single Cod Lines 24 thds.
44-1/2yards Irish Linen
54yards bed ticking Linen
1-1/3doz. double link Chest Locks
1/12doz. Iron double Pad Locks 3 ins.
1/3doz. fancy Stock Locks 10 ins.
6-9/28p's common colored Merine
3-21/28p's Superfine colored Merine
105ps worsted Mittens
1M 4d brad Nails
13-1/2M 14dy. fine drawn rose Nails
36/112Cwt. spike Nails 7 in.
666/1000M 2dy. clout head tack Nails
52/144Gross assd. wood screw Nails
225/1000M com. brown Thread Needles
200/1000M Darning Needles
200/1000M Glovers Needles
850/1000M whitechapel Needles
7long handle frying Pans
4oval tin Pans #1
2oval tin Pans #2
1oval tin Pans #4
1oval tin Pans #7
2oval tin Pans[#]8
35round tin Pans [#]1
10round tin Pans [#]2
4round tin Pans [#]4
8round tin Pans [#]7
2round tin Pans [#]8
11/12doz. large Castas strop Paste
5/12doz. small Castas strop Paste
3prs. Carpenters Pincers
1/4dble. doz. B. C. Pins
2-112/144Gross hunters clay Pipes
5/6Gross long clay Pipes 18 ins.
1pr. grooving planes 2 ins.
8-3/4doz. large Earthenware deep Plates
4-1/2doz. large Earthenware flat Plates
1/4doz. tin camp Plates
1-1/12doz. plough Shares 835
3/4doz. plough Shares 836
1/2doz. Earthenware tea Pots
1Cast Iron Pot 8 G'ns.
1Cast Iron Pot 12 G'ns.
1Cast Iron Pot 14 G'ns.
1Cast Iron Pot 16 G'ns.
1tin Coffee Pot
147Japd. Tin Pot 1 pt.
271Japd. Tin Pot 1/2 pt.
408Japd. Tin Pot 1 pt.
14/112Cwt. Glaziers Putty
2-2/3doz. com. paper cased Razors 1 ea.
1/6doz. fine mor[occo] cased ea. 2 blk. hand[le]d Razors
1-1/3doz. fine mor[occo] cased ea. 2 Ivory hand[le]d Razors
16pieces assorted 4dy. Ribbon
7pieces assorted 6dy. Ribbon
8-1/2pieces assorted 10dy. Ribbon
3-3/4pieces assorted 24dy. Ribbon
25-1/3Gross com. brass finger Rings
46Gross stoned brass finger Rings
51yards strong twilled tow Sacking
1Pit Saw
8-1/2doz. Tailors midg. Scissors
1/12doz. Tailers small Scissors
1/2doz. hay Scythes 40 inches
1/6doz. hay Scythes 48 inches
2-1/2yards black silk Serge
8yards green silk Serge
1/6doz. clipping Sheep Sheers
10yards Russian Sheeting 45 ins, bleached
95men['s] com. striped Cotton Shirts
207men['s] fine striped Cotton Shirts
36men['s] white Cotton Shirts linen collars & bosoms
86men['s] com. wh. flannel Shirts
1men['s] rowing Shirts
39men['s] blue Serge Shirts
10prs boys Shoes P.C. 3/6
157prs girls Shoes
9prs Infants Shoes P.C. 3/
9prs mens Shoes
50prs mens Shoes
5prs mens Shoes
4prs mens Shoes
20prs mens Shoes
7prs womens Shoes
40/112Cwt. Ball Shot
53/112Cwt. Duck Shot #1
37/112Cwt. Pigeon Shot
13-7/12doz. Sickles wh. teeth No. 4
1/2doz. Japd. Snuffers
67/112Cwt. Mottled Soap
2-1/4doz. Vegetable Soap
11doz. Windsor Soap
5lbs. tinmans Solder
1/12doz. Spades wh. handles
1/2piece common Sponge
1/12doz. Iron tind. table Spoons
4-5/6doz. Brittania Metal table Spoons
5-1/2doz. Brittania Metal tea Spoons
7lbs. best Poland Starch
2-5/12doz. oval polished fire Steels
1-1/5pieces H.B. plain green Strouds
1-1/2pieces H.B. plain white Strouds
2/3piece common N.C. blue Do Strouds
1-1/5piece common N.C. red Strouds
1/2doz. Midg. black holland Tape
1/12doz. broad white holland Tape
1/6doz. midg. white holland Tape
1/3doz. narrow white holland Tape
8yards McDuff Tartan
1prepared sheeting Tent 12 Ells
2-112/144Gross womens com. assd. brass Thimbles
3-1/2lbs. black & coloured Thread #25
8lbs. white cotton ball Thread #100
1-1/4lbs. white cotton ounce Thread #26
1-2/9lbs. white cotton stitching Thread 120
1/8lbs. Coloured silk sewing Thread
4-1/2lbs. Canada roll Tobacco
458lbs. Carrot Tobacco
54lbs. Irish roll Tobacco
12lbs. Leaf Tobacco
894lbs. Cavindish plug Tobacco
10pairs striped Melbe. buckskin Trousers
82pairs Canvas Trousers
162pairs common Cloth Trousers
1pairs second Cloth Trousers
75pairs bedford Cord Do
2pairs unbleached Russian drill Trousers
1pairs gambroon crape Trousers
1pairs moleskin Trousers
3pairs tweed Trousers
1/3doz. glass Tumblers 1/2 pint
4lbs. turmeric Powder
2-5/6dozen holland Twine
1lb. pure Chinese Vermilion
196common blue Cloth Vests
78second blue Cloth Vests
34scarlet Vests wh. sleeves
13lbs. brass collar Wire
8/11stone tinsmiths Iron Wire #10
1-1/12dozen steel Knitting Wires
11lbs. grey darning Worsted
1lbs. Scarlet & Crimson Worsted
10prs. Sea Boots
2-1/2doz. Rowlands pearl dent. Odonte [?]
62yards best Osnaburghs
2/3doz. black Inkpowder
1/2quire blotting Paper
1ream ruled foolscap Paper
1-17/20ream thick quarto post Paper
13/20ream plain yellow uncut pot Paper
1/6doz. black lead Pincels [pencils]
55/100Ct. Slate Pincels
13small Slates
1/4doz. narrow pink Office Tape
280Lbs. sugared Carraways
1-1/2Lbs. Cinnamon
25-1/2Lbs. Cloves
80/112Cwt. Havannah Coffee
49-1/2lbs. ginger Lozenges
48lbs. paregoric Lozenges
44lbs. pepperment Lozenges
1lbs. Mustard
39lbs. Nutmegs
8lbs. pearl Ash
100lbs. black pepper
1-8/112Cwt. Muskatel Raisins
1-1/2Cwt. Rice
4-60/112Cwt. Crash Sugar
17Cwt. Congon Tea
12Gns. Vinegar
56Lbs Barley Sugar
3-34/112Cwt. unshelled Almonds
12Lbs. Lemon Peel
1-1/2Lbs. Yellow wax
Naval Stores
24yards Canvass No. 7
1-45/112Cwt. tard. Rope 3/8 in.
Bunches seaming Twine
Varney [84]
3Washing Boards
179yards white Cambric Cotton
16Jacket Lamps
3standing Lamps
1Iron sauce Pan
6Tin soup Tureens
American Goods
170Lbs. Cavendish plug Tobacco
15shot Belts
4plain Blankets 1-1/2 pt. B. B.
1com. Cloth Capot 4 Ells hoods
4doz. small Tailor Scissors
Fixed Price
7/12dozen house Bells
2-1/16dozen hand Dags 7 in.
School Books
7Lithurgic 32 Mo.
2Mavois Spelling Book
42slips on boards
77souters Primers
88souters sacred history Catechism
14French 24 mo. Testaments
1Walkers first 4 Rules
3Walkinghams tutors assistant

Extracts from "Inventory of Sundry Goods property of the Honble. Hudsons Bay Company remaining on hand in Fort Vancouver Sale Shop Spring 1845." 85

1/12doz. Carpenters Adzes No. 3
5/12doz. Screw Augers
3/4gross hawk Bells
8-1/2yds. black spotted Blond
6lbs. stone Blue
10E[arthen]ware butter Boats
3prs. mens sea Boots
4-1/2doz. Gent. Cotton Braces
4sett [sic] Shoe Brushes
1-5/6doz. tooth Brushes
1/6gro. tind. roller Bucklas [Buckles?] 2 ins.
5/6gro. tind. roller Bucklas [Buckles?] 1-1/2 ins.
1/2gro. tind. roller Bucklas [Buckles?] 1 ins.
5/6gro. Jacket mould Buttons
1/2doz. wors[ted] Scar[let] milled Caps
6large ox Chains
7small ox Chainsz
5/6doz. iron trap Chains

Woahoo [Oahu] Chairs
2dress cambleteen Coats
4doz. scarlet worsted Comforters
1yd. bleached Diaper
7/12doz. col[ore]d cock Feathers
3doz. black foxtail Feathers
1-1/2gro. plain cold, worsted Garters
1-3/4gro. Scar. striped Garters
3-4/5pcs. cold web Gerthing
1-8/30pcs. white web Gerthing
5lb. Glue
1/2doz. strong socket Gouges
4/5bbl. TPF Gunpowder (of 100 lbs.)
15pr. Hames & horse Collars
8/144gross brass Jews Harps
1/2doz. iron butt Hinges 5 x 2-1/2 ins.
1/10M Cod extra large hooks 3020
1/4doz. bronzed hooks & chains p. Cloaks.
1/6doz. gilt hooks
3/4doz. mens long cold, cotton Hose
1/2doz. mens 1/2" cold worsted Hose
2-1/2doz. mens long fancy sanquar Hose
1/2doz. mens 1/2" fancy sanquar Hose
1/12doz. womens long wh[ite] cotton Hose
5doz. Girls cold, worsted Hose
38yds. Huckabuck
--nests covd. tin pr. Kettles [sizes 8, 10, 11, 12, 13]
2pr. Ivory hdled carving large Knives & forks #1003
1britannia metal Ladle
22lb. soft bar Lead
10lb. Manchester baling Line
1/2doz. iron ball Molds
26boxes rowlands pearl dent[?]
1dutch camp Oven 2 gns.
5/12doz. Cakes lar. razor strop Paste
1/6doz. Cakes sm. razor strop Paste
1set plough Irons complete E
1/2doz [plough?] Blades
2upper Chaps [?]
1Ploughshare #835
1Ploughshare 836
24pr. Ploughshare Traces (Incd. in sets plough Irons)
32sets swingle tree Irons
1/2gro. 8dy. hair Ribbons
1/4doz. extract of Roses
1X cut saw 5 feet
1hand saw 26 ins.
1tenon saw 16 ins.
3-1/2doz. common ladies scissors
1/6doz. fine ladies scissors
1-1/2doz. hay scythes 40 ins.
8-3/4yds. blk. silk Serge
10yds. green silk Serge
32 (?)yds. black Shalloon
3/45/4 resist cotton Shawls
1/2assd. Tiblet Shawls
5prs. sheep clipping Sheers
4prs. mens bluchers Shoes
5prs. mens Golashes Shoes
7prs. mens calf bd. Shoes
1prs. mens Wellington Shoes
6prs. womens weltz Shoes
52prs. womens Oahu Shoes
13yds. Gras de Naples white Silk
4prs. Cassatte [sic] straps wh. roller buckles
1pr. printed beaverteen Trousers

[glass Tumblers, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 pint sizes]
45yds. blue cotton Velvet
1-1/2yds. blue silk Velvet

Woahoo Cof[f]ee
24/112Cwt. Currants

Woahoo Molasses

brown sugar
School Books
1/2doz. assd. Childrens Books
5English prayer Books
94copy slips

Extracts from "Inventory . . . Fort Vancouver Sale Shop," spring, 1846. [86]

1-2/3doz. horse Bells
2broad Scar. word. Belts
14prs. Hessian Boots
15prs. Wellington Boots
1prs. Clarence Boots
1-11/12doz. cloth Brushes
1/12doz. hair Brushes
2-11/18gro. overcoat pearl Buttons
1/12gro. metal brace Buttons
1/12gro. horn brace Buttons
4-25/144gro. figd. brass Buttons Vest
2-3/4doz. Gents Lambswool Gloves
94prs. boys strong Shoes
49prs. childrens Shoes
209prs. Girls Shoes
4prs. Mens ancle [sic] Shoes
36prs. Mens light Shoes
34prs. Mens strong Shoes
6prs. Mens fine morocco Shoes (leather)
12prs. Mens com. Shoes (leather)
4prs. Mens Carpet Shoes
3prs. youths Shoes
5yds. McDuff Tartan
56yds. Clan Ranald Tartan
2Ladies draw silk Bonnets
22ladies Bonnets Shapes
13Maids Bonnets Shapes

It will be noted that the items in the inventories quoted above are all articles imported from England, the Hawaiian Islands, or other overseas region. Yet it is known, from inventories at other posts, from settlers' narratives, and from individual accounts such as that of James Flett quoted earlier in this chapter, that the Company's sale shops stocked and sold a considerable amount of farm produce as well as items manufactured at the posts or purchased from the Indians. Such was certainly the case at Fort Vancouver. [87]

The annual inventories of the stock in the Fort Vancouver sale shop, at least during most of the 1840's, do not seem to list the locally produced articles on hand, but in the Company's archives in London there has been preserved a separate account book containing the so-called "country produce" inventories in the Columbia District for Outfit 1840/41 [Outfit 1840]. The rather brief list relating to the Fort Vancouver sale shop is as follows:

Fort Vancouver Sale Shop Outfit 1840

Country Produce & Country made articles remaining on hand spring 1841

Country Produce
35lbs. California Grease
42Chev[reui]l [mule deer] Skins
13Portage Straps
Country Made
1Half sqe Head Axe
1Canvas Bag pr. Salt
12Garden Hoes
426lbs. Wrought Iron
20Hunters Knives
101Large round Tin Pans
64Boat Pans
4Hook Pots
3Tin Milk Strainers
2Tin Milk Tureens [88]

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