Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume I

BIG HOUSE (continued)


a. When archeologists excavate in the area of the original 1829 stockade (ABED), they should be alert for evidence of the first Big House (1829-1838).

b. The second Big House should be restored to the period just prior to the removal of Dr. John McLoughlin on January 6, 1846, and of his family on January 17, 1846. This dating will permit the furnishing of the structure with items or reproductions of items associated with the "Father of Oregon," the dominant figure in the history of Fort Vancouver.

c. Despite the fact that the veranda across the front of the house apparently was removed pending repair between May 26, 1845, and September 2, 1846, it is recommended that the building be reconstructed with this feature intact as shown in the 1860 photographs. There appears no way of knowing to what degree the veranda was removed and when various parts of it may have been replaced.

d. If some practicable means can be found of providing a waterproof subroofing, it is recommended that the roof of the reconstructed Big House be covered with boards rather than shingles, which do not seem to have been applied to the original structure until August 27, 1846. During the fur trade period, however, the roofs of vertically laid boards were notorious for leaking as they aged and cracked.

e. The house should be reconstructed with most architectural details as shown in the 1860 photographs of the structure. Although the Coode water color of the fort yard in about 1846-1847 shows certain differences, particularly in the front door and windows, there appears to be no way to judge the accuracy of the artist. Further, the Coode drawing does not provide the details which would permit restoration according to the general plan it presents.

On the other hand, it is recommended that the Coode drawing be followed for porch railing details. Evidently it shows the railing, with end ornaments and the center object of unknown utility, more nearly as it appeared in 1845 than do the photographs.

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003