Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
NPS Logo
Volume I


sketch of padlock
Plate CIV. Iron Padlock Excavated at Fort Vancouver. (From Caywood, Final Report, Figure 9.)

Plate CV. A "Covered Copper Kettle" of the Type Sold at Hudson's Bay Company Shops During the Nineteenth Century.

Photograph of a specimen formerly in the Company's museum.

(From The Beaver, Outfit 287 (Summer, 1956), 50.)

Haida woman
Plate CVI. Haida Woman Wearing a Hudson's Bay Company "Point" Blanket, 1880's. (From The Beaver, Outfit 287 (Summer, 1956), 51.)

sketch of tabacco
Plate CVII. Tobacco for the Fur Trade.

The items illustrated are, from left to right, a one-pound twist, a one-pound carrot, and a three-pound carrot.

(From The Beaver, Outfit 274 (March, 1944), 36.)

sales items
Plate CVIII. Sales Items Long Carried at H. B. C. Sales Shops Across the Continent.

The objects shown, front left to right, are dogbells, canoe awl, crooked knife, tumpline, snare wire, snow knife, skinning knife, and ice chisels.

(From The Beaver, Outfit 274 (March, 1944), [33].)

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003