Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume I


painting of fort
Plate XXV. Water Color Sketch of Fort Vancouver from the North. Painted by J. M. Alden, c. 1859-1860. (From the original painting in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.)

painting of fort
Plate XXVI. Sketch of Fort Vancouver from the Northwest, c. 1860, by Lieut. John W. Hopkins. (Reproduced, with permission, from the original ink and wash drawing in the Oregon Historical Society.)

photo of fort
Plate XXVII. Fort Vancouver Courtyard, View toward Northeast Corner, Photographed by British Boundary Commission Party, May, 1860.

The buildings visible are, left to right, the Priests' House, the Big House, and the Bachelors' Quarters. The belfrey is in the center foreground.

(Courtesy of the Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Victoria, B. C.)

photo of fort
Plate XXVIII. Fort Vancouver Courtyard, View toward Northwest Corner, Photographed by British Boundary Commission Party, May, 1860.

The buildings visible are, left to right, the New Store, the sale shop, an unidentified structure, the root house (with gable roof sloping to ground level), the bastion, the granary, and the New Office.

(Courtesy of the Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Victoria, B. C.)

photo of fort
Plate XXIX. The Big House or Chief Factor's Residence, Fort Vancouver, Photographed by British Boundary Commission Party, May, 1860.

The north and east palisade walls show flat-topped pickets; a shed-roofed outhouse is visible to the right of the Big House.

(Courtesy Royal Engineers Archives, Brampton Barracks, Kent, England.)

map of fort
Plate XXX. Ground Plan of Fort Vancouver, June 15, 1860, Drawn by a Board of Army Officers which Evaluated the Buildings Abandoned by the Hudson's Bay Company on the Previous Day.

The numbered structures were as follows:
 3. Governor's House
 4. Kitchen (Governor's House)
 5. Butcher Shop &c.
 6. Bakehouse
 7. Quarters for employees
 8. Small storehouse
 9. Blacksmith shop
10. Fur house
11. Porter's lodge
12,13,14. Three large storehouses
15. H. B. Company's store
16. Bastion
17. Granary
18. Carpenter & wheelwright shop
19. Company's office
20. Guard house
21. Dwelling house (formerly Grahame's)
22. Magazine
(From Proceedings of a Board of Officers, Fort Vancouver, W. T., June 15, 1860 MS in A. G. O., Oregon Department, Document Pile, 212-S-1860, in War Records Division, the National Archives.)

photo of fort
Plate XXXI. Bastion and Stockade at Fort Langley, British Columbia, 1862.

The stockade pickets are clearly shown with flat tops. They also appear to be peeled.

(Courtesy of the Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Victoria.)

photo of fort
Plate XXXII. Stockade and Buildings of Fort Victoria, British Columbia, 1858.

The pickets have flat tops and appear to be peeled.

(Courtesy of the Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Victoria.)

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