Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume I


fort structures
Plate LVII. Fort Colvile, photographed by the British Boundary Commission Party, 1860.

The manager's house is the hipped-roof structure to the left.

(Courtesy of the Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa. No. C 19132.)

fort structures
Plate LVIII. Jasper House, H. B. C. Post, 1872.

This photograph of a small Hudson's Bay Company structure well illustrates the technique of applying roof boards.

(Courtesy of the Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary, Alberta.)

fort structures
Plate LIX. Roof Detail, Reconstructed Rocky Mountain House, Heritage Park, Calgary, Alberta. (National Park Service Photograph by J. A. Hussey, September 24, 1967.)

fort structures
Plate LX. Weatherboards and Corner Boards, Archway Warehouse, Norway House. (Photograph courtesy of Mr. Terence B. Smythe, National Historic Sites Service, Canada.)

fort structures
Plate LXI. Front Stairway and Entrance, Officers' Quarters, Fort Langley, c.1858-1874. (From The Beaver, Outfit 289 (Autumn, 1958), 36.)

fort structures
Plate LXII. Restored Factor's House, Fort Nisqually. (From The Beaver, Outfit 292 (Summer, 1961), 15.)

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003