Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II

OWYHEE CHURCH (continued)


a. Schoolroom. The inventories of "articles in use" in the schoolroom are in many respects highly informative, because they list in great detail items such as books, tables, and lamps; but they make no mention of desks, inkstands, chairs, slate pencils, and many other articles that certainly were essential for the operation of a school. Thus either the school was closed at the time and the items listed were simply stored, perhaps in the Owyhee Church or perhaps elsewhere, or much "country made" furniture was not inventoried and many classroom supplies were not Company-owned but provided by the parents or sponsors of the pupils.

Certainly the inventories do not provide enough information to permit one to visualize the appearance of the furnished classroom of an active school. Two available photographs of schoolrooms at other Hudson's Bay Company posts are not of much assistance, because they are of rather recent date (Plates LXIV and LXV); but they do serve to illustrate how fairly large classes could be accommodated in rather small rooms. They also show that styles of desks apparently did not change greatly over a long span of years.

The inventory of "articles in use" taken at Fort Vancouver in the spring of 1845 included the following items:

--School Room--
4Forms [long seats; benches--JAH]
2large tin hanging Lamps
4small tin hanging Lamps
1Stove and Funnel [stovepipe--JAH]
1Music Board
5c [?]. w. deep Plates ["E(arthen) Ware deep Plates" in 1844 inventory--JAH]
6c [?]. w. flat Plates
2Tea Spoons ["tin Spoons" in 1844 inventory--JAH]
6table Spoons
2c [2]. w. Cups and Saucers ["E. Ware cups & saucers" in 1844 inventory--JAH]
5table Knives and Forks
1Tin soup Toureen
2Tin Tea Pots [70]

Under a separate heading from the schoolroom, the 1845 inventory of "articles in use " contained a long list of schoolbooks. It appears to have been rather carelessly copied from the list of books in the 1844 inventory, with which it is identical except for spelling and punctuation. The 1845 list is reproduced below exactly as written, except that doubtful words have been given as they appear in the 1844 list, which is extremely legible. Additional information added in brackets is re produced from the Columbia requisition for Outfit 1841 (signed by John McLoughlin at Fort Colvile, April 18, 1838), by which a number of the books were ordered:

School Books
1Analytical Alphabet
8Introduction to English Reader
16English Reader
54Spelling Books
3bible class Instructions
5Clarke's English mother Catechisms [The English Mother's first Catechism for her children, illustrated by one hundred engravings bound 12 copies]
11Sabbath School Teacher 1st Class
5Sabbath School Teacher 2nd Class
1Sabbath School Teacher 3rd Class
1old Testament Biography
2new Testament Biography
2works of Creation Catechism
7Geography Catechism
13sacred History Catechism
4Church of England Catechisms
1French Catholic Catechisms
4Methodist Catechisms
4short scripture Catechisms
1Reynold's Book Keeping
2Kelly's Book Keeping
1Twiner's Book Keeping
2Souter's primers [Souter's first school reader by G. Heaven (?) 12 copies bd]
6Worcester primers 2nd book
1Worcester primers 3rd book
4Union Questions
1Key to David
5English Dictionaries
1Evidences of Christianity
3Stewarts Geography [A compendium of modern Geography by the Revd. Alexr. Stewart 18 mo. bd. 6 copies]
1Olney's Geography
1Woodbridges Geography
1Bible class text Book
2Beauties of the Bible
2sabbath school class Books
7English Grammers [sic]
2Millars scripture History
84spelling cards and Leaves
1Rudiments of reading
1Lesson in reading
2Selections of reading Lessons
2Sequel to reading Lessons
1promiscuous reading Lessons
1New York Reader
1pocket Encyclopaedia
1Ware on the formation of the Christian Character
1American Preceptor
1American Selection
1American Reader
1Pleasing Companion
2Introduction to Analytical Reader
1Life of Baxter
1family Monitor
1Memoirs of H. Martin [spelled "Martyn" in 1844 inventory--JAH]
1Thompson's Seasons
1common place Book
1juvenile Biography
42religious Tracts
1Defense of the use of the Bible
1Child's Guide
3Baldwin's Catechisms
1vol: Cooper's Sermons
1British Nepos
1Institute of Arithmetic
1sheet school Rules
3multiplication Tables
1Life of Benjamin Franklin
1Bible Stories
1Pious Sisters of Roseneath
1History of Scotland [Simpson's History of Scotland 18th Edition bound 1 copy]
1History of British Empire [Chambers' History of the British Empire & its resources 2 copies]
2Walkers first four Rules
3Tutors assistants
1Key to assistants
6prayer Books
5Parables of J. C.
1Bible History
1Clark's Atlas
1Olney's Atlas
1Woodbridges Atlas
ICummings Atlas
5Analytical Readers
1first class Book
1Key to Knowledge [Key to Knowledge or things in common use familiarly & shortly explained by a Mother 8th Edition 2 copies]
2Child's Arithmetic
1Emerson's Arithmetic
1Scripture Lessons
1Questions in the Bible
1Compendium to Bible
3Sunday Magazines
2Lincoln's Scripture Lessons
5Hymn Books
1Colburns Arithmetic
43Slips [8 Doz single copy slips on Pasteboard text, round & small hands]
1Watt's Poems
1Mavors Natural History [Mavors elements of Natural History new Edition bound 1 copy]
1Mavors Plutarch [Mavors selection of the lives of Plutarch ]
1Abbot's Young Christian ["Abbotts" in 1844 list--JAH]
1Abbot's Scripture N. History
1Life of Remarkable youths
1Blairs class Book [Blair's class Book bound 2 copies]
1History of Scotland
1Introduction to the Sciences [Chamber's introduction to the sciences 6 copies]
1Infant Education
1Goldsmith's History of Greece [Simpson's improved edition of Goldsmith's History of Greece 1 copy]
1Goldsmith's History of Rome [Simpson's improved edition of Goldsmith's History of Rome 1 copy]
1Goldsmith's History of England [Simpson's improved edition of Goldsmith's History of England 11th Edition 1 copy]
1Introduction to the Ch. Religion
1per: on Early Piety
1Amerson's Arithmetic
1Abridgt. of the Ro. Cath. Doctrine
1Letters to the Conscience
1Dr Bell's System of Education
1Carpenter's Natural History [71]

If the school was in active operation in 1845-46, the schoolroom undoubtedly contained, in addition to the Company-owned items listed above, a number of accessories and supplies belonging to the individual students. Among such articles offered for sale in the Sale Shop during the 1840s were black lead pencils, slate pencils, and small slates, in addition to an assortment of schoolbooks, copy slips, and "slips on boards." [72]

b. Dormitory. The historical record seems to contain no information on the furnishings of the room in which the master and some of the boys slept. From what Chaplain Beaver wrote, however, one can judge that the accommodations were crowded and extremely plain. They undoubtedly were similar to those in the unlined garret at Fort Victoria where the bunks of the schoolboys were "bare boards, covered with an Indian mat and a blanket, and a second blanket as a covering." One bowl and jug sufficed as washing facilities for the entire dormitory.

c. Kitchen and bedroom or bedrooms. No information whatever appears to be available concerning the furnishings of any additional rooms that may have been in the Owyhee Church. Probably one of these rooms was a kitchen, which would have been furnished in the same manner as the kitchen to the Big House but on a much reduced scale. Not know ing for certain who lived in the building, it is virtually impossible to make an assumption concerning the furnishings of the bedroom or bedrooms other than that they must have been equally as sparse as or even more sparse than those in the Bachelors' Quarters.

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003