Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II

WHEAT STORE (continued)


No inventories of articles in use have been found specifically for the Wheat Store. And the lists headed "In Stores" do not appear to contain many items suitable for employment in a granary, except blocks and tackle. But under the major heading of "Farm Utensils &c" are found a few articles that appear to pertain to the Wheat Store. For example, in the long list in the spring, 1844, inventory are the following items:

2 small 4 wheeled hand Carts pr Granary
3 Imperial 1/2 Bush[el] Measures
1 Imperial 1 Bush[el] Measures
4 Shovels [46]

It is assumed that shovels were kept in the Granary, because they were employed in the usual British process for cleaning and turning the grain. Edlin also mentions the use of screens in connection with these operations, but he does not describe them. [47]

From material cited earlier in this chapter, it would appear that flour as well as grain was stored in the Granary. Flour was ordinarily packed in barrels at Fort Vancouver.

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003