Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II

COOPER'S SHOP (continued)


Available inventories provide a reasonably good account of the tools that were in the Cooper's Shop, but as usual certain items that could be expected do not seem to be listed. For instance, no workbenches are included, and neither--unless "Cooper's stools " is another name for them--are the characteristic cooper's benches, with their many-sized wooden partitions.

Fortunately, curators who may be assigned the task of refurnishing the Cooper's Shop will find excellent guidance available. A recent book by Kenneth Kilby, The Cooper_and his Trade (London: John Baker Ltd., 1971), is a very detailed and lavishly illustrated history and description of the cooper's art. It contains numerous photographs and drawings of the tools and equipment employed in the craft at different periods. [17]

The Fort Vancouver Depot inventory of "articles in use" made during the spring of 1844 contains the following list of interest at this point:

Coopers Shop
6Coopers adzes
5Coopers broad Axes
2rod. head large Axes
5top Screws or Borers
2Coopers Braces & 8 bits
2Cold Chisels
5ass Chives pr Kegs
6Coopers Crows
4pair Compasses
1Coopers Dog
8Coopers Driver
2Coopers Driver old
1flat smooth File 10 in
1hlf round rasp File 12 in
2hand Saw File
1spike Gimlet
1small Gimlet
8Coopers Hammers
99ass truss Hoops
7ass truss Hoops broken
4Coopers Horses
3beak Irons
1marking Irons
4flagging Irons
7drawing Knives
2splitting Knives
5creming Knives
5belging Knives
2tool [dowel?] Moulds
4Coopers long Jointer Planes
1hand Planes
1pair Pincers
5head Saws
2frame Saws
1tenon Saws
1oil Stone
3Coopers Vices
4cast steel Knives
2Scalping Knives
1butchers Steel
1Butter Sound [18]

The Cooper's Shop inventory taken in the spring of 1845 is shorter, but it contains a few variations worth noting:

--Cooper's Shop--
5Coopers Adzes
3Tap [top?] Borers
2Cold Chisels
2Chives p 8 Gn Kegs
1Chives p 2 Gn Kegs
1Chives p 1 Gn Kegs
1Chives p Barrels
5Coopers Crows
1Rasp File
1common Grindstone
7Coopers Hammers
100assd Truss Hoops
2Beak Irons
1marking Irons
2Flagging Irons
7drawing Knives
3splitting Knives
4creming Knives
4Jointer Planes
1Rabbit Planes
4head saw[s]
2frame saw[s]
5Coopers Stools
1Coopers Vices
1Oil Stone
6crooked Knives
5centre bitts
1pr Pincers [19]

The inventory of 1848 does not contribute much to knowledge of the Cooper's Shop furnishings, but it is reproduced below because it appears to reflect the trend of activity at the depot by that date:

--Cooper's Shop--
1large round headed Axe
3broad Axe
4tap Borers
3Braces and bitts
3cold Chisels
2Chives pr barrels
3Chives pr 8 gn kegs
1Chives pr 2 gn kegs
2Chives pr 1 gn kegs
4prs Compasses
3long Drivers
2set Drivers
3Files assd.
1common Grindstone
100assd. truss Hoops
4beak Irons
4flagging Irons
5belging Knives
2butchers C. S. Knives
5creming Knives
2dowling Knives
5drawing Knives
1splitting Knives
2dowling Moulds
1pr Pincers
1hand Plane
1jack Plane
6jointer Plane
1-2ft Rule
2frame Saws
1hand Saws
4heading Saws
1tenon Saws
1iron Shovel
1butter Sound
1oil Stone
4wooden Stools
2Vices [20]

Among the unbound papers in the Fort Nisqually Collection in the Huntington Library is a requisition for "Coopers Tools &c required for Nisqually Out: 1843." It is reproduced below because it appears to throw additional light upon the equipment of a cooper's shop of the period:

2drawing knives Coopers
1drawing knives Coopers hollow
1Coopers Jointer Plane
1Coopers crooked Jack Plane
1Coopers crow Plane
1Coopers frame saw
1Coopers hammer
1Coopers Brace & Irons
1Coopers Screw
1Coopers broad axe
1Coopers Adze
1Coopers knife pr smoothing rim of Barrel proper name unknown
1Spoke [?] Shape [?]
1hand saw
2Socket Chisels 1/2 in
1Firmers Chisels 1/2
1/2doz tenon saw Files
1hand Plane
2Iron Wedges
1Garden Spade [21]

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003