Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II



Indian Trade Shop proper. As was the case with the general depot trade shop, the "furnishings" of the Indian store consisted largely of the trade goods stocked there and of the returns taken in barter. Fortunately, available inventories provide a reasonably adequate picture of the goods offered, the products received, and the equipment required for the operation of the shop.

Before presenting the detailed lists, however, a few general remarks may be useful. The goods offered were, on the whole, of the same quality and types as those sold to employees and settlers, except that the range or variety of items was more limited. There were many articles of European civilization for which the natives had little use. On the other hand, the Indians were excellent judges of quality, and once they accepted a certain brand or pattern they demanded it year after year.

Robert Ballantyne has left an excellent description of a Company Indian shop during the 1840s:

It contained every imaginable commodity likely to be needed by Indians. On various shelves were piled bales of cloth of all colours, capotes, blankets, caps, &c.; and in smaller divisions were placed files, scalping-knives, gun-screws, flints, balls of twine, fire-steels, canoe-awls, and glass beads of all colours, sizes, and descriptions. Drawers in the counter contained needles, pins, scissors, thimbles, fish-hooks, and vermilion for painting canoes and faces. The floor was strewn with a variety of copper and tin kettles, from half-a-pint to a gallon; and on a stand in the furthest corner of the room stood about a dozen trading guns, and beside them a keg of powder and a box of shot. [95]

In another description of a Company trade shop, Ballantyne mentioned tobacco as being sold from "a coil of most appalling size and thickness, which looked like a snake of endless length." [96] Undoubtedly the Fort Vancouver Indian shop contained a similar roll. A visitor to the "shop" at Fort Simpson in 1868 noted that this place where the skins were bartered and goods delivered in exchange presented a curious jumble of all kinds of articles; there were even Indian weapons, knives, muskets, hunting and fishing gear which served . . . as pledges in respect of deals not yet completed." [97]

The inventories of goods on hand and "articles in use" in the Fort Vancouver Indian Trade have one major drawback when considered as guides for refurnishing the Indian shop: they include items at the Umpqua post and Fort George as well as the "Fort Vancouver Indian Trading Shop." This fact is not of great significance when it comes to the trade goods, because what is needed is a good account of the types of items carried in stock. The inventories are not satisfactory indicators of quantities of items in any case, because they only show the amounts remaining on hand when the count was made. Apparently there are no available records that show the full stock at the beginning of each outfit.

When it comes to the equipment employed to operate the Indian shop, the inventories of "articles in use" are of little utility. Both the Umpqua post and Fort George, as operating establishments, required tools, eating utensils, agricultural implements, and many other items for which the Fort Vancouver Indian shop had no need. To identify those articles that might have been used in the Indian shop at the depot is virtually impossible. Therefore, no attempt is made here to reproduce the annual lists of "articles in use" in the Fort Vancouver Indian Trade. Suffice it to say that of the many items listed, an axe or two, a common trading gun, a hammer, one "hand Steelyard," and a few beaver traps perhaps would have been "in use" in the Fort Vancouver Indian shop. [98] The account books that would have been employed in this same shop have been described earlier in this chapter.

As for the trade goods, the following inventories will provide an excellent view:

Inventory of Sundry Goods, property of the Honble. Hudsons Bay Company, remaining on hand at the Umpaqua [sic], F. George & F. Vancouver Indian trading Shop

Spring 1844
188yards blue Baize
81-1/2yards green Baize
112yards red Baize
249yards scarlet Baize
25bunches barley corn Beads
82bunches brown garnet Beads
79-1/2lbs. white enamel Beads
8bunches dark blue Cut glass Beads
31bunches opaque Cut glass Beads
16bunches crystal Cut glass Beads
9-2/3bunches green Cut glass Beads
19-1/2bunches yellow Cut glass Beads
32bunches lapis no 4 Beads
15bunches lapis no 6 Beads
14lbs. round necklace Beads #1
5lbs. round necklace Beads #2
20-2/3lbs. round necklace Beads #3 & 4
97lbs. com. round assd. Beads
5broad scarlet worsted Belts
63green Blankets 3 pts [points]
25Inferior Blankets 3 pts R. B. [red bards]
1Inferior Blankets 2-1/2 pts R. B.
2plain Blankets 3 pts B. B. [blue bars]
83plain Blankets 2-1/2 pts B. B.
19striped G & B Blankets 3 pts
1doz japd. tobacco Boxes w[it]h b[urning] G[las]s
2single rein Bridles
5-1/2gro. W[hite] & Y[ellow] metal coat Buttons
2gro. gilt vest ball Buttons
13-5/6gro. plated vest ball Buttons
2-1/2M percussion Caps
16com. Cloth Capots 4 Ells
11com. Cloth Capots 3-1/2 Ells
1com. Cloth Capots 2-1/2 Ells
2yards 2nd Scarlet Cloth
1Regimental Coat No 2
3-7/12dozen large horn Combs
7-1/2pieces printed Cotton
15pieces printed Navy blue Cotton
2/3pieces striped regatta Cotton
1pieces white salampore Cotton
4-1/2pieces blue Duffle
1/4pieces red Duffle
1/4doz cold. cock Feathers
6doz flat bastard Files 7 in
4doz flat bastard Files 8 in
21-3/4doz Paper case lookg. Glasses
5-1/2doz metal frame lookg. Glasses
1/4doz large mahogy. frame looking Glasses
15common Indian Guns
1-1/5M best Gunflints
77-2/3lbs TPF Gunpowder
4-11/12gro. wire Gunworms
11/12dozen com Cotton Handkf's
2-1/10Ct. large Cod Hooks 3019
7-2/3Ct. Kirby trout Hooks
12powder Horns
1/12doz. mens long worsted Hose
66lbs open Copper Kettles
11nests covd. tin Kettles 1@13
15-1/6doz. scalping Knives
3E. Ware Jugs 3 qts
150/1000M darning Needles
1/10M tailors Needles
92yards com Osnaburghs
8short h'dled frying Pans
5-1/2nests oval tin Pans 1@8
5/8nests round tin Pans
11assd. iron tind. sauce Pans
1tin Coffee Pot
5tin japd. quart Pot
8tin pint Pot
3/4gro. plain brass finger Rings
1gro. ornad. brass finger Rings
2-11/12doz. resist cotton Shawls
80com striped Cotton Shirts
99fine striped Cotton Shirts
47regatta Cotton Shirts
1fine white Cotton Shirts
13com. white flannel Shirts
4-50/112Cwt ball Shot
8Cwt beaver AAA Shot
30lbs yellow Soap
5/6doz oval polished fire Steels
1/7piece com. blue Strouds
2piece HB. Strouds
40yards Tartan
1-3/4gro. brass Thimbles
1lb Cold. Thread #l0#
172lbs Canada roll Tobacco
43beaver Traps Complete wh. chains
9p'rs Canvass Trousers
1p'rs com Cloth Trousers
18p'rs Corduroy Trousers
1/2bun. holland Twine
1/2bun. sturgeon Twine
4fine scarlet Cassimere Vests
10com drab cloth Vests
3Quilting Vests
3fine swansdown
5lbs mixed Vermilian
70lbs brass collar Wire
Fixed Prices
104yards transparent Beads
New Stores
1/2doz. E. ware Cups & Saucers
1/3doz. cross cut saw Files
1/3doz. hand Files
4-1/4bundles hoop Iron [99]

Outfit 1845 Dr

To Columbia District Outfit 1844, for Country made Articles, Country produce &c remaining on hand at the Close of Outfit 1844 at the following places intended for the Service of O. 1845 viz.

F. Vancouver Indian Trade

Country Made

4midg round head Axes
12small round head Axes
11midg square head Axes
21beaver Traps
6beaver Traps Springs

Country Produce

300lbs California Grease
1122fms Hayquois [hiaqua (shells)]
38dressed chev[reui]l Skins
1dressed lar. red deer Skins
8dressed sm. red deer Skins

Woahoo [Oahu] Produce

20gns Molasses [100]

Inventory of Sundry Goods, property of the Honble Hudsons Bay Company, remaining on hand at the Umpqua, Fort George and F. Vancouver Indian Trading Shop, forming the Fort Vancouver Indian Trade, Spring 1845

3/144Gross Indian Awls
63-1/2Yds blue Baize
56Yds Green Baize
22Yds red Baize
180Yds Scarlet Baize
2E. Ware cold, wash hand Basins
16buns barleycorn Beads
48lbs wh[ite] E[namel] Beads
7bns Amber cut Glass Beads N 4
13-1/2bns lapis blue cut Glass Beads 4
4bns light blue cut Glass Beads 5
33bns light blue cut Glass Beads 4
1bns Green blue cut Glass Beads 4
18bns purple purple cut Glass Beads 6
1bns wh. blue cut Glass Beads 4
8bns round Necklace Beads #1
5bns round Necklace Beads 2
4bns com rd. black Beads
22bns com rd. blue Beads
16bns sample Z Beads
11bns sample N Beads
2gro hawk Bells
2/3doz house Bells
8Nar. Cold, worsted broad [Belts]
1broad scar. worsted [Belts]
10Midg. scar. worsted [Belts]
1Narrow scar. worsted [Belts]
15blue Blankets
44Green Blankets 3 pt BB
36inferior Blankets 2-1/2 pt
131plain Blankets 2-1/2 pt
4striped Blankets 3 pt BG & YB
7/12doz Scotch Bonnets wh peaks
1/2doz Japd tin tobacco Boxes plain
1/2doz Japd tin tobacco Boxes w Glass
3Glass single rein Bridles twisted
5/6gro. wh. & yel. Metal Coat Buttons
4-1/2gro. wh. & yel. Metal jacket Butons
2gro. maltese Buttons
3gro. Gilt Ball vest
3blue cloth Caps #10 & 11
1/2M percussion Caps
2/3doz Grey Mild, worsted Caps
9com. Cloth Capots 4 Ells wh hoods
7com. Cloth Capots 3-1/2 Ells wh hoods
5blue Ind Cloth Capots 4 Ells wh capes
6white Cloth Capots 4 Ells wh capes
4yd 2 [?] = Scarlet Cloth
2s. fine blue frock Coats
5/12doz large Camber horn Combs
2-10/28pcs com printed Cotton
5pcs navy blue Cotton
6-15/18pcs wh salampere Cotton
4-30/80pcs blue Duffle
1/4pcs red Duffle
8-5/6doz flat bastard Files 7 ins
1-7/12doz flat bastard Files 8 ins
8patent powder Flasks
5/12doz lar. Mahy. frame lookg. Glasses
1-3/4doz metal frame lookg. Glasses
3-5/12doz paper cased frame lookg. Glasses
23comn. Indn. Guns 3-1/2 feet
3/4M best black Gunflints
2-40/100bbls TPF Gunpowder
50/144gro. wire Gunworins
1-3/4doz Common Cotton Hdkfs
1/12doz iron butt Hinges 1-3/4 in
225/1000M Cod Hooks #3019/20
112/1000M trout Hooks Kirby bent
10powder Horns
3E. ware Jugs 3 qts
4E. ware Jugs 1 qts fancy lustre
6E. ware Jugs 1/2" qts fancy lustre
40-1/2lb covd. Copper Kettles
2-10/13nests covd. tn Kettles #1 @ 13
14-5/6doz scalping Knives
1-1/2single cod Line
1/12doz dble link chest Locks
5M brass chair Nails
1/4M darning Needles
38yds stout Osnaburghs
4C. I. short handle fryg. Pans
8assd. iron tind. sauce Pands
3/8nest oval tin Pands #1 @ 8
1/3packet blanket Pins
1block tin Coffee Pot 2-1/2 quart
4Japd. tn quart Pot
2Japd. tn pint Pot
4pieces assd. cold. 4 Ribbon
8doz 5/4 resist cotton Shawls
2fine wool Shawls
98Common Cotton Shirts
2fine Cotton Shirts
1raw [?] Cotton Shirts
1white Cotton Shirts
7Cwt ball shot #28
5-1/2Cwt beaver shot AAA
40/112Cwt yellow Soap
1-1/3doz oval polished fire steels
50/144gro. woms. common brass Thimbles
133lb Canada roll Tobacco
8-1/2doz asst. Toys
4pr fancy printed beaverteen Trousers
9pr canvas Trousers
1pr common cloth Trousers
13pr corduroy Trousers
1bun sturgeon Twine
3-1/4lb best mixed Vermilion
3com. Cloth Vests
1s[?] scarlet Vests
3coin. quilting Vests
2dark Valencia Vests
39lbs brass collar wire


1Cwt crash Sugar

Fixed Prices

7-1/2lbs aqua Marina Beads
103yds Green transparent Beads

New Stores

1/6doz X cut saw Files [101]

[Inventory of country made articles and country produce remaining on hand, spring 1846]

Ft. Vancouver Indian Trade Cr.

14mid square head Axes
4lar round head Axes
10small round head Axes
20beaver Traps
2Garden Hoes

754fms Hayquois
66prs Mocassins
72Chevl. Skins
9red deer Skins
40bus Corn Salt--13-l/2 Bbls [102]

An earlier inventory of country-made articles and country produce perhaps gives a better picture of the diverse items that from time to time might have been received in barter or traded to natives in the several shops of the Fort Vancouver Indian Trade The following list is from the "Columbia District, Country Produce & Country Made Articles Inventories Outfit 1840/41":

Fort Vancouver Indian Trade

Country Produce

3Chenook [Chinook] Baskets
9Bark Baskets
315fms. Hayquois
3Chenook Hats
589 Chenook Mats
14Large red deer Skins
49Chevl. [Skins]

Country Made

4hlf Sqe head Axes
33hlf round head Axes
22sm. round head Axes
1-1/2doz Baize Caps
4Canoe Chisels
7prs. Baize Leggins
11prs. Stroud Leggins
1Salampore Shirt
4Spanish Saddles
2Spanish Saddles Inf[erio]r
1pr. Baize Trousers
24Beaver Traps
2Beaver Traps Springs [103]

Fur loft. A list of the types and numbers of skins taken in at the Fort Vancouver Indian Trade Shop for Outfits 1844 to 1846 has been given earlier in this chapter. That information, together with Plates XXVI and XXVII, should provide sufficient guidance for the organization of a fur exhibit in the restored structure.

Apothecary shop or Dispensary. Fortunately, detailed inventories are available not only for the equipment of the Dispensary but for the medicines and "surgical apparatus " carried in stock at the depot for sale or for use at other posts in the Columbia District. Although it is obvious from Dr. Tolmie's journal of 1833, already quoted, that a sizeable quantity of medicine was kept on hand in the Dispensary, it is not certain that the entire depot stock was stored there. Also, the inventories show that a certain number of medicines were carried on the accounts of the depot Sale Shop, but whether they were physically stocked there is not apparent.

Because the depot surgeon was responsible for making up the packets of medicines that were sent out annually to the various posts, and because presumably sales of medicines by the Sale Shop were made under his general supervision, it is not impossible that the combined stocks of medical supplies were actually kept in the Dispensary where the doctor could get at them with minimum distraction from his duties as Indian trader. Such an assumption is purely hypothetical, however, and in furnishing the reconstructed Indian shop it perhaps would be best to display merely a generous representative sampling of the inventoried medicines and apparatus, distributed between the Dispensary proper and the doctor's office.

Inventories are also available for the "Hospital" at the depot. Almost certainly these lists refer to the hospital that was outside the fort stockade near the bank of the Columbia River. Because the Dispensary inventories do not include such items as beds, blankets, bedpans, dishes, glasses, and other articles that might be expected where patients are hospitalized, two conclusions are possible. Either no bed patients were housed in the Dispensary, or the hospital inventories included certain items that were physically located in the Dispensary.

As has been seen, the assumption that persons of a certain rank or class were hospitalized in the Dispensary is quite speculative, yet it is logical. And there is some historical evidence that points in that direction. In 1844, when the captain of the Belgian bark L'Indefatigable was forced to remain at Vancouver for nearly seven weeks because of "dysentery and other diseases," it is recorded that he remained "in the Fort during his illness." [104] Such would not have been said if he had been confined in the hospital. Also, there may be some evidence to support the view that the hospital inventory included some articles physically situated in the Dispensary. The inventory made in the spring of 1848 p laced items in both "Dispensary & Hospital" in a single list. [105] At any rate, for what it is worth, one of the hospital inventories is included below.

The following are representative inventories and requisitions (orders to London) pertaining to the "Medical Department." They are not always exact copies of the originals in the Hudson's Bay Company Archives, because prices have been omitted and occasional ditto marks have been replaced by complete words. But amounts and items are complete as far as the records were legible, and no corrections have been made in spelling except as indicated by a few notations in brackets.

The lists are arranged in the following order: inventories of articles in use in the Dispensary, requisitions of medical supplies, inventories of medicines and medical apparatus remaining on hand at the end of outfit, and a hospital inventory. From an examination of several lists in each category, it seems that the following provide an adequate sampling:

Inventory of Sundry Goods . . . remaining on hand at Fort Vancouver depot.
Spring 1844

Articles in Use


6Catgut Bougies
8gum elastic Bougies
2Bistories [bistouries]
6dozen small glass Bottles w[it]h stoppers
5dozen black glass Bottles
1/2dozen black glass Bottles
1sucking Bottles
5/6doz gum elastic Catheters
1Case cont[ainin]g 9 silver Catheters
1galvanic Battery incomplete
1glass funnel
2tin funnel
1portable furnace
2doz white E[arthen Pots wh covers
3/4doz narrow mouthed Jars
7-1/4doz wide mouthed Jars
1case amput[at]ing Instruments
1case Cupping Instruments
2case Eye Instruments
1case Lithotomy Instruments
1case Midwifery Instruments
1case Trephining Instruments
1Tooth Key
1/3doz. abcess Lancets
1/6doz. Lancets & cases
1iron mortar & pestle
1bell metal mortar & pestle
2wedgewood mortar & pestle
1pulley apparatus for dislocation
1large Medicine Chest
1Covered Copper Kettle pr Ointment
2Tin Kettle pr Ointment
1tin Pan
1bleeding Cup
1Water Cask wh brass cock
1Comn. water Cask
1gradd. glass Measure 2 oz
3p'cs Sponge
1pill Board
9Ointment Pots
12Ointment tin
1Nipple Syringe
1stomach pump
2large Clyster Syringes
3E. Ware plates Spatula
1asophagus probe
1grain scales & weights
1cup scales & weights wh beam
1plaster Spatula
3Ointment Spatula
3Powder Spatula
1Ear Syringe
2Male Urithra [urethra] Syringe
2Female Urithra Syringe
2bottles Rensers
1Phial Rensers
1pair large Scissors
1table spoon
1tea spoon
1Glass Tumbler [106]

Inventory of Sundry Goods . . . remaining on hand at Fort Vancouver Depot
Spring 1845

Articles in Use


4cat gut Bougies
6gum plaster Bougies
2probe pointed Bistouries
1/12doz sucking Bottles
3/4doz silver Catheters in case
1Galvanic Battery glass
1glass ribbed Funnel
2tin Funnel
1portable Furnace
1set amputating Instruments
1surgical pocket Book, New
1Cupping case complete with Glasses &c
2Cases eye Instruments
1Lithotomy Case, old
1Midwifery Case,
1Triphining Case
1Tooth Key, old
2venesection Lancets & Case
6abscess Lancets & Case
1Iron Mortar and pestle
1bell metal Mortar and pestle
2hand wedge Mortar and pestle
1Pully apparatus for dislocations
1Artificial Nipple
1painted Desk and Stand
2painted wooden Tables
1painted wooden Medicine Chest
1covd Copper Kettle
3covd tin Kettle
1Tin Pan
2Japd. Jugs 1 pint
1bleeding cup
1water cask w brass cock
1water cask common, old
2glass drachm Measures, graduated
1glass 4 oz Measure
1wooden Bucket, old
4pcs Sponge
1pill Board, 1 dozen in size
6Ointment pots w covers
3Ointment Tins
1Syringe Nipple
1Enema Syringe and Stomach pump
2large Clyster Syringes
6male Urethra Syringes
4female Urethra Syringes
2ointment plates
2Aesophagus Bougies
1pr Scales and weights, grain
2pr Scales and Beams and 2 lb weights in box
3Ointment Spatulas
1plaster Spatulas
1Powder Spatulas
1brass ear Syringe
2Bottles Rinses
1phial Rinses
1pr Scissors
1sml. Spoon
1glass Tumbler
1small hand bellows [107]

Requisition Columbia District Outfit 1838


4lbs. Nitrous acid
4lbs. distilled acetic acid
1lbs. Citric acid
1lbs. Oxalic acid
16lbs. Alcohol
1lbs. White oxide of Arsenic
10lbs. Balsam of Copaiva
15doz Balsam Turlington's
12lbs. Chamomile Flowers
2lbs. Camphor
4lbs. Converve of Roses
2lbs. Sulphate of Copper
3lbs. Chloride of Sodium Labarraques Liquor
3lbs. Sulphuric Ether
8lbs. Guaiac Wood rasped
10lbs. prepd. hog's lard
4oz. Iodine
2lbs. Magnesia
2lbs. Mercurial Pill
1lbs. Myrrh
6gallons Olive oil
8lbs. Mercurial Ointment
4lbs. Mercurial Ointment camphorated
15lbs. Resinous Ointment
1lbs. Turkey Opium
1lbs. Sedative solution of Opium
5lbs. Cantharides plaster
4lbs. Burgundy pitch plaster
112lbs. Sulphate of Magnesia
6lbs. Super tartarate of Potash
10yds spread adhesive plaster
6papers Court plaster
2oz. Chlorate of potash
12doz. Ess. Peppermint
2lbs. Russian Rhubarb (powdered)
32lbs. Cut Sarsaparilla
8lbs. Sassafras Root rasped
112lbs. Sulphate of Soda
20lbs. Phosphate of Soda
4lbs. Spermaceti
4lbs. Roll Sulpher
4lbs. Sublimed Sulpher
6lbs. Spanish Soap
4lbs. Spirits of Turpentine
4lbs. Comp. Tinc. of Benzoin
2lbs. Comp. Tinc. of Chincona
1lbs. Tinc. of muriate of Iron
6lbs. White wax
12lbs. Yellow wax

--Surgical Apparatus--

20lbs. Lint
1Glass Mortar 1 Pint
2Gross assd. Vials
6Gross assd. vials corks
6Cupping Glass[es]
24Small penis syringes
12elastic Gum Catheters
2Glass funnels small ribbed
2Aneurism Needles
1Pewter Glyster syringe
1Case amputating Instruments
1Case Trephining Instruments
1Specific gravity bottle, capacity 1,000 grains
6Straight Bistourils
3probe pointed do [108]

Inventory of Sundry Goods . . . remaining on hand at Fort Vancouver Depot
Spring 1844


1/2lbs. distilled acetic Acid
1-1/4lbs. Camphorated Acid
1/4lbs. Citric Acid
1/2lbs. hydrocyanic Acid
3/4lbs. Oxatic Acid
4lbs. Aromatic Sulphuric Acid
2lbs. tartaric Acid
1/2lbs. Alcohol
1/2lbs. Alkanet Root
1/2lbs. Aloes
3-1/2lbs. Carbonate Ammonia
1/16lbs. liquor Ammonia
2lbs. muriate Ammonia
5/8lbs. spirits ammonia
2-3/4lbs. Ammoniacum
3tartrate of antimony
1-1/2lbs. Antimonial powder
1/2lbs. white oxide Arsenic
1-1/2lbs. Arsenical Solution
1/2lbs. Assafoetida
1lbs. solution muriate of Barytes
12lbs. Belladonna leaves
1/2lbs. Belladonna extract
1lbs. Gum Benzoin
1-1/16lbs. Compound tincture Benzoin
1/2lbs. subnitrate Bismuth
1/2lbs. Borax
5/8lbs. Gum Camphor
1/4lbs. Compound tincture Cantharides
3/4lbs. Cardamon seeds
2lbs. Catechu
1/2lbs. Compound electuary of Catechu
4-1/14lbs. Chamomile Flowers
1lbs. Chamomile powder
3-3/4lbs. prepared Chalk
3-3/4lbs. powder Charcoal
1/2lbs. Compound tincture Cinchoria
1-1/4lbs. Colchicum root dried
1/2lbs. Colchicum Seeds
1/2lbs. Colchicum Wine
1-1/8lbs. powdered Colocynth
1lbs. Conserve of roses
5-11/16lbs. balsam Copiaba
1-5/16lbs. sulphate Copper
1/2lbs. powder Cubebs
6lbs. Digitalis leaves
1lbs. Digitalis Powder
1/4lbs. Digitalis tincture
5/8lbs. Dovers Powder
4oz. Extract Elateriam
2-3/4doz. Essence Peppermint
2-3/4lbs. rectified Ether
9-1/8lbs. nitrous spirits Ether
1-1/2lbs. powdered Galls
3-1/4lbs. Gentian root
12-3/4lbs. Ginger Powder
2lbs. Guaiac resin
1/2lbs. Guaiac tincture
12lbs. Guaiacum Shavings
5-1/2lbs. Gum tragacanth
1/2lbs. extract Hellebore
4lbs. Honey
1/16lbs. extract Hyoscyamus
3/4lbs. tincture Hyoscyamus
1-1/2lbs. Ipecacuanha
1lbs. Carbonate Iron
1lbs. red oxide Iron
1/4lbs. sulphate Iron
1/2lbs. muriated tincture Iron
3/4lbs. resin Kino
5/16lbs. Compound spirits of Lavender
5lbs. Acetate of Lead
5lbs. Carbonate of Lead
3/4lbs. Lemon peel
30lbs. Chloride of Lime
2-3/4lbs. Extract of Liquorice
1-1/4lbs. root Liquorice
1/2lbs. Calcined Magnesia
1/4lbs. Carbonate Magnesia
56/112Cwt. Sulphate Magnesia
5lbs. Manganese powder
4-1/2lbs. Manna
1-1/2lbs. Mazereon root
1/2lbs. root Mercury
9/32lbs. red oxide Mercury
7lbs. pill Mercury
1/16lbs. submuriate Mercury
3/4lbs. Acetate Morphia
1-3/4lbs. muriate Morphia
1-1/2lbs. gum Myrrh
1lbs. Almond Oil
5/16lbs. Aniseed exotic Oil
3lbs. Castor Oil
1/4lbs. Cloves Oil
1/4oz. Creosote Oil
5/32lb. Croton Oil
3/32lb. Lavender Oil
1-1/2lb. Olive Oil
3/32lb. rosemary Oil
5/64lb. volatile Oil of Bergamot
1/8lb. volatile Oil of Cassia
1/32lb. volatile Oil of Origanum
1/2lb. volatile Oil of peppermint
1/2lb. turpentine Oil
4-3/8lb. Calamine Ointment
2lb. Citrine Ointment
13lb. Mercurial Ointment
1-1/2lb. Camphorated mercurial Ointment
4lb. resinous Ointment
1lb. Savine Ointment
2lb. Sulphur Ointment
1lb. purified Opium
3/4lb. sedative solution Opium
1/2lb. Sirup of Opium
3/16lb. tincture of Opium
2-1/2lb. Ammoniated tincture of Opium
3/4lb. Camphorated tincture of Opium
3/4lb. Orange peel
1/4lb. Cayenne Pepper
18yds. spread adhesive Plaster
1-1/2lbs. Burgundy Pitch Plaster
4-1/2sheets Court Plaster
1-1/2lbs. Lead Plaster
2lbs. Mercurial Plaster
1lbs. Mercurial Plaster wh ammoniacum
1/4lbs. red oxide of Iron
1/4lbs. Acetate Potash
1lbs. Carbonate Potash
3/4lbs. Castic Potash
1/4lbs. Chloride Potash
1/2lbs. hydriodate Potash
3/4lbs. nitrate Potash
1lbs. prepared Potash
3/4lbs. supertartrate Potash
2-1/4lbs. tartrate of Potash & Soda
1-1/4lbs. liquor of Potassae
15oz. sulphate Quinine
2lbs. yellow Resin
1/16lbs. powdered Rhubarb
1/2lbs. ergot of Rye
1lbs. red Saunders Shavings
1lbs. Compd. electuary of Senna
7lbs. Senna leaves
1/32lbs. nitrate of Silver
28lbs. Spanish Soap
1lbs. Carbonate Soda
6lbs. Chloride solution of Soda
14lbs. phosphate of Soda
4lbs. Spermaceti
1-1/4lbs. burnt Sponge
1/2lbs. powder Squills
1/2lbs. root dried Squills
1/4oz. Strychnine
19lbs. Nux Vomica Strychnos
7-1/2lbs. roll Sulphur
1lbs. sublimed Sulphur
3-1/4lbs. spirits of Turpentine
1/2lbs. Venice Turpentine
1-3/4lbs. Uva Ursi folia
2-3/4lbs. Valerian
1/2lbs. white Wax
10-1/2lbs. Yellow Wax
1-5/8lbs. impure Carbonate Zinc
11-1/4lbs. impure Sulphate Zinc
1-1/4lbs. prepared Sulphate Zinc
1/4lbs. Sirup of Squills

Medical Apparatus

6scrotum suspensory Bandages
7-1/2doz. clear glass Bottles
1specific gravity Bottle
1sucking Bottle
4Catgut Bougies
6gum elastic Bougies
20-1/6gro. paper pill boxes
2wire Brushes pr bottles
1wire Brushes pr vials
1-1/2doz. Cases pr Lancets
6gum elastic Catheters
1/4gro. vial Corks
3-3/4doz. Sheets wadding cotton
1set cupping Glasses
2set Nipple Glasses
1-1/2doz. earthenware Jars
1doz. Lancets
5-3/4lbs. Lint
3Aneeurisin [sic] needles
1artificial Nipple
1Anels Syringe & probe
2ointment Spatulas
1set Listons fracture Splints
1/4lb. prepared Sponge
1/3doz. female Syringes
5/12doz. pewter small Syringes
28right & left rupture Trusses
38/144gro. assorted glass Vials [109]

Inventory of Sundry Goods . . . remaining on hand in Fort Vancouver Sale Shop
Spring 1844


12lbs. Lemon peel
1-1/2lbs. Yellow wax [110]

Inventory of Sundry Goods . . . Remaining on hand at Fort Vancouver Depot
Spring 1845

Articles in Use


11black bottles
8green bottles
24glass stoppered
16com. glass Phials
1surgical pocket Books, old
2cupping Glasses
2Enema Syringes
6Assd. tin Kettles
3bed pans
2round dishes
14 oz. graduated glass measure
1graduated glass minim Measure
7japd. pint pots
8sml tin dishes
3Ointment Spatulas
1Tea spoon
8Ointment Boxes
2wine Glasses
1Ointment Slab
2bleeding Cups
11Beds and Pillows
20old Blankets
15new Blankets [111]

In addition to its quite ample stocks of medicines and medical apparatus, the Company also kept on hand at Fort Vancouver a small reference collection of medical books. Although these were generally inventoried as part of the fort library, it seems reasonable to believe that they may have been physically housed in the Dispensary where they would have been available for ready reference.

An inventory of property at the North West Company's western depot at Fort George in the spring of 1821 listed the following medical books:

1 Edinburgh Dispensatory
2 Murray's Elements of Chemistry
1 Harper's Medical Dictionary
2 Cullen's Practical Physic
1 Cooper Dictionary of Surgery
1 Hamilton's Midwifery
1 Hamilton on Female Complaints
2 Murray's Pharmacy
1 Ruberand's Physiology
1 Reid on the Mind
1 Saunders on the Liver
1 Arbuthnot on Air
1 Cullen's Nosology
1 Hooper's Vade Mecum Physician
2 Pharm. Chirurgica
1 Translation Titus Lucretius Corns (Cornelius)
1 Botany
1 Huxham on Fevers
1 Modern Practice of Physic (Thomas)
1 Hunter on Venereal
1 Sharp's Surgery do [112]

A second inventory, taken in the fall of that year, included the works listed above and also the following titles that represent either additions or more complete descriptions of works already noted:

Murray's System Materia Medica and Pharmacy
Hamilton's Botany
Buchan's Medicine
Hooper's Medical Dictionary
Smith's Botany [113]

The inventoried items were transferred to the Hudson's Bay Company after the North West Company merged with the former firm in 1821. Presumably the medical books were moved with the other Fort George property to Fort Vancouver during the first half of 1825.

What apparently are some of the same books appear in the inventory of the Fort Vancouver library made in the spring of 1844. The medical titles on that list are the following:

1 Thomas on Physic
1 Medical Dictionary
1 Huxtrain on fevers
1 Sharps Surgery
1 Materia Medica
1 Thomas practice on Physic
1 Dispensatory
2 Vols. Cattle Doctors [114]

In addition to these works belonging to the Company, it is probable that the depot surgeon had a small collection of medical books of his own that would have been housed in his office or living quarters. Nothing is known about Dr. Barclay's personal library, but there is a fairly good record of the books owned by his immediate predecessor at Fort Vancouver--Dr. William F. Tolmie. The latter's collection perhaps reflects the reference material a physician would have been likely to have had at hand on such a distant frontier.

Among Dr. Tolmie's books now preserved at McLoughlin House National Historic Site in Oregon City are the following medical works published prior to 1845:

Elements of Pathology and Practice of Physic, by John Mackintosh, M. D. 2nd ed. 2 vols. London: Longman Rees, Orme, Brown & Green; Edinburgh: John Carfrae & Son, 1831.

Principles and Practice of Midwifery, by James Blundell, M. D., carefully revised and corrected by Alexander Cooper Lee and Nathaniel Rogers, M. D. London: Joseph Butler, 1840.

Human Physiology, by John Elliotson, M. D. 5th ed. London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1840.

A System of Operative Surgery--etc., by William Hargrave, A. M. Dublin: Hodges and Smith, 1831.

The Retrospect of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by W. Braithwaite; a half-yearly journal. No. 4 (July to December, 1841); No. 5 (January to June, 1842). 2 vols. London: Simpkins, Marshall and Co.; Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd; Leeds: G. Cullingworth.

A Manual of Chemistry; containing the Principal Facts of the Science, arranged in the order in which they are discussed, etc., by William Thomas Brande. 2nd ed. 3 vols. London: John Murray, 1821.

Lexicon Medicum, or Medical Dictionary, by Robert Hooper. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1831.

A Dispensatory, or Commentary on the Pharmacopoeias of Great Britain, comprising The Natural History, Description, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Actions, Uses, and Doses of the Articles of Materia Medica, by Robert Christison, M. D. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black; London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1842.

Digestion and Diet, by Andrew Combe, M. D. 3rd ed. Edinburgh: MacLachlan, Stewart & Co.; London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1841.

Ruling Passions of the Mind: Translated from the original work of J. C. Layater, by T. LeMessmeier. 20th ed. London: Thomas Tegg; Glasgow: R. Griffin and Co., 1844.

Lectures on Anatomy, Surgery, and Pathology; including Observations on the Nature and Treatment of Local Diseases, by John Abernethy. 2nd ed. London: F. C. Westley, 1831.

The Anatomist's Vade-Mecum: A system of Human Anatomy, by W. J. Erastmus Wilson. London: John Churchill, 1840.

Neurhypnology; or the Rationale of Nervous Sleep, considered in relation with Animal Magnetism, by James Braid. London: John Churchill; Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1843.

A Dictionary of Practical Surgery, etc., by Samuel Cooper. 7th ed. London: Longman, Orme & Co., 1838. [115]

In addition, Tolmie is known to have ordered the following medical books from London prior to 1845:

The Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine, edited by John Forbes, M. D., Alexander Tweedie, M. D., an d John Conolly, M. D. Tolmie ordered this book in 1836 and requested that it be "In the most compact form & to be full bound."

Johnson's Medico Chir. Review. From the first number published in 1836 up to the latest one issued before the departure of the Company's ship for the Columbia in 1837.

Martinet's Therapeutics.

The Principles of Physiology Applied to the Preservation of Health and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Education, by A. Combe, M. D. The latest edition, half-bound. Ordered December 1838. [116]

Doctor's quarters. The rooms in which Dr. Barclay and his family resided were probably, at least in 1845-46, furnished in about the same manner as those of the other clerks at Fort Vancouver. Having been brought up in a cultivated and reasonably well-to-do household, he undoubtedly desired better furnishings than the battered deal tables, wooden "sofas," and bunk beds provided at the depot, but it seems doubtful that he would have imported more comfortable and fashionable furniture until he had decided upon the direction of his career. If he remained with the Company he would always be subject to sudden transfer, and as a clerk he could not have expected to take any considerable amount of household goods with him. Probably only after he had decided to retire, which he did in 1850, did he begin to accumulate imported furniture for a more permanent home.

Nevertheless, because of his background, his quarters might have displayed a few more of the amenities of civilization than the rooms of the young bachelor clerks. There may, for instance, have been a tea service, a lamp, brass candlesticks, an d perhaps a family portrait or two. Dr. Barclay did have an appreciation of art, because in 1847 and 1848 he commissioned several paintings from John Mix Stanley. [117]

The furnishings customarily allotted to the clerks at Fort Vancouver will be treated in detail in Chapter IV of this volume. Thus it is not necessary to go into the matter here other than to note that for the 1845-46 period proposed for the reconstruction, the furnishings should be appropriate for a family consisting of one mature, educated male; a frontier-raised wife scarcely more than 19 years of age; and an infant son (born December 13, 1845).

Closets and wardrobes were probably absent from the surgeon's quarters. Yet, if Dr. Barclay was like his predecessor, he possessed a fairly elaborate outfit of clothing; and Mrs. Barclay is known to have had at least several fashionable gowns. Probably most of these clothes were kept packed away in cassettes and trunks--Chinese chests are known to have been imported to Vancouver from the Hawaiian Islands as early as 1830. [118] But, as shall be seen in the discussion of the Bachelors' Quarters, very commonly at Company posts the larger articles of clothing simply hung from pegs on the walls of the bedrooms.

It is of interest, therefore, to know what articles of clothing might thus have been kept in "visible storage." As with the books, nothing is known of Dr. Barclay's sartorial tastes, but some information is available concerning Dr. Tolmie's wardrobe. On November 3, 1838, Tolmie ordered the following articles from London on his own account, because he had found it "more economical to get supplies from home than here":

1 Surtout dark claret col: plain col: with spare velvet one--stout silk facings
1 Blk Cloth Vest rolling Collar
I pr dark grey trousers
2 light Vests rolling collars
6 pr Cotton Drawers--elastic
6 fine woollen Shirts--elastic
6 cotton Shirts 3 Pattern 3 Blue Stripe
2 pr Hickson tanned Gloves
I pr Dundee Kid Gloves
I black silk Stock
I black silk Neck Cloth large
6 prs stout worsted stockings knit expressly
6 prs Socks Do
1 Silk Umbrella
1 tailors measuring Tape
3 pr stout winter shoes iron heeled double soled
1 pr Summer [Do]
1 pr Adelaide Boots
1 Blk oiled silk Cap [119]

As for Maria Barclay's wardrobe, several dresses described as being from her trousseau of 1842 are preserved at the McLoughlin House National Historic Site in Oregon City. [120]

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