Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II


fort structures
Plate LXVII. Buildings at York Factory, 1870s.

Although Fort Vancouver and York Factory were a continent apart, the same general design marked a number of their structures. Note that the weatherboards on these buildings appear to be unpainted.

Courtesy of Library, Hudson's Bay Company, Winnipeg; reproduced with permission of the Hudson's Bay Company.

wooden block
Plate LXVIII. Remains of Three-Sheaved Wooden Block Uncovered on Site of Beef Store at Fort Vancouver, 1952.

National Park Service photograph by L. R. Caywood. Courtesyof Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. Negative No 069.5 A—14.28.

Plate LXIX. The Bible That, Together with a Commnunion Set and Registers, Was Sent to Fort Vancouver by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1836.

These items are now in Christ Church Cathedral Victoria, B. C.

Courtesy of Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Victoria. Negative No. 14305.

communion service
Plate LXX. The Communion Service Supplied by the Hudson's Bay Company for Use at Fort Vancouver by the Church of England Chaplain.

The pieces are engraved with the Company's coat of arms.

From The Beaver Outfit 271 (December, 1940): 11; photograph by Scott Camera Craft.

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003