The History of Fort Vancouver and its Physical Structure
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Plate XLIX—1. Jar originally containing shaving soap.
2. Clay pipes and stems. National Park Service photographs.

Plate L—Brass door lock identical with those now on McLoughlin House, Oregon City, Oregon. National Park Service photographs.

Plate LI—1. Brass keys found during excavation of bastion.
2. a and b. Door plates. c. Large hinge from bastion. d. Offset hinge. e. Hasp. National Park Service photograph.

Plate LII—1. Broken blacksmith tools unearthed in southeast corner of stockade.
2. Broken scythe and handmade trowel with serrated handle. National Park Service photographs.

Plate LIII—1. Gun lock and powder pan of 1843 Springfield flintlock rifle.
2. Beaver trap parts. a. Trigger pan. b. Portion in which jaw rested when trap was set. c. and d. Broken springs, showing openings of two sizes. National Park Service photographs.

Plate LIV—1. Sheet metal funnel.
2. Iron object of unknown use. National Park Service photographs.

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Last Updated: 18-Feb-2008