USGS Logo Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1475-G
Water-Supply Possibilities at Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah


Connor, J. G., Mitchell, C. G., and others, 1958, A compilation of chemical-quality data for ground and surface waters in Utah: State Engineer of Utah Tech. Pub. 10, 276 p.

Gregory, H. E., and Anderson, J. C., 1939, Geographic and geologic sketch of the Capitol Reef region, Utah: Geol. Soc. America Bull. v. 50 no. 12, p. 1827-1850.

Hunt, C. B., [assisted by] Averitt, Paul, and Miller, R. L., 1953, Geology and Geography of the Henry Mountains region. Utah: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 228, 234 p.

Smith, J. F., Jr., Hinrichs, E. N., and Luedke, R. G., 1952, Progress report of geologic studies in the Capitol Reef area, Wayne County, Utah; prepared by U.S. Geological Survey: [U.S.] Atomic Energy Comm. Trace Element Inv. 203, 20 p.

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Last Updated: 28-Jul-2007