Grant-Kohrs Ranch
Administrative History
NPS Logo

AD-Associate Director
ARD-Associate Regional Director
BNRR-Burlington-Northern Railroad
DD-Deputy Director
DOI-Department of the Interior
DRD-Deputy Regional Director
EPA-Environmental Protection Agency
GMP-General Management Plan
GRKO-Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS
HFC-Harpers Ferry Center
HS-Historic Structure
IP-Interpretive Prospectus
MWAC-Midwest Archeological Center
MWR-Midwest Region
MWRO-Midwest Regional Office
NPF-National Park Foundation
NPS-National Park Service
RD-Regional Director
RMR-Rocky Mountain Region
RMRO-Rocky Mountain Regional Office
SAR-Superintendent's Annual Report
SCS-Soil Conservation Service
SFI-Statement for Interpretation
SFM-Statement for Management
USDA-U. S. Dept. of Agriculture
WSC-Western Service Center
YELL-Yellowstone National Park

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Last Updated: 28-Aug-2006