Grant-Kohrs Ranch
Administrative History
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Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site

Feb. 3, 1961Ranch approved for National Landmark status
Oct. 7, 1970Advisory Board on National Parks recommends acquisition
Nov. 13, 1970Ranch purchased by National Park Foundation
Mar. 30, 1971Officially designated "Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS
Aug. 25, 1972GRKO authorized as unit of National Park System
Nov. 21, 1972NPF deeds ranch to NPS
Feb., 1973First Master Plan approved
January 6, 1974Rocky Mountain Region established
Aug. 4, 1974Supt. Richard R. Peterson arrives
Dec. 8, 1974GRKO begins operations as an independent area
Dec., 1974Park headquarters established at 314 Main
1975GRKO affiliates with Yellowstone Library & Museum Assn.
May, 1977Pedestrian underpass completed
June 11, 1976Secretary's Advisory Board visits ranch
June, 1977Visitor contact station/restrooms completed
July 16, 1977Formal dedication ceremony and park opening
Aug. 27, 1977Supt. Richard Peterson departs
Oct. 23, 1977Supt. Thomas G. Vaughan arrives
Fall, 1979I&RM division created. Curation segregated as a division
Feb., 1980General Management Plan approved
June, 1988NPS purchases remaining Warren lands
July 26, 1980Supt. Thomas G. Vaughan departs
Dec. 28, 1980Supt. Jimmy D. Taylor arrives
Dec. 28, 1980P.L. 96-207 estab. new boundary/increases land and development ceilings
1981Supt. designated Montana State Coordinator
April 1, 1981Restrooms in HS-3 completed
Feb. 4, 1981Water system completed
July 16, 1981Land Acquisition Plan approved
April, 1983Milwaukee Railroad land purchased
Aug. 24-28, 1983"Last Spike Centennial" event
Fall, 1983HS-1 furnishings moved to temporary storage
Mar. 8, 1984Affiliates with Glacier Natural History Association
July, 1984HS-1 furnishings returned from temporary storage
May 21, 1985Land Protection Plan approved
June 17, 1987Cultural Landscape Analysis approved
Oct. 1, 1987GRKO and BIHO administratively consolidated
June 16, 1988NPS purchases remaining Warren lands and structures
July 30, 1988Supt. Jimmy D. Taylor departs
Aug. 28, 1988Supt. Eddie L. Lopez arrives
Fall, 1990Interpretation and resource management segregated
1991Cultural Landscape Inventory and Analysis
March 19, 1991Collection Management Plan approved
May 7, 1991Land Protection Plan approved
Dec. 18, 1992Park headquarters moved to 210 Missouri
March, 1993EIS/GMP/DCP approved
April 15, 1994Supt. Eddie L. Lopez departs
Sept. 30, 1994BIHO and GRKO administratively separated
May 29, 1994Supt. Anthony J. Schetzsle arrives
1995Natural resources function professionalized
January, 1995Curatorial and Maint. offices moved to Warren house

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Last Updated: 28-Aug-2006