Guilford Courthouse
Administrative History
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1 Willard W. Danielson, Superintendent's Annual Report, 1 February 1979, 18 January 1980, 6 February 1981, A2621, GUCO Files.

2 "Guilford Park: Historic Land Still Contested," Greensboro Record, 23 January 1981; "A Poor Precedent," editorial, Greensboro Daily News, 7 February 1981.

3 "Land near battleground gets rezoned," Greensboro Record, 2 February 1981; "A Poor Precedent," editorial, Greensboro Daily News, 7 February 1981; Willard W. Danielson, Superintendent's Annual Report, 6 February 1981, A2621, GUCO Files.

4 "Land Near Park May Be Rezoned; Fight Is Expected," Greensboro Daily News, 12 February 1981; Willard W. Danielson, Superintendent's Annual Report, 21 January 1982, A2621, GUCO Files.

5 Personal communication by the author with Willard W. Danielson, 19 June 1994; Superintendent's Narratives, 26 January 1983, 26 January 1984, A2621, GUCO Files.

6 Willard W. Danielson, Superintendent's Annual Reports, 21 January 1982; 18 January 1985; 7 February 1986, A2621, GUCO Files.

7 John M. Fowler, "The Legal Structure For The Protection Of Archaeological Resources," in George S. Smith and John E. Ehren hard, Protecting The Past (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1991) pp.21-25.

8 National Parks for a New Generation: Visions, Realities. Prospects (Washington: The Conservation Foundation, 1985) pp. 112-117.

9 Willard W. Danielson, Superintendent's Annual Report, 21 January 1982. The author was the park's Bicentennial Coordinator.

10 Memorandum, "Tactical Demonstration," Black Powder Safety Officer, GUCO, to Superintendent, GUCO, 10 March 1982, A7615, GUCO Files.

11 Support for the contention that reenactments were being performed at NPS areas is contained in F.R. Holland, Jr., Associate Director Cultural Resources Management, Staff Directive 83-1, Historic Battle "Reenactments"/Demonstrations/Weapons Firing, 3 February 1983, "Back Powder Safety," GUCO Files. "Recent activities at some of the National Park Service areas have led people both inside and outside the Service to believe that the Service has relaxed its policy concerning historical reenactments on National Park Service lands. The policy has not changed; battle reenactments in areas administered by the National Park Service are prohibited." (Emphasis appears in original.)

12 Willard W. Danielson, Superintendent's Annual Report, 26 January 1983, 18 January 1985, 7 February 1986, 9 February 1987, 25 February 1988, A2621, GUCO Files; personal communications by the author with Donald J. Long, Park Ranger and Charles A. Taylor, Chief of Operations, GUCO.

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