Guilford Courthouse
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1 The 1971 traffic averages cited were 2,400 vehicles per day on Old Battleground and 1,250 per day on New Garden Road prior to its closure. These figures certainly suggest that Old Battleground was a more significant intrusion on the historic scene. It was not, however, a historic road. Development Concept Plan, p. 12; Comments - Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Statement and Draft Section 4(F) Evaluation - Greensboro Western Urban Loop (Guilford County), Guilford Courthouse NMP, 31 July 1991, GUCO Files L7621.

2 Memorandum, Park Planner, Planning and Compliance Division, SERO, to Chief, Planning and Compliance Division, SERO, 13 December 1982, Old Battleground Road File, GUCO; Billy Rose, State Highway Administrator to Robert M. Baker, Director, SERO, 14 February 1983, Old Battleground Road File, GUCO; Memorandum, Billy Rose to T.L. Waters, Manager, Planning and Research Branch, North Carolina State Highway Commission, 7 July 1983, Old Battleground Road File, GUCO.

3 Memorandum, Willard W. Danielson to Regional Director, SERO, 27 January 1988, Old Battleground Road File, GUCO; Willard W. Danielson, Superintendent's Annual Report, 16 March 1988, A2621, GUCO Files.

4 "City has plan for northwest traffic problems," Greensboro Daily News, 29 January 1988.

5 Notes of Chief Ranger Charles A. Taylor, GUCO, were recorded as background on a park transcript of a 1 June 1988 City Council Session, and are retained in Taylor's personal files regarding this case.

6 Memorandum, Regional Solicitor to Regional Director, SERO, 28 April 1988, L3027, GUCO Files; Memorandum, Superintendent, GUCO, to Regional Director, SERO, 12 May 1988, L3027, GUCO Files. For details of the State's rather murky claims to "control of the roadway itself," as opposed to "actual ownership of the right-of way," see Mark M. Boggs, Thoroughfare Planning Engineer, N.C. Department of Transportation, to Chuck Taylor, Chief Ranger, GUCO, 27 August 1987 and James B. Richmond, Special Deputy Attorney General, to Mark M. Boggs, 10 August 1987, Old Battleground Road File, GUCO.

7 This letter expresses regret that a more "cooperative spirit was not demonstrated in this instance," and requests "prompt notification" of future actions that might affect any of North Carolina's eight National Parks. Robert M. Baker, Regional Director, to J. E. Harrington, Secretary N.C. Department of Transportation, 27 May 1988, D30, GUCO Files.

8 Lanny Rhew, Project Engineer, to United States of America, 4 February 1987, Old Battleground Road File, GUCO; J. M. Dawkins, Director of Public Works, City of Greensboro, to National Park Service, 18 July 1988, Old Battleground Road File, GUCO; Willard W. Danielson, Superintendent's Annual Report, 16 March 1989, A2621, GUCO Files.

9 "City has plan for northwest traffic problems," Greensboro News and Record, 29 January 1988; J.M. Dawkins, Director of Public Works, City of Greensboro to National Park Service, 18 July 1988, Old Battleground Road File, GUCO.

10 Memorandum, Regional Solicitor, SER, to Director, SER, 14 October 1988, Old Battleground Road File, GUCO.

11 "Agency suggests razing homes for Lawndale-Battleground link," Greensboro News and Record, 9 July 1988. Park management attests to this article's accuracy. Personal communications with the author, Willard W. Danielson and Charles A. Taylor, 19 June 1994.

12 "City council abandons park connector," Greensboro News and Record, 15 July 1988. Mayor Nussbaum was a park neighbor, propietor of Southern Foods, a sizable frozen foods wholesaler, located one half mile south of the park on Old Battleground Road. He had been one of the trio of developers who rejected the Service's offer of $30,000 for the ten acre tract on the eastern side of Old Battleground.

13 Final clearance for this project, as required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act was obtained in Memorandum, Deputy Associate Regional Director, Cultural Resources, SER, to Superintendent, GUCO, 12 October 1989, H4217, GUCO Files; Map, Greensboro Country Park, Sheet No. A-123-A, revised 22 May 1992, City of Greensboro Engineering Department. Recollections of the 23 May 1988 Atlanta conference were obtained in an interview by the author with Chief Ranger Charles A. Taylor, GUCO, 22 February 1995, and a remarkably candid telephone interview by the author with Roger Brown, Regional Parks Director, Eugene, Oregon, 22 October 1994.

14 A park produced transcript of this 1 June 1988 Council session is contained in the personal files of Chief Ranger Charles A. Taylor, GUCO.

15 Personal communication by the author with Charles A. Taylor, Chief of Operations, GUCO, 13 November 1994; telephone interview by the author with William Sturgeon, Chief, Division of Lands, SER, 14 November 1994.

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