Guilford Courthouse
Administrative History
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1 Superintendents' Narratives in the period 1946-1953 are a virtual litany of destruction by vandals. See, for example, Raleigh C. Taylor, Monthly Narratives, 7 August 1946; 23 May 1948; 3 August 1948; 11 September 1948; 5 January 1949; 2 February 1949; 19 January 1952; 5 August 1953, Monthly Narratives File, GUCO. Early damage to the Greene Monument is documented by a 1940 photograph that clearly shows at least one-third of its bronze letters have been pried off. This was a recurring problem until modern epoxy glues were found to be more impervious to vandals. Photograph, "Monuments" Drawer, GUCO Photographic Archive; personal communication by the author with Willard W. Danielson, Greensboro, North Carolina, 16 November 1994. The purchase of Residence #2 is covered in Supra., Ch.9, n.2.

2 Eugene D. McKeown, Superintendent's Monthly Report, 11 May 1966, Superintendents' Narratives File, GUCO; Oral History interview by the author with William G. Brown, retired Maintenance Work Leader, GUCO, 26 June 1994, Greensboro, N.C.; Thomas M. Phillips to Rep. L. Richardson Preyer, 27 March 1980, Preyer Papers, ECU. This letter suggests that the problems were exacerbated in the Military Park because, unlike municipal ordinances, Federal regulations did not forbid the public consumption of alcohol.

3 Oral History interview by the author with Mark J. Corey, former Chief Ranger, GUCO, 29 June 1994, Greeneville, Tennessee. Corey candidly admitted that the situation escalated dangerously before firmer measures were adopted at the suggestion of former Ranger Duncan H. Hutchinson, GUCO.

4 Superintendent, GUCO, to Chief, Planning and Compliance Division, SER, Comments - Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Draft 4(F) Evaluation - Greensboro Urban Loop, L7621, GUCO Files; Supra, Ch.12, n.2.

5 The author of this study, as park Bicentennial Coordinator, negotiated a similar arrangement with Southern Bell Telephone Company to use a theme-related cover photograph on its 1981 directory, as a means of publicizing the battle of Guilford Courthouse's bicentennial. The operative theory was that this publication offered a unique opportunity to inform the entire community, consciously or subliminally, about the bicentennial commemoration.

6 Charles A. Taylor, Case Incident Record 890004, 14 July 1989; Duncan A. Hutchinson, Case Incident Record 890004, 2 November 1989, 10-343 GUCO Files.

7 Wentworth L. Durgin, Executive Director, The Foundation Of Greater Greensboro, to Fletcher Smith, Greensboro Area Chamber of Commerce, 6 June 1991, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

8 Charles A. Taylor, Acting Superintendent, Superintendent's Annual Report 1989, 23 March 1990, A2621 GUCO Files; Charles C. Blackmon, Proposal Granite Industries Incorporated, 29 June 1990, Greene Monument File, GUCO; Lynn B. Walling, Contracting Officer to Carroll W. Ogle, et al., 3 May 1991, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

9 Lynn B. Walling to Carroll W. Ogle, et al., 3 May 1991; Chief, Historic Architecture Division, Southeast Region to Superintendent, GUCO, Task Directive for Repairs to the Greene Monument, 19 December 1989, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

10 Lynn B. Walling to Carroll W. Ogle, 3 May 1991; Notice Of Award, Lynn B. Walling to Historical and Restoration Preservation Industries, Inc., 20 February 1990, Nathanael Greene Monument File, GUCO.

11 Supervisory Exhibit Specialist, Historic Architecture Division, SER, to Superintendent, GUCO, 12 February 1990, Bi-weekly Field Report, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

12 Lynn B. Walling to Carroll W. Ogle, et al., 3 May 1991; Unit Price Contract thru Invoice dated 1 March 1990, Historical Restoration and Preservation Industries, Incorporated, 6 March 1990, Greene Monument File, GUCO; personal communication with the author, Charles A. Taylor, 16 January 1995.

13 Unit Price Contract thru Invoice dated 11 April 1990, HRPI, 19 April 1990; Unit Price Contract thru Invoice dated 23 May 1990, HRPI, 13 June 1990; Unit Price Contract thru Invoice dated 2 August 1990, 7 August 1990, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

14 Charles A. Taylor, personal communication with the author, 19 February 1995, GUCO; Lynn B. Walling to Carroll W. Ogle, 3 May 1991, Nathanael Greene Monument File, GUCO.

15 Chief, Historic Architecture Division, SER, to Associate Regional Director, Operations, SER, Trip Report - Restoration of Greene Monument, GUCO, 23 October 1990, Nathanael Greene Monument File, GUCO.

16 See, for example, David Ates, Historical Architect, Message Record of telephone call from Lacy Vernon, President, NCG, 13 November 1990, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

17 Contract Modification No. 1, Contract No. CX 5000-0-0007. Stone Supply For Repairs Of The Greene Monument, GUCO, 13 May 1991, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

18 Unit Price Contract Thru Invoice dated 14 November 1990, 23 November 1990; Unit Price Contract Thru Invoice dated 1 January 1991, 19 February 1991, Greene Monument Files, GUCO.

19 Chief, Historic Architecture Division, SER, to Associate Regional Director, Operations, SER, 16 April 1991; Delinquent Performance Report, Contract CX 5000-0-0007, 28 June 1991, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

20 Larry C. Downing, Contracting Officer, to John InDelicato, Historical Restoration and Preservation, Inc., 24 July 1991, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

21 "Monument's status upsets fund-raiser," Greensboro News and Record, 17 July 1991. 22 "We Want Gen. Greene," Greensboro News and Record, 18 July 1991; "Greensboro determined to give beloved statue a base to stand on." Atlanta CONSTITUTION, 25 July 1991; "Gen. Greene remains a prisoner," Greensboro News and Record, 16 July 1991.

23 Notice Of Award, Contract Number CX5000-1-0013 for Supply and Fabrication of Stone for Repair of the Greene Monument, 30 August 1991; Contract CX5000-1-0013, Supply and Fabrication of Stone for Repair of the Greene Monument, 5 September 1991; Notice To Proceed, Contract CX5000-1-0013, 19 September 1991, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

24 Charles A. Taylor, Acting Superintendent, GUCO, to President, Foundation of Greater Greensboro, Inc., 17 July 1991, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

25 Record of Expenditures and Obligations, Greene Monument Restoration, 18 April 1991, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

26 Personal communication with the author, Frank Catroppa, Associate Director for Administration, SER, 16 September 1993.

27 Mark H. Woods, Superintendent's Annual Narrative Report, 10 March 1993, A2621 GUCO Files.

28 Memorandum, Superintendent, GUCO, to Chief Historic Architect Division, SER, and Chief, Contracting and Property Management, SER, 6 February 1992.

29 Lynn B. Walling to Carroll W. Ogle, 3 May 1991, Greene Monument File, GUCO.

30 Memorandum, Chief, Historic Architecture Division, SER, to Associate Regional Director, Operations, SER, n.d., Greene Monument File, GUCO.

31 Chief Ranger's Telephone Logs, 1 March 1987 - 6 September 1990, 6 September 1990 - 30 November 1992, GUCO; personal communication with the author, Charles A. Taylor, 6 February 1995.

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