Guilford Courthouse
Administrative History
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1 Alexander R. Stoessen, Guilford County: A Brief History (Raleigh: NC Division of Archives and History, 1993) p. 39-43. Stoessen attributes the county's paradoxical Depression-era growth to a "good combination of products and purchasers." Leading area manufacturers produced denim and patent medicines. Denim work clothes remained in demand throughout the hard times and demand for patent medicines increased because many consumers lacked cash to pay for physicians' services. Locally based insurance industries also remained strong as cash poor consumers in search of some form of security often paid their insurance premiums rather than buy consumables. These manufacturers and insurance companies were centered in Greensboro.

8 Ibid., p. 79.

3 Gayle H. Fripp, Greensboro: A Chosen Center (Woodland Hills, California: Windsor Publications, 1982) p. 126; Clyde E. Browning and Francis H. Parker, "Urbanization," in North Carolina Atlas: Portrait of a Changing Southern State, James W. Clay, Douglas M. Orr, Jr. and Alfred W. Stuart, eds. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1975) pp. 64-65.

4 W. P. Brandon, Memorandum for the Director, 17 March 1941, Martin Trespass File, GUCO.

5 Charles S. Marshall, Memorandum to the Coordinating Superintendent, 11 September 1945, Martin Trespass File, GUCO.

6 J.G.W. MacClamroch to Thomas J. Allen, 20 April 1946, 27 June 1946, 601, GUCO, RG 79, National Archives, microfilm; Raleigh C. Taylor to Director, Region One, 30 July 1953, 601, GUCO, RG 79, National Archives, microfilm.

7 Raleigh C. Taylor, Monthly Narratives, 5 August 1949, 7 December 1949, Monthly Narratives File, GUCO.

8 Charles S. Marshall to Coordinating Superintendent, 18 September 1945, Martin Trespass File, GUCO; Raleigh C. Taylor, Monthly Narrative, 10 March 1950, Monthly Narrative File, GUCO.

9 Raleigh C. Taylor, Monthly Narrative, 2 February 1951, Monthly Narratives File, GUCO.

10 Bryce A. Holt to Edward A. Hummel, 27 February 1951. Martin Trespass File, GUCO.

11 Mastin G. White to the Attorney General of the United States, 28 August 1951, Martin Trespass File, GUCO.

12 Following this conference Holt wrote his Justice Department superiors with an explanation of his position. He characterized the Martin road as an extension of a city roadway (Nathanael Greene Road) and as a "benefit [to] the Federal Park." He stated that the Country Park and the Military Park "have been for years an integrated matter" and that "the Department of the Interior should cooperate in keeping the roadway open." It was his contention that the Martin road did not constitute a precedent for the construction of other private access roads because of its de facto inclusion in the city street system. He concluded that although he could best represent the Government by "lending my support to keeping the roadway open," he would proceed against Martin if ordered to do so. Bryce R. Holt to Assistant Attorney General A. Devitt Vaneck, 19 October 1951, Martin Trespass File, GUCO.

13 J.G.W. MacClamroch to Carl T. Durham, 19 October 1951; Conrad L. Wirth to Carl T. Durham, 7 December 1951. Carl T. Durham Papers, SHC.

14 Best evidence regarding the Martin tract development is a series of twenty-eight photographs made in October 1967 for submission with appraisal reports. See: GUCO Photographic Archive, Drawer 28 (Park Scenes).

15 At this juncture the State paved Nathanael Greene Road Extension. Raleigh C. Taylor to Edward A. Hummel, 5 August 1952, Martin Trespass File, GUCO.

16 Conrad L. Wirth to R. Brookes Peters, 28 August 1952, Martin Trespass File, GUCO.

17 Raleigh C. Taylor, Monthly Narrative, 6 May 1953, Superintendents' Narratives File, GUCO. Conrad L. Wirth to Carl T. Durham, 29 May 1953, Carl T. Durham Papers, SHC.

18 Conrad L. Wirth to R. Getty Browning, 29 May 1953, Martin Trespass File, GUCO; Raleigh C. Taylor, Monthly Narrative, 7 July 1953, Superintendents' Narratives File, GUCO.

19 United States v. Charles O. Martin, Civil No. 771-6: Martin, Martin Trespass File, GUCO; "Suit Filed Charges Violation Of Park," Greensboro Daily News, 22 July 1953; "Counterclaim Entered In Government Suit," Greensboro Daily News, 11 November 1953.

20 Harry K. Sanders, Acting Assistant Solicitor to the Director, 22 November 1954, Martin Trespass File, GUCO.

21 Memorandum, Herbert E. Kahler to the Director, 10 February 1955, Martin Trespass File, GUCO.

22 Conrad L. Wirth to Mrs. R. Templeman, 26 November 1952, Cultural Resources Repository, Office of Historic Architecture, NPS, GUCO, Box 1. Wirth also might have noted that the courthouse served as the American field hospital and that a mass grave was dug nearby for the rebel dead. Baker, Another Such Victory, pp.89-92.

23 A.C. Stratton, Acting Regional Director, to the Director, 14 July 1955, Martin Trespass File, GUCO.

24 Edwin M. Stanley to Perry M. Morton, Assistant Attorney General, Lands Division, 11 August 1955, Martin Trespass File, GUCO. Stanley indicated that Superintendent Taylor had been hospitalized by a "nervous breakdown," with Administrative Technician Robert S. McDaniel acting in his stead. The timing of Taylor's illness certainly suggests that NPS rejection of his recommendation with regard to the three-step plan had taken a toll on the embattled superintendent. At the very least it is indicative of the burden placed on park staff by this long-running controversy.

25 "Court Rules On Trespass Case," Greensboro Daily News, 1 February 1956.

26 "Court Rules In Favor Of Government," Greensboro Daily News, 3 April 1956; John T. Willett, Acting Superintendent, GUCO, to Regional Director, 24 May 1956, Martin Trespass File, GUCO; "Court Reverses Ruling In Favor Of Government," Greensboro Daily News, 8 January 1957.

27 United States Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, Number 7793, United States v. Charles O. Martin, Raymond F. Farrar, Hazel M. Farrar and Floyd B. Martin, 3 September 1959, contains a convenient summary of the case. A copy is contained in the Martin Trespass File, GUCO. NPS reactions and strategizing are contained in: Memorandum, Regional Chief of Operations, Region One to Chief of Lands, Region One, 5 May 1958 and Memorandum, E. M. Lisle, Acting Regional Director to Director, 2 September 1958, Martin Trespass File, GUCO. A sampling of area newspaper coverage is found in: "Land Dispute Is Settled By Court: Government Owns R-O-W," Greensboro Record, 21 June 1958; "Judge Refuses To Close Road," Greensboro Daily News, 29 August 1958.

28 Supra., Ch. 6, n.15.

29 Raleigh C. Taylor to Regional Director, 9 January 1953, File L1415, GUCO; E.M. Lisle, Assistant Regional Director, To Raleigh C. Taylor, 20 January 1953, File L1415, GUCO.

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