The Hoover Houses and Community Structures
Historic Structures Report
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PLATES (continued)

Plate XLI. View of West Branch from Cook's Hill, looking northwest, circa 1907, courtesy Herbert Hoover Presidential Library. In the foreground can be seen the south and east elevations of the Second Hoover House and the south elevation of the Witter BArn. To the rear of the Second Hoover House can be seen the kitchen and back porch added by the Witters in 1887.

Plate XLII. L. C. Rummell's Photograph of south and west elevations of the Second Hoover House, circa 1910. The boys are L. C. and C. A. Rummells. Courtesy L. C. Rummells.

Plate XLIII. The Second Hoover House, circa 1920. Note the west and south elevations, the two chimneys, and the side porch. Courtesy Herbert Hoover Presidential Library.

Plate XLIV. Winter Scene in West Branch, circa 1900. Note the south and east elevations of the Bandstand, the pump, and flagstaff. Courtesy West Branch Heritage Foundation.

Plate XLV. North Elevation of the Bandstand, circa 1900, courtesy Sig Larsen.

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Last Updated: 28-Jul-2006