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capture of Booth, hanging of conspirators
Top: Wounded, Booth is dragged from the burning Garrett barn to die. Bottom: Mrs. Surratt, Paine, Harold, and Atzerodt are hanged.
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper (top), Library of Congress (bottom)


In his flight from the alley behind Ford's Theatre, Booth passed along F Street, around the Capitol to Pennsylvania Avenue and across the Navy Yard Bridge. He was overtaken shortly afterward by his accomplice David Herold. They stopped at Lloyd's Tavern, Surrattsville, Md., at midnight April 14, to obtain whisky and a carbine secreted there beforehand. At 4 a.m., April 15, they reached the home of Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, near Bryantown, Md., who set Booth's left leg. The flight was resumed late in the afternoon of April 15, and at midnight the fugitives arrived at the residence of Samuel Cox. They were concealed in a nearby thicket and supplied with food by Thomas Jones, foster brother of Cox, until April 21, when they started the journey to the Potomac River. They were aided in crossing the river by Jones, and reached the Virginia shore on the morning of April 23. After crossing the Potomac. Booth and Herold were directed to the home of Richard H. Garrett, near Port Royal, Va. They reached there at 4 p.m. on April 24. At 2 a.m., April 26, a cavalry detachment of 28 men under Col. E. J. Conger tracked Booth and Herold to Garrett's barn. Herold surrendered, but Booth refused. The barn was set afire, and Booth, advancing toward the open door, was shot through the neck. Sgt. Boston Corbett claimed to have fired the shot. The wounded Booth was dragged from the flaming structure to the front porch of Garrett's house, where he died at 5:30 a.m. His body was brought back to the Washington Navy Yard, identified, and buried beneath a cell in the penitentiary at the Arsenal grounds on April 27, where it remained until October 1, 1867, when it was removed to the nearby Arsenal warehouse. In February 1869, his body was released to his family.

The conspirators were quickly rounded up following Lincoln's assassination. Atzerodt, who had been assigned to kill Vice President Johnson. lacked the courage to carry out the plan, and was captured 6 days afterwards. Arnold and O'Laughlin were apprehended 3 days after the murder. On April 17, Mrs. Surratt was arrested at her boardinghouse, along with Paine who had walked in while the police were there. Dr. Mudd was arrested on April 21.

Paine, Herold, Atzerodt, and Mrs. Surratt were hanged. Dr. Mudd, Arnold, and O'Laughlin were sentenced to life imprisonment at Fort Jefferson on the Dry Tortugas, Fla. Dr. Mudd and Arnold were pardoned by President Johnson in 1869, and O'Laughlin died of yellow fever in 1867. Spangler, charged with aiding in Booth's escape. was sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment but was pardoned with the others. John Surratt, who had fled to Europe, was captured at Alexandria, Egypt, and tried in Washington by a civil court in 1867. He was freed when the jury disagreed.


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