Hubbell Trading Post
Administrative History
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Building Roster

Stone Residence

Figure 26. Stone Residence (Bunkhouse), HB-5, in about 1965. This structure, located in the southwest comer of the compound, is used today only for storage. It could possibly be rehabilitated as another residence, or as quarters for visiting NPS employees. NPS photo, HUTR Neg. 117.

Stone Residence

HB-5: This building, located in the southwest corner of the complex, was constructed between 1913 and 1920. The Stone Residence has served as a bunkhouse for freight-wagon and motor truck drivers, and for other employees. Prior to 1931, a four-truck garage extended east of the Stone Residence. It was built of stone and mortar, with a flat, viga-supported roof. The trucks were used in the trading post business to haul products back and forth across the reservation, to and from the several trading posts owned by the Hubbells at that time, evidence of the wide range of their business interests. The garage was damaged by fire in April 1931, razed between 1935 and 1951. The concrete pad of the garage remains.

The walls of the Stone Residence are stone and mortar on a shallow foundation, the roof supported by vigas and covered with green mineral asphalt roofing. The building is filled with catalogued museum artifacts, primarily building fragments and some furniture. [15]

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Last Updated: 28-Aug-2006