Hubbell Trading Post
Administrative History
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Proposed Research Studies

All of the historic structure reports are now considered out of date, and according to the most recent Resources Management Plan, little or no research is presently being done on building use, occupancy, or structural change. However, as further studies go forward in reference to the Hubbell's business matters, it seems likely that more information will turn up as regards the use of the structures. It is recommended in the Resources Management Plan that studies be made of the following structures in order to determine construction, use, occupancy, and structural history:

Trading Post (HB-1)
Hubbell Residence (HB-2)
Barn (HB-3)
Manager's Residence (HB-4)
Bunk House (HB-5)
Stone Hogan (HB-6)
Utility Building (HB-8)
Wareroom Extension (HB-9)
Hogan-in-the-Lane (HB-11)
Root Cellar (now Library) (HB-14)

Pertinent Studies On File At The Historic Site

Hubbell Trading Post: Historic Structures Report: Part II, Historical Data Section, by Benjamin Levy, May 15, 1968. Although old, this report is one that should not be neglected.

Dendrochronology of Hubbell Trading Post and Residence, by William J. Robinson, 30 September, 1979. Sampling was performed between November 14th and November 23rd, 1978 and laboratory work commenced in December and was completed in January, 1979. The report is a ten page photocopy that attempts to tell when various sections of the house and the trading post were either built or repaired. If one can assume that the Hubbells would not have left a lot of logs lying about the post, the report is probably accurate.

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Last Updated: 28-Aug-2006