Hubbell Trading Post
Cultural Landscape Report
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Issue 1: Loss of Character Defining Features

Over the last several years the Hubbell landscape has experienced a gradual loss of character-defining features that contribute to the overall integrity of the resource. Although these losses may not seem that important when the proposed changes to or removal of these features or landscape components are reviewed piece meal, it is the cumulative loss that eventually threatens the resource s integrity.

Some examples of lost historic features include the gradual loss of the terraces that were characteristic of the small vegetable garden located west of the Hubbell residence; the replacement of historic stiles constructed in the vernacular style using wood boards and planks with a stile made of metal grating and steel pipe; and the gradual loss of the historic field road alignment in the vicinity of the big field. Oftentimes the loss of character-defining features is irreversible but fortunately for the Hubbell landscape the examples mentioned above are all reversible through appropriate treatments. The terraces of the vegetable garden can and should be re-established if cultivation of the garden area is continued.

The historic stile that was recently replaced using a modern metal pipe and metal grating design should have been replaced or repaired using the same style of workmanship and materials — wood and nails. This correction should be considered as documentation of the historic stile is readily available and the modern replacement does not convey the same character or feeling as the original historic feature.

The gradual loss of the historic alignment of the service or field road that once followed the perimeter of the big field has resulted from the park maintenance staff altering the road through grading practices which have created new alignments and selectively abandoned sections of the historic road system. Maintenance of the full historic alignment should be reconsidered especially if rehabilitation of the big field is to be undertaken in the immediate future.

These are but a few of the numerous examples of loss of significant character-defining features that make-up the Hubbell landscape and many of these features are lost through negligence or lack of knowledge. Over the years the emphasis for preservation management has been primarily focused on the buildings. If a feature had not been identified as particularly significant with regard to the historic resources of the trading post it was not treated accordingly. This report has attempted to identify the landscape's character-defining features and as such strongly encourages the preservation of each and every one.

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Last Updated: 26-Apr-2004