Indiana Dunes
Administrative History
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Park Ranger Dale
Figure 17. Park Ranger Mike Dale leds a guided walk through the dunes explaining the intricate stages of dunes succession. (Photographer Supervisory Park Ranger [Program Specialist] Robert Daum, December 1980, Photographic Archives, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore)

West Beach
Figure 18. West Beach remains the focus of recreational activities in the national lakeshore with summertime swimming pushing visitation levels to capacity. (Photographer Visitor Center Coordinator G. R. Davis, July 1981, Photographic Archives, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore)

Whitehouse, Engquist, Watt
Figure 19. Superintendent J. R. Whitehouse and Assistant Superintendent Dale Engquist (at left) accompany Secretary of the Interior James G. Watt (at right with Stetson hat) on a roving press conference/"photo opportunity" at West Beach. The woman in the center is the Secretary's wife, Leilani Watt. (Photographer Supervistory Park Ranger [Programs Specialist] Robert Daum, April 4, 1982, Photographic Archives, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore)

Goodfellow Lodge
Figure 20. The Goodfellow Lodge at Goodfellow Camp, once operated by the U.S. Steel Corporation for its employees, stands vacant and awaits preservation by the National Park Service (Photographer Interpreter G. R. Davis, April 10, 1983, Photographic Archives, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore)

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Last Updated: 07-Oct-2003