Lincoln Boyhood
Administrative History
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Maintaining the Memorial


1. Charlotte N. Baird, interview with author, July 10, 1985, Lincoln City.

2. Robert L. Burns, letter to author, January 1986.

3. Warren D. Beach, letter to author, December 1985.

4. Telephone conversation, Superintendent Norman Hellmers with author, November 14, 1986.

5. See Park files, Chronological Reports: Reports to Region.

6. Annual report, 1972.

7. Midwest Region files, Cultural Resources Management project files.

8. Young Adult Conservation Corps (YACC) Project Plans, November 30, 1977, Park files, Young Adult Conservation Corps.

9. Ibid., August 15, 1978.

10. Press release, July 29, 1983, Park files, Yearly Activities, 1983.

11. Superintendent [John C. W. Riddle] to Regional Director [Merrill D. Beal], Midwest Region, February 29, 1983; Dale News, May 20, 1977; and Jasper Herald, May 21, 1977, in Park files, Yearly Activities, 1977.

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Last Updated: 25-Jan-2003