Lincoln Boyhood
Administrative History
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1. The background information is repeated in a variety of sources, and may be considered general knowledge. The account presented here was taken largely from three sources: Charles E. Shedd, Jr., Historic Sites Survey: Lincoln State Park and Nancy Hanks Lincoln State Memorial, Spencer County, Indiana (National Park Service, 1959), 18-29 passim; Indiana Department of Conservation, Division of State Parks, Lands, and Waters, The Nancy Hanks Lincoln State Memorial (n.p., 1959); and Note, Jerry Sanders to author, May 5, 1987.

2. Shedd, 3-4.

3. Ibid., 4.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

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Last Updated: 25-Jan-2003