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Historic Furnishings Report
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(See Section E, p. 277, for discussion of Recommended Furnishings)

J.1 BEDSTEAD, ca. 1840-1860: Low post Cottage style bedstead LIHO 88 $ ---- $ ----
J.2 BEDDING AND BEDCLOTHES, ca. 1840-1860: To include mattress, bolster, two feather pillows, two sheets, and two linen pillowcases To be acquired
(antique and/or reproduction)
$ 400. $ ----
J.3 BEDSPREAD, ca. 1840-1860: A coverlet or quilt LIHO 801 ---- ----
J.4 BUREAU, ca. 1840-1860: Late Empire style, walnut LIHO 102 ---- ----
J.5 SIDE CHAIR, ca. 1840-1860: Late Empire or Cottage style LIHO 35 ---- ----
J.6 WASHSTAND, ca. 1840-1860: Cottage style washstand with cutout for bowl, drawer and shelf beneath To be acquired 400. ----
J.7 WASHBOWL, PITCHER, AND CHAMBER POT, ca. 1840-1850: Ironstone To be acquired 400. ----
J.8 MIRROR, ca. 1840-1860: Mahogany veneered frame 2 1/2' x 1 1/2' LIHO 84 ---- ----
J.9 PRINT, ca. 1840-1860: Framed, a subject that would appeal to a small boy To be acquired 200. ----
J.10 PRINT, ca. 1840-1860: Framed, a subject that would appeal to a small boy To be acquired 75. ----
J.11 DRESSER SCARF, ca. 1840-1860: White rectangular fringed cloth To be acquired 50. ----
J.12 BRUSHES AND COMBS, two, ca. 1840-1860: Wooden with natural bristles To be acquired 100. ----
J.13 TOOTHBRUSHES, two, ca. 1840-1860: Wooden with natural bristles To be acquired
(antique or reproduction)
25. ----
J.14 BOYS' TOYS, ca. 1840-1860: Tin or wooden (soldiers, bow and arrow, marbles, train) To be acquired 500. ----
J.15 BOYS' CLOTHING, ca. 1840-1860: To include pants, jackets, shirts, collars To be acquired 400. ----
J.16 WALL SHELVES, ca. 1840-1860: Two-tiered shelf LIHO 549 ---- ----
J.17 TOY CHEST, ca. 1820-1860: Wooden box with lid LIHO 87 ---- ----
J.18 TABLE, ca. 1840-1860: Wooden table LIHO 75 ---- ----
J.19 WINDOW HANGINGS, ca. 1850-1860: Reproduction cloth shades and muslin curtains To be acquired
800. ----
J.20 CARPET, ca. 1850-1860: Reproduction rag To be acquired
1,000. ----
J.21 WALLPAPER, ca. 1850-1860: Reproduction To be acquired
2,000. ----

$ 6,350.

$ ----

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Last Updated: 08-Feb-2004