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Historic Furnishings Report
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See p. 320, for Summary of Furnishings and Cost Estimates.

Object: G.1 — Bedstead
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: High post bedstead.
Location: East wall.
Documentation: See pp. 120-125 for discussion of Lincoln beds. The stereoscopic view, labeled "Lincoln's bed," shows a high post spool turned oak bedstead in the "Elizabethan" style purchased by the Tiltons from the Lincolns. The location of this bed is now unknown; however, it is believed to have been destroyed along with the Tiltons' other furniture in the Chicago Fire.
Source: LIHO 57. An Empire style, carved, high post bed now in the Lincoln bedroom should be replaced when possible by a spool turned oak bed more closely resembling the Tilton one. To be acquired (antique).

Object: G.2 — Bedding and Bedclothes
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Mattress, two feather pillows, two sheets, two pillowcases, and a bolster.
Location: Bed.
Documentation: Period practice, see Eliza Leslie's Miss Leslie's Lady's House Book (pp. 316-317) and see pp. 98 and 144 for references to fabrics purchased and owned by the Lincolns.
Source: To be acquired (reproduction or antique).

Object: G.3 — Bedspread
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: A Marseilles quilt.
Location: Bed.
Documentation: The Lincolns' account with John Williams & Co. lists the purchase of a Marseilles quilt on February 9, 1853 (see p. 98).
Source: LIHO 808.

Object: G.4 — Three Books
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Location: Table.
Documentation: See pp. 48-52 for list of Lincoln's reading material.
Source: LIHO sources.

Object: G.5 — Springfield Newspapers and Other Assorted Papers
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description:
Location: Table.
Documentation: See pp. 48-52 for lists of Lincoln's reading material.
Source: To be acquired (reproduction).

Object: G.6 — Candlesticks
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: A pair, pressed glass.
Location: Bureau and writing table.
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: LIHO 299 and 300.

Object: G.7-8 — Three Razors
Date: ca. 1830-1860
Brief Description: Three long-handled shaving razors.
Location: Washstand.
Documentation: Period practice. Men usually had more than one razor.
Source: LIHO 341, two to be acquired (antique).

Object: G.9 — Razor Strap
Date: ca. 1830-1860
Brief Description: Wood and leather strop for sharpening longbladed razors.
Location: Washstand.
Documentation: Period practice, a part of standard shaving equipment.
Source: LIHO 1057.

Object: G.10-11 — Mug and Soap
Date: ca. 1830-1860
Brief Description: Small shaving mug with soap.
Location: Washstand.
Documentation: Period practice, a part of standard shaving equipment.
Source: LIHO 343, soap to be acquired (reproduction).

Object: G.12 — Shaving Brush
Date: ca. 1830-1860
Brief Description: Wooden handled brush with natural bristles.
Location: Washstand.
Documentation: Period practice, a part of standard shaving equipment.
Source: To be acquired (antique).

Object: G.13 — Patent Model
Date: ca. 1840
Brief Description: Wooden model.
Location: Mantelpiece.
Documentation: Copy of original patent model at the Smithsonian Institution, Museum of American History.
Source: To be acquired (reproduction).

Object: G.14 — Shaving Mirror
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Mahogany veneered oval mirror with scroll-cut decoration and shelf.
Location: West wall (between windows, above washstand).
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: LIHO 69, which has a tradition of Lincoln ownership, although it is not well documented, would be appropriate.

Object: G.15 — Toilet Set to include Wash Bowl, Pitcher, Soap Dish, and Chamber Pot
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Ironstone, white, a matched set.
Location: Washstand. The chamber pot should be placed in the washstand cupboard. Chamber pots would be in sight only during the night.
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: To be acquired (antique).

Object: G.16 — Footbath
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Tin.
Location: Near washstand.
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: LIHO 332.

Object: G.17 — Slop Bucket
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Tin.
Location: Near washstand.
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: LIHO 331.

Object: G.18 — Water Can
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Tin.
Location: Near washstand.
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: LIHO 333.

Object: G.19 — Towel Horse
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Wood, turned, of local manufacture.
Location: Near washstand.
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: LIHO 68.

Object: G.20 — Bureau
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Late Empire style, mahogany bureau, with upper tier of three small drawers on a body of four drawers.
Location: Northeast corner.
Documentation: See pp. 128-133 for discussion of Lincoln bureaus.
Source: LIHO 1122.

Object: G.21 — Wardrobe
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Double door, walnut wardrobe.
Location: South wall, to the west of door from hall.
Documentation: See pp. 137-138 for discussion of Lincoln wardrobes. Wardrobe, LIHO 58, is well documented, having descended in the Melvin family along with its original bill of sale from Lincoln to Dr. Samuel Melvin.
Source: LIHO 58.

Object: G.22 — Washstand
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Washstand with drawer and double doors beneath, "Elizabethan" or Cottage style marble top.
Location: West wall, between windows.
Documentation: A washstand of this description appears in the 1865 stereoscope view of the Tiltons' parlor bedchamber with the label "Lincoln's washstand" (see p. 119).
Source: LIHO 90.

Object: G.23 — Side Chairs (2)
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Late Empire style, with cane seats.
Location: In front of the table in the northwest corner and in front of north window (near east wall).
Documentation: Two chairs appear in the illustrations of the Tilton parlor chamber. The Tilton room arrangement is likely to have been similar to the Lincolns'.
Source: LIHO 31 and 32.

Object: G.24 — Table
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Small, round pedestal table (3' diameter) or small rectangular table.
Location: Northwest corner of room.
Documentation: Period practice. A table for writing purposes, holding books, etc., is likely to have been in the bedroom. The Waud drawing of the Tilton bedroom pictures such a table. Lincoln's lap desk (see p. 136) should be placed upon this table.
Source: To be acquired (antique).

Object: G.25 — Table Cover
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Green baize table cover, approximately 3'6" x 4' or 3'6" in diameter.
Location: On the small table in northwest corner.
Documentation: Period practice. Green baize table covers were commonly used to provide a writing surface and protect the table.
Source: To be acquired (reproduction).

Object: G.26 — Mirror
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Wooden, ogee molded frame, approximately 2-1/2' high x 1-1/2' wide.
Location: Over bureau.
Documentation: Period practice. Miss Leslie wrote in 1850 that small movable looking glasses were "now much out of favor." A large glass hung upon the wall was preferred. A mirror appears over the bureau in the Tilton parlor chamber (see pp. 119-120).
Source: LIHO 61.

Object: G.27 — Two Prints
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: A pair of rectangular ogee molded walnut frames, approximately 18" high x 12" wide; subject matter should be historical or political figures.
Location: Over fireplace, hung with picture cord from picture.
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: LIHO 325, 326.

Object: G.28 — Bootjack
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Wooden bootjack with extended handle.
Location: Near wardrobe.
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: LIHO 334.

Object: G.29 — Two Dresser Scarves
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: White fringed cloths.
Location: On the bureau and washstand.
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: To be acquired (antique).

Object: G.30 — Lap Desk
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Walnut writing desk.
Location: Table.
Documentation: Period practice. A lap desk is the kind of personal item often located in the bedroom.
Source: LIHO 308. (See p. 136 for the provenance of this lap desk with a history of Lincoln ownership.)

Object: G.31 — Stove
Date: ca. 1840-1860
Brief Description: Cast-iron, wood-fueled, heating stove.
Location: In front of the fireplace so that the stovepipe can be connected to the chimney flue.
Documentation: Period practice. The March 9, 1861 Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper drawing shows a parlor stove in the front parlor and Mr. Lincoln wrote two small checks to Springfield stove merchants in 1859. (See p. 119.) These references show that stoves were in use in the house, although there is no evidence to indicate the number of stoves in use.
Source: LIHO 330.

Object: G.32 — Shovel, Tongs, Stand
Date: 1850-1860
Brief Description: Iron and brass.
Location: Set by stove.
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: LIHO 327, 328, 329.

Object: G.33 — Hearth Brush
Date: 1850-1860
Brief Description: Wooden hearth brush with natural bristles.
Location: In the fire tool stand (LIHO 327).
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: To be acquired (antique).

Object: G.34 — Collar Box and Collars
Date: 1850-1860
Brief Description: Circular wooden or cardboard box, approximately 6 inches to 8 inches in diameter and 2-1/2 inches to 3-1/2 inches high containing linen, starched and pressed collars.
Location: Bureau top.
Documentation: Period practice.
Source: To be acquired (antique if possible).

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Last Updated: 08-Feb-2004