Minuteman Missile
Historic Resource Study
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Section I — The Cold War and National Armament

Chapter 2:
U.S. Strategic Missile and Armament Systems (1950s—60s) (continued)
Gardner, Schriever
Plate 5. Air Force Assistant Secretary for Research and Development Trevor Gardner (left) and Major General Bernard Schriever (right)—two champions in the development of the ICBM (Courtesy U.S. Air Force, History Division)

Plate 6. Cutaway drawing of an Atlas D ICBM. Later Atlas E and F missiles used the same airframe but added more powerful engines (John C. Lonnquest and David F. Winkler, To Defend and Deter: The Legacy of the United States Cold War Missile Program (Washington, D.C.: Department of Defense, Legacy Resource Management Program, 1996), 210)

Plate 7. Drawing of Titan I, the United States' first two-stage ICBM (Lonnquest and Winkler, To Defend and Deter: The Legacy of the United States Cold War Missile Program, 228)

Titan I missile with crew
Plate 8. Titan I missile with crew (Photograph No. B-13-026-2, "Guided Missiles—Martin Titan," U.S. Air Force Photo, Record Group 342, National Archives, College Park, Md.)

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Last Updated: 19-Nov-2003