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Appendix (continued)

Trees and Shrubs

This list contains all the species of trees and shrubs reliably reported from the park as of November 1971. It excludes non-native species that are persisting at old homesites but have not become established in the wild. The list was supplied by Peter M. Mazzeo, of the National Herbarium, and Charles E. Stevens, of Charlottesville, Virginia. Common names of trees conform to the Forest Service Check List of Native and Naturalized Trees of the United States. Most common names of shrubs follow George A. Petrides' A Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs, 1958. Scientific names follow Gray's Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States, 8th Edition, 1950.

Habitat symbols: 1 oak, oak-hickory forest; 2 cove hardwoods; 3 hemlock, hemlock-white pine groves; 4 oak-pine forest; 5 birch-maple forest; 6 wooded streams, stream margins, boggy places; 7 fields, road shoulders; 8 shrubby abandoned fields; 9 shrub swamp; 10 open cliffs, rock outcrops; 11 shaded cliffs, rock outcrops

Occurrence symbols: C common; U uncommon; R rare

Form symbols: S shrub; T tree

Common NameScientific NameHabitats OccurenceForm

American YewTaxus canadensis3, 11US
Balsam FirAbies balsamea5, 11UT
Eastern HemlockTsuga canadensis1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11CT
Red SprucePicea rubens3, 5, 11UT
Eastern White PinePinus strobus1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11CT
Shortleaf PinePinus echinata1UT
Virginia ("Scrub") PineP. virginiana4, 7, 8CT
Pitch PineP. rigida1, 4, 7, 8, 11CT
Table-Mountain PineP. pungens1, 4, 7, 8, 11CT
Eastern RedcedarJuniperus virginiana7, 8, 10CT
Black WillowSalix nigra6CT or S
Coastal Plain WillowS. caroliniana2UT
Prairie WillowS. humilis7, 8, 10CS
Silky WillowS. sericea2, 6US
Quaking AspenPopulus tremuloides1, 4UT
Bigtooth AspenP. grandidentata1, 4, 10UT
Eastern CottonwoodP. deltoides7UT
Sweet-fernComptonia peregrina4, 8, 10CS
ButternutJuglans cinerea2CT
Black WalnutJ. nigra2UT
Bitternut HickoryCarya cordiformis2UT
Shagbark HickoryC. ovata1, 2CT
Mockernut HickoryC. tomentosa1CT
Pignut HickoryC. glabra1, 2CT
Sweet Pignut Hickory1C. ovalis1, 2CT
American HazelnutCorylus americana6, 8CS
Beaked HazelnutC. cornuta1, 2CS
Eastern HophornbeamOstrya virginiana2, 5CT
American Hornbeam ("Ironwood")Carpinus caroliniana6CT
Sweet ("Black") BirchBetula lenta1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11CT
Yellow BirchB. alleghaniensis (B. lutea)2, 3, 5, 6, 11CT
Gray BirchB. populifolia8, 9C (locally)T
Paper BirchB. papyrifera5, 11UT
Speckled AlderAlnus rugosa6RS
Hazel AlderA. serrulata6, 9 CS
American BeechFagus grandifolia2UT
American ChestnutCastanea dentata1, 4CT (sprouts)
Allegheny OhinquapinC. pumila1US or T
White OakQuercus alba1, 2CT
Post OakQ. stellata1UT
Chestnut OakQ. prinus1, 4, 10, 11CT
Northern Red OakQ. rubra1, 2, 5, 11CT
Scarlet OakQ. coccinea1, 4CT
Black OakQ. velutina1CT
Bear ("Scrub") OakQ. ilicifolia4, 10CS or T
Blackjack OakQ. marilandica1, 4UT or S
Shingle OakQ. imbricaria1RT
American ElmUlmus americana2, 6UT
Slippery ElmU. rubra2, 6UT
HackberryCeltis occidentalis6, 8, 10US or T
Red MulberryMorus rubra2, 8CT
Umbrella MagnoliaMagnolia tripetala2UT
Yellow-poplar ("Tuliptree")Liriodendron tulipifera1, 2CT
SassafrasSassafras albidum4, 7, 8CT
Common SpicebushLindera benzoin2, 6CS
Wild HydrangeaHydrangea arborescens1, 2, 5, 11CS
Roundleaf GooseberryRibes rotundifolium1, 5, 10, 11CS
Witch-hazelHamamelis virginiana1, 2, 4, 5, 11CS or T
American SycamorePlatanus occidentalis6CT
NinebarkPhysocarpus opulifolius5, 10, 11CS
Broadleaf SpiraeaSpiraea latifolia9, 10US
Dwarf SpiraeaS. corymbosa1, 10, 11CS
Common ApplePyrus malus7, 8CT
American CrabappleP. coronaria8US or T
Red ChokeberryP. arbutifolia6US or T
Black ChokeberryP. melanocarpa4, 10CS or T
American Mountain-ashSorbus americana10UT or S
Downy ServiceberryAmelanchier arborea1, 4, 10CT or S
Allegheny ServiceberryA. laevis1, 8UT or S
HawthornCrataegus spp.7, 8CS or T
ThimbleberryRubus odoratus5, 11CS
Wine RaspberryR. phoenicolasius8US
Black RaspberryR. occidentalis6, 8CS
BlackberryR. allegheniensis6, 7, 8, 11CS
Swamp RoseRosa palustris6, 9US
Carolina RoseR. carolina8, 10CS
American PlumPrunus americana8US or T
Common PeachP. persica7, 8UT
Pin ("Fire") CherryP. pensylvanica4, 8US or T
Mazzard ("Sweet Cherry")P. avium8UT
Black CherryP. serotina1, 2, 8CT
Common ChokecherryP. virginiana1, 5, 11CS or T
Eastern RedbudCercis canadensis2CT
Black LocustRobinia pseudoacacia1, 7, 8, 10CT
Common HoptreePtelea trifoliata2, 10RS or T
Altanthus ("Tree-of-heaven")Ailanthus altissima8CT
Staghorn SumacRhus typhina7, 8CS or T
Smooth SumacR. glabra7, 8CS or T
Shining ("Winged") SumacR. copallina7, 8CS
Fragrant SumacR. aromatica10RS
Poison IvyR. radicans1, 2, 11CS
Poison OakR. toxicodendron10US
Mountain Winterberry ("Holly")Ilex montana5, 10, 11CS or T
Common WinterberryI. verticillata6CS
Mountain MapleAcer spicatum5, 11US or T
Striped MapleA. pensylvanicum5, 11CT
Sugar MapleA. saccharum2, 3, 5CT
Red MapleA. rubrum1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10CT
New Jersey TeaCeanothus americanus1, 10CS
American BasswoodTilia americana2, 5CT
White BasswoodT. heterophylla2, 5CT
Shrubby St. John's-wortHypericum spathulatum6US
LeatherwoodDirca palustris2RS
Black Tupelo (Blackgum)Nyssa sylvatica1, 4CT
Flowering DogwoodCornus florida1, 2, 8CT
Roundleaf DogwoodC. rugosa5RS
Red-panicle DogwoodC. racemosa8US
Alternate-leaf DogwoodC. alternifolia2, 5, 8CS or T
Rosebay RhododendronRhododendron maximum6RS or T
Catawba RhododendronR. catawiense6, 11US or T
Pinxter-flowerR. nudiflorum1, 4, 6CS
Early AzaleaR. roseum1, 4, 10CS
Minnie-bushMenziesia pilosa1, 4, 10CS
Mountain-laurelKalmia latifolia1, 3, 4, 10, 11CS or T
MaleberryLyonia ligustrina4, 6, 9US
Black HuckleberryGaylussacia baccata1, 4, 10CS
Tall DeerberryVaccinium stamineum1, 4, 10CS
Early Low BlueberryV. vacillans1, 4, 10CS
Late Low BlueberryV. angustifolium1, 4, 10CS
Southern Low BlueberryV. pallidum1, 4, 10CS
Common Highbush BlueberryV. corymbosum1, 6CS
Common PersimmonDiospyros virginiana7, 8CT
White AshFraxinus americana2, 11CT
Black AshF. nigra9RT
Royal Paulownia ("Princess-tree")Paulownia tomentosa7UT
Common ButtonbushCephalanthus occidentalis6, 9US2
Northern Bush-honeysuckleDiervilla lonicera10, 11CS
Canada HoneysuckleLonicera canadensis3, 6US
Japanese HoneysuckleL. japonica2, 6, 8CVine
CoralberrySymphoricarpos orbiculatus7, 8CS
BlackhawViburnum prunifolium1, 2, 6, 11CS or T
Shortstalk ArrowwoodV. rafinesquianum10US
Southern ArrowwoodV. dentatum6US
Northern ArrowwoodV. recognitum6US
Mapleleaf ViburnumV. acerifolium1, 2, 3, 11CS
Common ElderberrySambucus canadensis6, 8, 9, 11CS
Red-berried ElderSambucus pubens2, 5, 6, 11CS

1Not recognized as a species in F.S. Check List.
2Classed as a tree in F.S. Check List.

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