The Excavation and Repair of Betatakin
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Plate 11. A (top), The northeast wall of Court 24, at the left, before restoration. B (bottom), Two-story Room 66 and near-by buildings stand at the extreme right.

Plate 12. A (top), The wattled northeast wall of Court 28, from the west. B (bottom), Navajo Indian repairing the wattled wall of Court 24.

Plate 13. A (top), Willows, cedar bark, and sand made a new roof for Room 31. B (bottom), Room 44, from the west; beyond, the lower seepage zone and trail.

Plate 14. A (top), Repairing the south wall of Room 48, view taken from Room 47. B (bottom), The northeast wall of Court 45 ended in a channel, pecked in the cliff.

Plate 15. A (top), The central house cluster, from Room 75, in the middle distance, two men stand in Room 51. B (bottom), Blown sand soon settled on the bared seepage zone above the main cross-cave trail.

Plate 16. A (top), The northwest wall of Rooms 64-65 (which later collapsed) with beam holes marking the floor level of the second-story chamber. B (bottom), Many Betatakin walls were erected upon such shallow, pecked steps as these, at the southeast end of Rooms 101-102.

Plate 17. A (top), Platform 58 and Room 59 stand above the sloping sites of Rooms 57 and 60. B (bottom), At the right, new wall rests await reconstruction of Rooms 60 and 64.

Plate 18. A (top), Reconstructing the northeast wall of Room 60. B (bottom), The partially restored walls of Rooms 56, 57, and 60.

Plate 19. A (top), The upper east house group before excavation. Room 78 shows prominently in the middle distance. B (bottom), Rooms 78-81, after restoration. In the right foreground, the repaired west wall of Rooms 76-77.

Plate 20. A (top), Houses of the northeast group had been demolished by huge blocks of fallen sandstone as this view, from Room 81, plainly shows. B (bottom), In the foreground, the restored walk fronting Rooms 78-81; at the lower left, the side walls of Rooms 76-77.

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Last Updated: 26-Jun-2008