The Excavation and Repair of Betatakin
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Plate 31. A (top), Metate or mealing stone. B (bottom), Manos, or hand stones, used on metates (for description see text).

Plate 32. Axes, mauls, and smoothing stones (for description see text).

Plate 33. Drilled oak board and billets of cottonwood (for description see text).

Plate 34. Cottonwood staves, oak digging sticks, and willow potrests (for description see text).

Plate 35. Miscellaneous artifacts of wood (for description see text).

Plate 36. Drill, wooden awls, spindle shafts, and whorls (for description see text).

Plate 37. Toothed implements and cord-wrapped sticks (for description see text).

Plate 38. Bone awls and scxrapers (for description see text).

Plate 39. Brushes, cord, and cotton rags (for description see text).

Plate 40. Twilled sandals (1 and 2 show the same specimen, to and bottom views) (for description see text).

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Last Updated: 26-Jun-2008