Nez Perce
Forlorn Hope: The Battle of White Bird Canyon
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White Bird Canyon
Figure 17. Looking north from the battleground. (NPS)

White Bird Canyon
Figure 18. Perry temporarily succeeded in posting men on these bluffs during the retreat. (NPS)

White Bird Canyon
Figure 19. (A) Perry and Trimble reached the top of the west wall by ascending one of these bluffs. (B) Ravine where Theller and his detachment fought a losing battle. (NPS)

White Bird Canyon
Figure 20. (A) While Perry and Trimble ascended the west wall, (B) Parnell followed the road back up the canyon. (NPS)

White Bird Canyon
Figure 21. The burial party found Sergeant Gunn propped up by this hawthorne tree. (NPS)

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Last Updated: 09-Mar-2003