Nez Perce
Forlorn Hope: The Battle of White Bird Canyon
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Chapter XIII:

1. Accounts of Maggie Manuel Bowman in Grangeville Free Press, April 1, 1903; the Walla Walla Union Bulletin, January 23, 1944; Defenbach, Idaho, 1, pp. 415-19; and North Idaho, pp. 54-55, 29-30.

2. Patrick Brice, "The Nez Perce Outbreak," Idaho World, September 14, 1871, p. 2.

3. C. A. Sears, "Letter from Mount Idaho," Idaho Tri-weekly Statesman, July 7, 1877, p. 3.

4. Helen Howard, Saga of Chief Joseph, fn. 6, pp. 156-57.

5. Letter from Poe to Alonzo Leland, July 19, 1877, Lewiston Teller, July 28, 1877, p. 1.

6. Brown, Flight of the Nez Perce, p. 113.

7. Helen Howard, Saga, fn. 6, p. 156.

8. W. H. Cone, "Shite Bird Battle," p. 6.

9. Lewiston Teller, July 28, 1877, p. 4.

10. Henry Buck, "The Nez Perce Indian War of 1877" (Montana Historical Society, Helena, Montana).

11. C. P. Stranahan, "Taciturn Chief Joseph Refuses to Discuss War," The Idaho Statesman, June 18, 1933, section 2, p. 4; Bailey, River of No Return, p. 190.

12. "Stories about Indians as told by Chief Peo-Peo Tah-likt [Band of Geese] to Sam Lott (Many Wounds), February 25, 1935" (Typed carbon, Washington State University Archives, Pullman, Washington).

13. Popham, "From the Scene of Hostilities," Lewiston Teller, June 30, 1877, p. 1; Statements of Popham, October 23, 1888, and August 13, 1890, Manuel 3496.

14. Statement of Manuel, May 26, 1888, Manuel 3496.

15. For example, see Bailey, p. 188.

16. Bunker in Winners of the West, p. 8; Statement of George Popham, August 13, 1890, Manuel 3496; Elfers, North Idaho, p. 451; Statement of Catherine Cleary, April 16, 1888, Cleary 2723; Statement of Isabella Robie, November 9, 1889, Robie 10557; Elsensohn, Pioneer Days, 1, p. 528; Statement of Jennie Bunker, July 20, 1898, Bunker 9816, p. 37; Statement of Patrick Brice, November 23, 1897, Anaconda, Montana, Brice 7427.

17. Statement of Arthur Chapman, November 23, 1886, and March 21, 1890, Chapman 1102.

18. Defenbach, Idaho, 3, p. 386; Elsensohn, Pioneer Days, 1, pp. 273-74.

19. "Theodore Swarts," North Idaho, p. 474; Twenty-Seventh Biennial Report of the Secretary of the State of Idaho, p. 73; Faxon, "Survivor of Nez Perce War," Winners of the West 14 (February, 1937), p. 7.

20. Hear Me, pp. 255, 374, 524; A. I. Chapman, "More of the Murderers," Lewiston Teller, February 23, 1878, p. 2; Beale, "I Will Fight No More Forever", p. 216.

21. William J. Ghent, "Joseph," in Dictionary of American Biography (New York, 1943), 10, p. 219; Hear Me, p. 230, fn. 12, p. 241; Yellow Wolf, p. 18, fn. 10, p. 44; Robert H. Ruby, "First Account of Nez Perce War by Man Who Went: Josiah Red Wolf," Inland Empire Magazine, November 17, 1963, pp. 2-3.

22. Muster Rolls of Companies F and H, 1877-1879; Registry of Enlistments, 1875, 1876; McCarthy, "Jim Shay," in "Journal."

23. Letter from E. Beck to Secretary of War, March 15, 1890, Grangeville; letter from McClure to Chief Quartermaster of the Department of the Columbia, November 15, 1890, Fort Walla Walla; and List of Remains of Soldiers and Others Disinterred in Post Cemetery at Fort Lapwai by Second Lieutenant N. F. McClure, c. November 15. 1890, General Correspondence, Military Cemeteries File, RG 92.

24. McCarthy, "White Bird Monument," in "Journal," 123-24; Eleventh Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the State Historical Society of Idaho (Boise, 1928), p. 65.

25. Letter from Lt. Col. Medical Corps to Adjutant General USA, August 20, 1910, San Francisco, ACP File of William Russell Parnell.

26. Records of Proceedings of a Board to Retire Disabled Officers, Case of Captain J. G. Trimble, 1st Cavalry, August 6, 1879, Presidio of San Francisco; Obituary of Joel Graham Trimble, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Circular No. 33, Series of 1911, San Francisco, California, ACP File of Joel Graham Trimble.

27. Heitman, 1, p. 785; Letter from Capt. M. A. DeLaney to Adjutant General USA, May 18, 1908, ACP File of David Perry.

28. Registry of Enlistments, 1874; Letter from McCarthy to Secretary of War, March 22, 1880, Walla Walla, Medal of Honor File, Case of Michael McCarthy; Biographical notes on inside cover of McCarthy, "Journal."

29. Kirkwood, Nez Perce Indian War, p. 7; "Idaho County Marks Site of Nez Perce Battleground," The Idaho Statesman, September 4, 1927, section 3, p. 2.

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