Nez Perce
Forlorn Hope: The Battle of White Bird Canyon
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Chapter VI:

1. Obituary of David Perry, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of United States, Circular No. 16, Series of 1908, Washington, D. C., ACP File of David Perry, Records of the Office of the Adjutant General, Record Group 94, National Archives. Hereafter cited as ACP. Heitman, Historical Register, 1, p. 785.

2. George W. Webb, Chronological List of Engagements Between the Regular Army of the United States and Various Tribes of Hostile Indians Which Occurred During the Years 1790 to 1898, Inclusive (St. Joseph, 1939), pp. 27-28, 36, 64; Perry Obituary, ACP; Heitman, 1, p. 885; Perry, "The First and Second Battles in the Lava Beds, and the Capture of Captain Jack," in North Western Fights and Fighters, pp. 291-304.

3. Letter from Creek to Assistant Adjutant General, Department of the Columbia, March 27, 1868, Camp Warner, Oregon, letter 1024. Letters received, 1878, DC.

4. O. O. Howard, Nez Perce, p. 88.

5. Account of Angie B. Bowden in Hear Me, fn 3, p. 232.

6. Brown, Flight of the Nez Perce, p. 118.

7. "Idaho County Marks Sites of Nez Perce Battleground," The Idaho Statesman, September 4, 1927, section 3, p. 2; Letter from Theller to Board of Examiners, April 21, 1867, San Francisco, ACP File of Edward Russell Theller.

8. Heitman, 1, p. 952, Letter from Theller to Secretary of War W. W. Belknap, May 3, 1870, San Francisco, ACP.

9. O. O. Howard, p. 90.

10. Brown, pp. 121-22.

11. Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman, June 23, 1877, p. 1.

12, Muster Roll of Company F of the First Cavalry, April 30 to June 30, 1877.

13. Registry of Enlistments, 1873; List of Remains of Soldiers and Others Disinterred in Post Cemetery at Fort Lapwai by Second Lieutenant N. F. McClure, c. November 15, 1890, General Correspondence, Military Cemeteries File, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, Record Group 92, National Archives.

14. Company F Muster Roll.

15. Letter from Jones to Howard, May 14, 1877, Fort Lapwai, Letters Received, Fort Lapwai, Record Group 98, National Archives; Account of John Schorr in Hear Me, fn. 21, p. 246; Registry of Enlistments, 1869.

16. Company F Muster Roll.

17. The government furnished transportation for Alice Hurlbert and the children. The cost was $400, and the Army made arrangements to deduct $10 per month from Hurlbert's pay until the debt had been satisfied. This meant that Hurlbert received only $3 per month in wages. "Soldier Life and Death," New York Times, July 12, 1877, p. 2; The Idaho Avalanche (Silver City), August 4, 1877, p. 2.

18. Registry of Enlistments, 1869; Statements of Parnell and McCarthy, CI, pp. 72, 83. There is no available data on Levi Buckner, and, therefore, the generalizations are based on the records of 48 men.

19. Obituary of Joel Graham Trimble, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Circular No. 33, Series of 1911, San Francisco, California, ACP File of Joel Graham Trimble; Will J. Trimble, "A Soldier of the Oregon Frontier," The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society 8 (1907), pp. 42-43.

20. Military History of Joel G. Trimble, April 29, 1879, ACP.

21. Will Trimble, p. 43; Letter from Trimble to Senator John S. Fowler, c. March, 1867, ACP.

22. Military History of Trimble; Trimble letter c. March, 1867; Heitman, 1, p. 970; Will Trimble, p. 43.

23. Keith A. Murray, The Modocs and Their War (Norman, 1959), p. 270. For more information on Trimble in the Modoc War see his accounts "The Country They Marched and Fought over," "The Killing of the Commissioners," and "Carrying a Stretcher Through the Lava-Beds" in Northwestern Fights and Fighters," pp. 281-85, 286-90, 314-19.

24. Will Trimble, p. 44; Muster Roll of Company H.

25. Michael McCarthy, "Journal" (Journals and Papers of Michael McCarthy, Library of Congress), p. 102.

26. Brown, p. 120; Certificate of Disability, Case of Captain Trimble, October 28, 1877, ACP.

27. Obituary of William Russell Parnell, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Circular No. 29, Series of 1910, San Francisco, August 27, 1910, ACP File of William Parnell.

28. Military Record of Captain William Russell Parnell, Appendix B, Proceedings of Retiring Board, April 1, 1885, ACP. Letter from Parnell to Secretary of War, February 19, 1894, San Francisco, Medal of Honor File 3310, Case of Captain William Russell Parnell, Record Group 94, National Archives; William R. Parnell, "Recollections of 1861," The United Service 13 (1885) pp. 264-70; Parnell Obituary; Heitman, 2, p. 771.

29. Statement of Major Thomas McGregor, February 27, 1885, Appendix G, and statement of General George Crook, March 2, 1885, Appendix H, in Retirement Board Proceedings; Memorandum of the Service of Captain W. R. Parnell in Indian Campaigns, c. 1885, ACP; General Orders 32, Department of the Columbia, November 1, 1867; Webb, pp. 33, 36.

30. Statement of Assistant Surgeon Ezra Woodruff, March 23, 1885, and statement of Assistant Surgeon G. E. Bushnell, April 1, 1885, Appendix C, Retirement Board Proceedings; Letter from Parnell to Adjutant General USA, January 14, 1871, Camp Harney Oregon, ACP.

31. Letter from McCarthy to Howard, September 10, 1897, San Francisco, Medal of Honor File, Case of First Sergeant Michael McCarthy, RG 94.

32. footnote missing.

33. Registry of Enlistments, 1869, 1874; McCarthy, "Army Sketches," (Journals and Papers of Michael McCarthy, Library of Congress).

34. Company H Muster Roll.

35. Registry of Enlistments, 1869-1876; Statements of Parnell and McCarthy, CI, pp. 64, 83-84.

36. Registry of Enlistments, 1873. Unnumbered essay on James Shay found in McCarthy, "Journal."

37. Registry of Enlistments, 1876; McCarthy, "Journal," p. 80.

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