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11. Reconstruction of the Davis power plant at Diablo. The water wheel is said to be original. The Seattle City Light Department preserves this structure. NPS Photo

12. Ruins of Tommy Rowland's homestead east of Ross Lake. NPS Photo

13. All that is left of the John McMillan homestead on Big Beaver Creek. His grave site is nearby. NPS Photo

14. Gilbert Landre's cabin (locally called Gilbert's) on the North Fork, Cascade River. Photographed by Harry Wills

15. Kronk Cabin, Stehekin Valley. At one time this building served as the community school. NPS Photo

16. Two sketches of Horton's cabin drawn by Alfred Downing on a visit to Stehekin in 1889. Horton was one of the early settlers in the area. Courtesy, Washington State Historical Society

17. Field's Hotel, Stehekin. M. E. Field opened this hotel in 1900. At first it had only 24 rooms, but by 1910 could accommodate 100 guests. Photograph by Asahel Curtis. Courtesy, Washington State Historical Society (Curtis 7786)

18. The first Lady of the Lake on Lake Chelan, 1914. One of the present-day boats has the same name. Courtesy, Washington State Historical Society (Curtis 30042)

19. The present Lady of the Lake on Lake Chelan. NPS Photo

20. Seattle Skagit River Railway trestle across the mouth of Thornton Creek. The tracks are gone, but considerable evidence remains of the railroad. NPS Photo

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Last Updated: 11-Jun-2008